Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sara de Jong

34 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 14:11:15 2025 GMT.

2018To Top

de Jong, Sara (2018). Brokerage and transnationalism: present and past intermediaries, social mobility, and mixed loyalties. Identities: global studies in culture and power, 25(5) pp. 610–628.

de Jong, Sara and Dannecker, Petra (2018). Connecting and confronting transnationalism: bridging concepts and moving critique. Identities: global studies in culture and power, 25(5) pp. 493–506.

Severs, Eline and de Jong, Sara (2018). Preferable Minority Representatives: Brokerage and Betrayal. PS: Political Science & Politics, 51(2) pp. 345–350.

2017To Top

de Jong, Sara; Icaza, Rosalba; Vázquez, Rolando and Withaeckx, Sophie (2017). Editorial: Decolonising the University. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 20(3) pp. 227–231.

de Jong, Sara (2017). Refugees at Work: (Ent-)Wertung von Wissen im sozialen Sektor. In: Karasz, Lena ed. Migration und die Macht der Forschung : Kritische Wissenschaft in der Migrationsgesellschaft. ÖGB-Verlag.

de Jong, Sara (2017). Complicit Sisters: Gender and Women's Issues Across North-South Divides. Oxford Studies in Gender and International Relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

de Jong, Sara and Kimm, Susanne (2017). The co-optation of feminisms: a research agenda. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 19(2) pp. 185–200.

de Jong, Sara; Messinger, Irene; Schütze, Theresa and Valchars, Gerd (2017). Migrationsmanagement: Praktiken, Intentionen, Interventionen. Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, XXXIII(1) pp. 4–21.

de Jong, Sara and Dannecker, Petra (2017). Managing Migration with Stories? The IOM “i am a migrant” Campaign. Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, XXXIII(1) pp. 75–101.

2016To Top

de Jong, Sara (2016). Beyond Good News and Bad News: Narrating Gender in Political Science. Italian Political Science: The Professional Review of The Italian Political Science Association, 11(2)

de Jong, Sara (2016). Cultural Brokers in Post-Colonial Migration Regimes. In: Dhawan, Nikita; Fink, Elisabeth; Leinius, Johanna and Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu eds. Negotiating Normativity: Postcolonial Appropriations, Transformations and Contestations. Springer, pp. 45–59.

de Jong, Sara (2016). Mainstream(ing) has never run clean, perhaps never can: Gender in the Main/Stream of Development. In: Harcourt, Wendy ed. The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Development: Critical engagements in feminist theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 92–105.

2015To Top

2014To Top

Bracke, Sarah; de Jong, Sara; Koevoets, Sanne; van Leeuwen, Fleur and Oldersma, Jantine (2014). Crossing Gendered Borders. Amsterdam University Press.

de Jong, Sara; Koevoets, Sanne and van Leeuwen, Fleur (2014). Gendered Fortress Europe. Amsterdam University Press.

de Jong, Sara; Koevioets, Sanne and van Leeuwen, Fleur (2014). Editorial: Gendered Fortress Europe. Journal for Gender Studies / Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 17(2) pp. 105–113.

de Jong, Sara (2014). Diversity Politics and the Politics of Difference. In: Vieten, Ulrike M. ed. Revisiting Iris Marion Young on Normalisation, Inclusion and Democracy. Palgrave, pp. 87–105.

2013To Top

de Jong, Sara (2013). Intersectional global citizenship: gendered and racialized renderings. Politics, Groups and Identities, 1(3) pp. 402–416.

de Jong, Sara and Koevoets, Sanne eds. (2013). Teaching Gender with Libraries and Archives: The Power of Information. Teaching with Gender. European Women’s Studies in International and Interdisciplinary Classrooms, 10. Hungary: ATGENDER and Central European University Press.

Koevoets, Sanne and de Jong, Sara (2013). Introduction. In: de Jong, Sara and Koevoets, Sanne eds. Teaching Gender with Libraries and Archives: The Power of Information. Teaching with Gender. European Women’s Studies in International and Interdisciplinary Classrooms, 10. Hungary: ATGENDER, Central European University Press, pp. 1–10.

de Jong, Sara and Wieringa, Saskia (2013). The Library as Knowledge Broker. In: de Jong, Sara and Koevoets, Sara eds. Teaching Gender with Libraries and Archives: The Power of Information. Teaching with Gender. European Women’s Studies in International and Interdisciplinary Classrooms, 10. Hungary: ATGENDER, Central European University Press, pp. 13–30.

de Jong, Sara; Vriend, Tilly and Meulmeester, Gé (2013). Core feminist texts in Europe online: teaching with the FRAGEN database. In: de Jong, Sara and Koevoets, Sanne eds. Teaching Gender with Libraries and Archives: The Power of Information. CEU Press, pp. 76–86.

2012To Top

de Jong, Sara and Wieringa, Saskia (2012). Redactioneel – Oral history. Journal for Gender Studies / Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 2 pp. 2–4.

2011To Top

de Jong, Sara (2011). False Binaries: Altruism and Selfishness in NGO Work. In: Fechter, Anne-Meike and Hindman, Heather eds. Inside the Everyday Life of Development Workers: The Challenges and Futures of Aidland. Kumarian Press, pp. 21–40.

2009To Top


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