Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Stephen Edwards

32 items in this list.
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Edwards, Steve (2006). The Making of English Photography, Allegories. Pennsylvania, USA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Edwards, Stephen (2006). Photography: A Very Short Introduction. Very Short Introductions. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Book SectionTo Top

Edwards, Steve (2015). Allan Sekula’s Chronotopes: Uneven and Combined Capitalism. In: Van Gelde, Hilde ed. Allan Sekula. Ship of Fools / The Dockers Museum. Leuven University Press, pp. 31–43.

Edwards, Steve (2014). Décor and Decorum in the 'Temple of Photography'. In: Arnold, Dana ed. Interdisciplinary Encounters: Hidden and Visible Explorations of the Work of Adrian Rifkin. IB Tauris, pp. 73–105.

Edwards, Stephen (2013). An 'Ever Recurring Controversy': John Thompson, W.J. Stillman and the Boot Blacks. In: Carter, Warren; Haran, Barnaby and Schwartz, Frederic J. eds. ReNew Marxist Art History. London: Art/Books.

Edwards, Stephen (2012). Una 'polemic recurrent': John Thompson, William James Stillman i els enllustradors de sabates. In: Ribalta, Jorge ed. Per Què La Fotografia Es Avui Més Important Com A Document Que Mai. Barcelona: The Private Space Books, pp. 71–103.

Edwards, Steve (2007). Allegorical photography. In: Hannavay, John ed. Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography, Volume 1. London: Routledge, pp. 27–29.

Edwards, Steve (2007). National survey: Great Britain. In: Hannavay, John ed. Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography, Volume 1. Routledge, pp. 606–614.

Edwards, Steve (2007). Robert Hunt. In: Hannavay, John ed. Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography, Volume 1. Routledge, pp. 731–732.

Edwards, Steve; Fusco, Maria and O, Steve (2007). William Lake Price and James Mudd: the shattered utopia. In: Gergley, Chris ed. Copy Work. Vancouver: Contemporary Art Gallery, pp. 9–21.

Edwards, Steve (2007). Societies, groups, institutions, and exhibitions in the United Kingdom. In: Hannavay, John ed. Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography, Volume 2. Routledge, pp. 1303–1307.

Edwards, Steve (2007). Un 'paia en el mundo del arte': Richter marcha artas. In: Green, David ed. ¿Que ha sisdo de la fotografia? Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, pp. 30–48.

Edwards, Steve (2006). Instantaneos de historia Passagens sobre o argumento pos-moderno. In: Nicolau, Ricardo ed. Fotografia Na Arte: De Ferramenta A Paradigma. Colecção de Arte Contemporânea Público Serralves (6). Porto: Fundação de Serralves, pp. 142–151.

Edwards, Steve (2005). Location, location, location: the place of provenance. In: Sheffield Hallam University and Showroom Cinema eds. Transmission: Speaking and Listening, Volume 4. Sheffield: Site Gallery, pp. 85–91.

Edwards, Steve (2004). The colonisation of Utopia. In: Mabb, David ed. William Morris. Manchester: Whitworth Art Gallery, pp. 12–40.

Edwards, Stephen (2003). A 'pariah in the world of art': Richter in Reverse Gear. In: Green, D.; Lowry, J. and Campany, D. eds. Where is the Photograph? Brighton, UK: Photoforum, pp. 31–46.

Edwards, Steve (2003). An interview with Martha Rosler. In: Campany, David ed. Art and Photography. London: Phaidon, p. 250.

Edwards, Steve (2002). Snapshooters of history: passages on the postmodern argument. In: Wells, Liz ed. The Photography Reader. Routledge, pp. 180–195.

Edwards, Stephen (2001). The accumulation of knowledge or, William Whewell's eye. In: Purbrick, Louise ed. The Great Exhibition of 1851: New Interdisciplinary Essays. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 26–52.

Edwards, Steve (1999). Art & language's doubt. In: Harrison, Charles ed. Art & Language in Practice,, Volume 2. Barcelona: Fundacio Antonio Tapie, pp. 101–107.

Journal ItemTo Top

Edwards, Stephen (2013). Beard Patentee: Daguerrotype Property and Authorship. Oxford Art Journal, 36(3) pp. 369–394.

Edwards, Steve (2013). 'Socialism and the Sea: Allan Sekula 1951-2013'. Radical Philosophy(182) pp. 61–65.

Edwards, Steve (2009). Apocalyptic Sublime: On the Brighton Photo-Biennial. Historical Materialism, 17(2) pp. 84–102.

Edwards, Steve (2007). ‘Poor Ass!’ (A Donkey in Blackpool, 1999). Oxford Art Journal, 30(1) pp. 39–54.

Edwards, Stephen (2007). Jeff Wall: introduction. Oxford Art Journal, 30(1) pp. 1–15.

Edwards, Steve (2006). Produkcija objektivnosti v fotografiji zgodnjega 19. stoletja. Borec: Revija Za Zgodivino, literaturo in antropologijo(LVIII) pp. 163–181.

Edwards, S. (2002). A scene in a library. History of Photography, 26(2) pp. 113–118.

Edwards, Steve (2001). Factory and fantasy in Andrew Ure. Journal of Design History, 14(1) pp. 17–33.

OtherTo Top

Edwards, Stephen (2007). Special Issue of Oxford Art Journal: Jeff Wall. In Oxford Art Journal Oxford University Press, UK.


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