Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sara Haslam

48 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 22:20:13 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Haslam, Sara; Miller, Jesse and Cantwell-Jurkovic, Laureen (2024). The Flow of Comfort: Bibliotherapy, the History of Literary Caregiving, and the Academic Library Today. In: Cantwell-Jurkovic, Laureen P. ed. Intersections in Healing: Academic Libraries and the Health Humanities. Medical Library Association Books. Lanham, Maryland, US: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 63–82.

2023To Top

Haslam, Sara (2023). A New Era: Magic, Meaning, Memory and Modernism in Ford Madox Ford's Letters. In: Ford Madox Ford: at the dawn of an era, 9-10 Nov 2023, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon.

Haslam, Sara (2023). Ford Madox Ford. In: Schwartz, Carol A. ed. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, 434. Farmington Hills, MI, US: Gale, pp. 1–152.

2022To Top

Haslam, Sara (2022). Losing and Finding Balance: Food as Fordian Diagnostic. Last Post: A literary journal from the Ford Madox Ford Society, 1(5) pp. 47–58.

Haslam, Sara (2022). Biography of a wartime 'miracle': women's literary caregiving 1914 to 1918. In: 3rd Joint GOTH-Health & Wellbeing NetWorkshop, 3 Feb 2022, Online.

Haslam, Sara (2022). The Case of the Missing Cromwell: Ford Madox Ford, Art, Life and Letters in 1899. Last Post: A literary journal from the Ford Madox Ford Society, 1(8 & 9) pp. 57–85.

2021To Top

2020To Top

Haslam, Sara ed. (2020). The Complete Works Evelyn Waugh: Helena. Volume 11. The Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh, 11. UK: Oxford University Press.

Haslam, Sara (2020). The Other in Ford's Making: Elsie, Fiction and Collaboration. In: Brasme, Isabelle ed. Homo Duplex: Ford Madox Ford's Experience and Aesthetics of Alterity. Present Perfect. Montpelier, France: PULM, pp. 21–42.

2019To Top

Haslam, Sara; Saunders, Max and Skinner, Paul (2019). Editing Ford. In: Haslam, Sara; Colombino, Laura and O'Malley, Seamus eds. The Routledge Research Companion to Ford Madox Ford. Routledge, pp. 441–460.

Haslam, Sara (2019). Ford Studies in the Twenty-first Century: Bibliography, Criticism and the Gaps on the Map. In: Haslam, Sara; Colombino, Laura and O'Malley, Seamus eds. The Routledge Companion to Ford Madox Ford. Routledge, pp. 1–22.

Haslam, Sara and Saunders, Max (2019). Ford's Letters. In: Haslam, Sara; Colombino, Laura and O'Malley, Seamus eds. The Routledge Research Companion to Ford Madox Ford. Routledge, pp. 25–38.

2018To Top

Haslam, Sara; Colombino, Laura and O'Malley, Seamus eds. (2018). The Routledge Research Companion to Ford Madox Ford. Routledge Research Companions. London and New York: Routledge.

2015To Top

Haslam, Sara (2015). Ford and gender. In: Chantler, Ashley and Hawkes, Rob eds. An Introduction to Ford Madox Ford. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 163–176.

Haslam, Sara (2015). Dowell and Dopamine: Information, Pleasure and Plot. In: Haslam, Sara and Saunders, Max eds. Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier: Centenary Essays. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 117–132.

Saunders, Max and Haslam, Sara eds. (2015). Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier: Centenary Essays. International Ford Madox Ford Studies, 14. Leiden and Boston: Brill.

2013To Top

Haslam, Sara (2013). Ford as Edwardian author: publishers, trends, markets. In: Colombino, Laura and Saunders, Max eds. The Edwardian Ford Madox Ford. International Ford Madox Ford Studies (12). Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, pp. 35–48.

2012To Top

Haslam, Sara (2012). “The moaning of the world” and the “words that bring me peace”: Modernism and the First World War. In: Piette, Adam and Rawlinson, Mark eds. The Edinburgh Companion to British and American War Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 47–57.

Haslam, Sara and Asbee, Sue eds. (2012). The Twentieth Century. Reading and Studying Literature, 3. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Haslam, Sara and O'Malley, Seamus eds. (2012). Ford Madox Ford and America. International Ford Madox Ford Studies, 11. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Haslam, Sara (2012). Introduction: "Dreaming Territory". In: Haslam, Sara and O'Malley, Seamus eds. Ford Madox Ford and America. International Ford Madox Ford Studies (11). Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 17–44.

2011To Top

Haslam, Sara ed. (2011). A Man Could Stand Up- by Ford Madox Ford. Parade's End, 3. Manchester: Carcanet.

2010To Top

Haslam, Sara (2010). Ford Madox Ford. In: Shaffer, Brian ed. The Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Fiction, Volume 1. Wiley-Blackwell.

2009To Top

Haslam, Sara and Neale, Derek (2009). Life writing. Abingdon: Routledge.

Haslam, Sara (2009). 'To Cook, or to Paint, in Paris? Ford in Colour'. In: Colombino, Laura ed. Ford Madox Ford and Visual Culture. International Ford Madox Ford Studies, 8. Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi, pp. 85–97.

Haslam, Sara (2009). Wessex, literary pilgrims and Thomas Hardy. In: Watson, Nicola ed. Literary Tourism and Nineteenth-Century Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 164–175.

2007To Top

Haslam, Sara (2007). Making a text the Fordian way: Between St Dennis and St George, propaganda and the first world war. In: Hammond, Mary and Towheed, Shafquat eds. Publishing in the First World War: Essays in Book History. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 202–214.

Haslam, Sara (2007). The prophet and the sceptic: George Eliot and Ford Madox Ford. In: Skinner, Paul ed. Ford Madox Ford's Literary Contacts. International Ford Madox Ford Studies, 6. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 49–62.

2006To Top

Haslam, Sara (2006). England and Englishness: Ford's first trilogy. In: Brown, Dennis and Plastow, Jenny eds. Ford Madox Ford and Englishness. International Ford Madox Ford Studies, 5 (5). Rodopi, pp. 47–62.

Haslam, Sara (2006). Ford Madox Ford: the good soldier. In: Bradshaw, David and Dettmar, Kevin J. H. eds. A Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 350–357.

2005To Top

Haslam, Sara ed. (2005). Ford Madox Ford and the city. International Ford Madox Ford Studies, 4. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.

Haslam, Sara (2005). Anton Chekhov: The Cherry Orchard. In: Brown, Richard and Gupta, Suman eds. Aestheticism and Modernism: Debating Twentieth-Century Literature 1900-1960. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp. 19–67.

Haslam, Sara and Saunders, Max (2005). Portraits of Cities: Ford Madox Ford; Three Essays from an Unfinished Work;. In: Haslam, Sara ed. Ford Madox Ford and the City. International Ford Madox Ford Studies (4). New York/London: Rodopi, pp. 211–234.

2003To Top

Haslam, Sara, ed. England and the English. By Madox Ford Ford (1905). Manchester, UK, Carcanet Press (2003).

Haslam, Sara (2003). Ford's training. In: Hampson, Robert and Saunders, Max eds. Ford Madox Ford's Modernity. International Ford Madox Ford Studies, 2. Amsterdam/New York, USA: Rodopi, pp. 35–46.

2002To Top

Haslam, Sara (2002). Fragmenting modernism: Ford Madox Ford, the novel and the Great War. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Haslam, Sara (2002). 'These fragments I have shored against my ruins': Memory and Modernism. In: Modernism and the Individual Talent: Re-Canonizing Ford Madox Ford, 25-27 Jun 1999, Munster, Westphalia, Germany.

Haslam, Sara (2002). An 'Historian's Methods'?: Between St Dennis and St George and the Language of Propaganda. In: Fortunati, Vita and Lamberti, Elena eds. Ford Madox Ford and "The Republic of Letters". Bologna, Italy: CLUEB, pp. 41–50.

2000To Top

Haslam, Sara (2000). Modern Knowledge and Ford's Modern Novel. Precursors and Aftermaths: Literature in English 1914-1945, 1(1) pp. 49–63.


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