Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Stephen Edwards

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Edwards, Steve (2015). Allan Sekula’s Chronotopes: Uneven and Combined Capitalism. In: Van Gelde, Hilde ed. Allan Sekula. Ship of Fools / The Dockers Museum. Leuven University Press, pp. 31–43.

Edwards, Steve (2014). Décor and Decorum in the 'Temple of Photography'. In: Arnold, Dana ed. Interdisciplinary Encounters: Hidden and Visible Explorations of the Work of Adrian Rifkin. IB Tauris, pp. 73–105.

Edwards, Stephen (2013). Beard Patentee: Daguerrotype Property and Authorship. Oxford Art Journal, 36(3) pp. 369–394.

Edwards, Stephen (2013). An 'Ever Recurring Controversy': John Thompson, W.J. Stillman and the Boot Blacks. In: Carter, Warren; Haran, Barnaby and Schwartz, Frederic J. eds. ReNew Marxist Art History. London: Art/Books.

Edwards, Steve (2013). 'Socialism and the Sea: Allan Sekula 1951-2013'. Radical Philosophy(182) pp. 61–65.

Edwards, Stephen (2012). Una 'polemic recurrent': John Thompson, William James Stillman i els enllustradors de sabates. In: Ribalta, Jorge ed. Per Què La Fotografia Es Avui Més Important Com A Document Que Mai. Barcelona: The Private Space Books, pp. 71–103.

Edwards, Steve (2009). Apocalyptic Sublime: On the Brighton Photo-Biennial. Historical Materialism, 17(2) pp. 84–102.

Edwards, Steve (2007). Allegorical photography. In: Hannavay, John ed. Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography, Volume 1. London: Routledge, pp. 27–29.

Edwards, Steve (2007). National survey: Great Britain. In: Hannavay, John ed. Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography, Volume 1. Routledge, pp. 606–614.

Edwards, Steve (2007). Robert Hunt. In: Hannavay, John ed. Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography, Volume 1. Routledge, pp. 731–732.

Edwards, Stephen (2007). Special Issue of Oxford Art Journal: Jeff Wall. In Oxford Art Journal Oxford University Press, UK.

Edwards, Steve (2007). ‘Poor Ass!’ (A Donkey in Blackpool, 1999). Oxford Art Journal, 30(1) pp. 39–54.

Edwards, Steve; Fusco, Maria and O, Steve (2007). William Lake Price and James Mudd: the shattered utopia. In: Gergley, Chris ed. Copy Work. Vancouver: Contemporary Art Gallery, pp. 9–21.

Edwards, Stephen (2007). Jeff Wall: introduction. Oxford Art Journal, 30(1) pp. 1–15.

Edwards, Steve (2007). Societies, groups, institutions, and exhibitions in the United Kingdom. In: Hannavay, John ed. Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography, Volume 2. Routledge, pp. 1303–1307.

Edwards, Steve (2007). Un 'paia en el mundo del arte': Richter marcha artas. In: Green, David ed. ¿Que ha sisdo de la fotografia? Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, pp. 30–48.

Edwards, Steve (2006). The Making of English Photography, Allegories. Pennsylvania, USA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Edwards, Stephen (2006). Photography: A Very Short Introduction. Very Short Introductions. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Edwards, Steve (2006). Produkcija objektivnosti v fotografiji zgodnjega 19. stoletja. Borec: Revija Za Zgodivino, literaturo in antropologijo(LVIII) pp. 163–181.

Edwards, Steve (2006). Instantaneos de historia Passagens sobre o argumento pos-moderno. In: Nicolau, Ricardo ed. Fotografia Na Arte: De Ferramenta A Paradigma. Colecção de Arte Contemporânea Público Serralves (6). Porto: Fundação de Serralves, pp. 142–151.

Edwards, Steve (2005). Location, location, location: the place of provenance. In: Sheffield Hallam University and Showroom Cinema eds. Transmission: Speaking and Listening, Volume 4. Sheffield: Site Gallery, pp. 85–91.

Edwards, Steve (2004). The colonisation of Utopia. In: Mabb, David ed. William Morris. Manchester: Whitworth Art Gallery, pp. 12–40.

Edwards, Stephen (2003). A 'pariah in the world of art': Richter in Reverse Gear. In: Green, D.; Lowry, J. and Campany, D. eds. Where is the Photograph? Brighton, UK: Photoforum, pp. 31–46.

Edwards, Steve (2003). An interview with Martha Rosler. In: Campany, David ed. Art and Photography. London: Phaidon, p. 250.

Edwards, Steve (2002). Snapshooters of history: passages on the postmodern argument. In: Wells, Liz ed. The Photography Reader. Routledge, pp. 180–195.

Edwards, S. (2002). A scene in a library. History of Photography, 26(2) pp. 113–118.

Edwards, Stephen (2001). The accumulation of knowledge or, William Whewell's eye. In: Purbrick, Louise ed. The Great Exhibition of 1851: New Interdisciplinary Essays. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 26–52.

Edwards, Steve (2001). Factory and fantasy in Andrew Ure. Journal of Design History, 14(1) pp. 17–33.

Edwards, Steve (1999). Art & language's doubt. In: Harrison, Charles ed. Art & Language in Practice,, Volume 2. Barcelona: Fundacio Antonio Tapie, pp. 101–107.


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