Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Stefan Holmes

17 items in this list.
Generated on Wed Sep 11 13:08:02 2024 BST.

BTo Top

Bloom, Joshua S.; Kasen, Daniel; Shen, Ken J.; Nugent, Peter E.; Butler, Nathaniel R.; Graham, Melissa L.; Howell, D. Andrew; Kolb, Ulrich; Holmes, Stefan; Haswell, Carole A.; Burwitz, Vadim; Rodriguez, Juan and Sullivan, Mark (2012). A compact degenerate primary-star progenitor of SN 2011fe. Astrophysical Journal, 744(2) L17.

Burwitz, V.; Henze, M.; Pietsch, W.; Holmes, S.; Kolb, U.; Haswell, C. A. and Rodriguez, J. (2011). H-alpha confirmation of two recent disc novae in M 31. The Astronomer's Telegram, 3499 p. 1.

Burwitz, V.; Pietsch, W.; Henze, M.; Updike, A.; Milne, P.; Williams, G.; Hartmann, D. H.; Rodriguez, J.; Holmes, S.; Kolb, U. and Lucas, R. (2010). Apparent Nova in M31: M31N 2010-01a. International Astronomical Union, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Burwitz, V; Rodriguez, J; Holmes, Stefan; Kolb, Ulrich and Lucas, Robert (2009). Apparent Nova in M31: M31N 2009-11a. International Astronomical Union, Cambridge, MA, USA.

ETo Top

Enoch, B.; Anderson, D. R.; Barros, S. C. C.; Brown, D. J. A.; Cameron, A. Collier; Faedi, F.; Gillon, M.; Hébrard, G.; Lister, T. A.; Queloz, D.; Santerne, A.; Smalley, B.; Street, R. A.; Triaud, A. H. M. J.; West, R. G.; Bouchy, F.; Bento, J.; Butters, O.; Fossati, L.; Haswell, C.A.; Hellier, C.; Holmes, S.; Jehen, E.; Lendl, M.; Maxted, P. F. L.; McCormac, J.; Miller, G. R. M.; Moulds, V.; Moutou, C.; Norton, A. J.; Parley, N.; Pepe, F.; Pollacco, D.; Segransan, D.; Simpson, E.; Skillen, I.; Smith, A. M. S.; Udry, S. and Wheatley, P. J. (2011). WASP-35b, WASP-48b, and HAT-P-30b/WASP-51b: two new planets and an independent discovery of a HAT planet. Astronomical Journal, 142(3), article no. 86.

FTo Top

Faedi, F.; Pollacco, D.; Barros, S. C. C.; Brown, D.; Collier Cameron, A.; Doyle, A. P.; Enoch, R.; Gillon, M.; Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y.; Hébrard, G.; Lendl, M.; Liebig, C.; Smalley, B.; Triaud, A. H. M. J.; West, R. G.; Wheatley, P. J.; Alsubai, K. A.; Anderson, D. R.; Armstrong, D.; Bento, J.; Bochinski, J.; Bouchy, F.; Busuttil, R.; Fossati, L.; Fumel, A.; Haswell, C.A.; Hellier, C.; Holmes, S.; Jehin, E.; Kolb, U.; McCormac, J.; Miller, G. R. M.; Moutou, C.; Norton, A. J.; Parley, N.; Queloz, D.; Santerne, A.; Skillen, I.; Smith, A. M. S.; Udry, S. and Watson, C. (2013). WASP-54b, WASP-56b, and WASP-57b: three new sub-Jupiter mass planets from SuperWASP. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 551 A73.

Fossati, Luca; Bagnulo, Stefano; Elmasli, Asli; Haswell, Carole; Holmes, Stefan; Kochukhov, Oleg; Shkolnik, Evgenya; Shulyak, Denis; Bohlender, David; Albayrak, Berahitdin; Froning, Cynthia and Hebb, Leslie (2010). A detailed spectropolarimetric analysis of the planet-hosting star WASP-12. Astrophysical Journal, 720(1) pp. 872–886.

Fossati, L.; Haswell, C. A.; Froning, C. S.; Hebb, L.; Holmes, S.; Kolb, U.; Helling, Ch.; Carter, A.; Wheatley, P.; Cameron, A. C.; Loeillet, B.; Pollacco, D.; Street, R.; Stempels, H. C.; Simpson, E.; Udry, S.; Joshi, Y. C.; West, R. G.; Skillen, I. and Wilson, D. (2010). Metals in the exosphere of the highly irradiated planet WASP-12b. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 714(2) L222-L227.

HTo Top

Haswell, C. A.; Fossati, L.; Ayres, T.; France, K.; Froning, C. S.; Holmes, S.; Kolb, U. C.; Busuttil, R.; Street, R. A.; Hebb, L.; Collier Cameron, A.; Enoch, B.; Burvitz, V.; Rodriguez, J.; West, R. G.; Pollacco, D.; Wheatley, P. J. and Carter, A. (2012). Near-ultraviolet absorption, chromospheric activity, and star-planet interactions in the WASP-12 system. Astrophysical Journal, 760(1), article no. 79.

Holmes, S.; Kolb, U.; Haswell, C.; Burwitz, V.; Lucas, R.; Rodriguez, J.; Rolfe, S.; Rostron, J. and Barker, J. (2011). PIRATE: a remotely operable telescope facility for research and education. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 123(908) pp. 1177–1187.

Henze, M.; Burwitz, V.; Pietsch, W.; Rodriguez, J.; Haswell, C. A.; Holmes, S.; Kolb, U. and Lucas, R. (2010). Confirmation of a nova candidate in M 31 in optical and Swift UVOT observations. The Astronomer's Telegram (2727).

Henze, M.; Burwitz, V.; Pietsch, W.; Rodriguez, J.; Haswell, C. A.; Holmes, S.; Kolb, U. and Lucas, R. (2010). Apparent Nova in M31: M31N 2010-07a. International Astronomical Union: Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, Cambridge, MA, USA.

KTo Top

Kolb, Ulrich; Lucas, Robert; Burwitz, Vadim; Holmes, Stefan; Haswell, Carole; Rodgriguez, Juan; Rolfe, Samantha; Rostron, John and Barker, John (2010). PIRATE - the piCETL Astronomical Telescope Explorer. In: Norton, Andrew ed. Electronic Resources for Teaching and Learning. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 58–64.

NTo Top

Norton, A. J.; Payne, S. G.; Evans, T.; West, R. G.; Wheatley, P. J.; Anderson, D. R.; Barros, S. C. C.; Butters, O. W.; Collier Cameron, A.; Christian-Prince, D. J.; Enoch, B.; Faedi, F.; Haswell, C. A.; Hellier, C.; Holmes, S.; Horne, K. D.; Kane, S. R.; Lister, T. A.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Parley, N.; Pollacco, D.; Simpson, E. K.; Skillen, I.; Smalley, B.; Southworth, J. and Street, R. A. (2011). Short period eclipsing binary candidates identified using SuperWASP. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 528, article no. A90.

STo Top

Smalley, B.; Kurtz, D. W.; Smith, A. M. S.; Fossati, L.; Anderson, D. R.; Barros, S. C. C.; Butters, O. W.; Collier Cameron, A.; Christian, D. J.; Enoch, B.; Faedi, F.; Haswell, C. A.; Hellier, C.; Holmes, S.; Horne, K.; Kane, S. R.; Lister, T. A.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Norton, A. J.; Parley, N.; Pollacco, D.; Simpson, E. K.; Skillen, I.; Southworth, J.; Street, R. A.; West, R. G.; Wheatley, P. J. and Wood, P. L. (2011). SuperWASP observations of pulsating Am stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 535, article no. A3.

Simpson, E. K.; Barros, S. C. C.; Brown, D. J. A.; Collier Cameron, A.; Pollacco, D.; Skillen, I.; Stempels, H. C.; Boisse, I.; Faedi, F.; Hébrard, G.; McCormac, J.; Sorensen, P.; Street, R. A.; Anderson, D.; Bento, J.; Bouchy, F.; Butters, O. W.; Enoch, B.; Haswell, C. A.; Hebb, L.; Hellier, C.; Holmes, S.; Horne, K.; Keenan, F. P.; Lister, T. A.; Maxted, P. F. L.; Miller, G. R. M.; Moulds, V.; Moutou, C.; Norton, A. J.; Parley, N.; Santerne, A.; Smalley, B.; Smith, A. M. S.; Todd, I.; Watson, C. A.; West, R. G. and Wheatley, P. J. (2011). Independent discovery of the transiting exoplanet HAT-P-14b. Astronomical Journal, 141(5), article no. 161.


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