Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Susan Himmelweit

47 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 15:06:11 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Austen, Siobhan; Himmelweit, Susan; Sharp, Rhonda and Costa, Monica (2024). Negotiating assets in a financialised retirement income system: Evidence from older mixed-sex couple households in Australia. In: Bennett, Fran; Avram, Silvia and Austen, Siobhan eds. A Research Agenda for Financial Resources within the Household. Edward Elgar, pp. 209–224.

2023To Top

Himmelweit, Susan (2023). Gender and taxation. In: Lymer, Andy; May, Margaret and Sinfield, Adrian eds. Taxation and Social Policy. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 182–201.

2021To Top

2020To Top

Steinþórsdóttir, Finnborg S.; Einarsdóttir, Þorgerður; Pétursdóttir, Gyða M. and Himmelweit, Susan (2020). Gendered inequalities in competitive grant funding: an overlooked dimension of gendered power relations in academia. Higher Education Research & Development, 39(2)

2019To Top

Himmelweit, Susan (2019). Genuine social security. In: Konzelmann, Sue; Himmelweit, Susan; Smith, Jeremy and Weeks, John eds. Rethinking Britain: Policy Ideas for the Many. Policy Press, pp. 138–140.

2017To Top

2016To Top

2013To Top

Himmelweit, Susan (2013). Care: feminist economic theory and policy challenges. Journal of Gender Studies Ochanomizu University, 16 pp. 1–18.

de Henau, Jerome and Himmelweit, Susan (2013). Comparing welfare regimes by their effects on intra-household inequalities. In: Ferri, Mireia and Monsonis-Paya, Irene eds. Sustainability and transformation in European Social Policy. Peter Lang, pp. 117–146.

2012To Top

Brennan, Deborah; Cass, Bettina; Himmelweit, Susan and Szebehely, Marta (2012). The marketisation of care: rationales and consequences in Nordic and liberal care regimes. Journal of European Social Policy, 22(4) pp. 377–391.

Bennett, Fran; de Henau, Jerome; Himmelweit, Susan and Sung, Sirin (2012). Financial togetherness and autonomy within couples. In: Scott, Jacqueline; Dex, Shirley and Plagnol, Anke eds. Gendered Lives: Gender Inequalities in Production and Reproduction. New York: Edward Elgar, pp. 97–122.

2011To Top

Annesley, Claire and Himmelweit, Susan (2011). Women. In: Yeates, Nicola; Haux, Tina; Jawad, Rana and Kilkey, Majella eds. In defence of welfare: the mpacts of the spending review February 2011. The Social Policy Association, pp. 19–21.

2010To Top

Himmelweit, Susan and Land, Hilary (2010). Change, Choice and Cash in Social Care Policies: Some Lessons from Comparing Childcare and Elder Care. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 74; Economics Department, The Open University.

de Henau, Jerome; Himmelweit, Susan and Santos, Cristina (2010). Gender equality and taxation. A UK case study. In: Grown, Karen and Valodia, Imraan eds. Taxation and gender equity. A comparative analysis of direct and indirect taxes in developing and developed countries. Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 261–298.

2008To Top

Trigg, Andrew B.; Bertie, Andrew J. and Himmelweit, Susan F. (2008). Modelling Bourdieu: An Extension of The Axelrod Cultural Diffusion model. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 68; Economics Department, The Open University.

Himmelweit, Susan (2008). Policy on care: a help or hindrance to gender inequality. In: Scott, Jacqueline; Dex, Shirley and Joshi, Heather eds. Women and Employment: Changing Lives and New Challenges. Cheltenham and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 347–368.

2007To Top

Himmelweit, Susan (2007). The prospects for caring: economic theory and policy analysis. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 31(4) pp. 581–599.

Himmelweit, Susan (2007). The right to request flexible working; A 'very British' approach to gender (in)equality. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 33(2) pp. 246–263.

2006To Top

Himmelweit, Susan (2006). Making policymakers more gender aware: experiences and reflections from the Women’s Budget Group in the United Kingdom. In: Hartmann, Heidi ed. Gendering politics and policy: recent developments in Europe, Latin America, and the United States. USA: Haworth Press Inc., pp. 101–121.

Himmelweit, Susan (2006). Feminism and Economics. Soundings(33) pp. 151–162.

Bertie, Andrew; Himmelweit, Susan and Trigg, Andrew (2006). Social norms, cognitive dissonance and broadcasting: How to influence economic agents. In: Bruun, Charlotte ed. Advances in Artificial Economics: The Economy as a Complex Dynamic System. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 584. Berlin: Springer, pp. 235–252.

2005To Top

Albelda, Randy; Himmelweit, Susan and Humphries, Jane eds. (2005). The Dilemmas of lone motherhood: essays from feminist economics. UK: Routledge.

Himmelweit, Susan (2005). Caring: The need for an economic strategy. Public Policy Research, 12(3) pp. 168–173.

2004To Top

Himmelweit, Susan; Bergmann, Barbara; Green, Kate; Albelda, Randy and Koren, Charlotte (2004). Lone Mothers: What is to be done? Feminist Economics, 10(2) pp. 237–264.

Albelda, Randy; Himmelweit, Susan and Humphries, Jane (2004). The dilemmas of lone motherhood: key issues for feminist economics. Feminist Economics, 10(2) pp. 1–7.

2003To Top

Himmelweit, Susan (2003). An evolutionary approach to feminist economics: Two different models of caring. In: Barker, Drucilla and Kuiper, Edith eds. Toward a feminist philosophy of economics. Economics as social theory. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 247–265.

2002To Top

Himmelweit, Susan (2002). Economic theory, norms and the care gap, or: why do economists become parents? In: Carling, Alan; Duncan, Simon and Edwards, Rosalind eds. Analysing families: morality and rationality in policy and practice. UK: Routledge, pp. 231–250.

Himmelweit, Susan (2002). Tools for budget impact analysis: taxes and benefits. In: Judd, K ed. Gender Budget Initiatives: strategies, Concepts and experiences. New York: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), pp. 62–69.

2001To Top

Himmelweit, Susan (2001). Caring for children. In: Himmelweit, Susan; Simonetti, Roberto and Trigg, Andrew eds. Microeconomics: neoclassical and institutionalist perspectives on economic behaviour. London, UK: Thomson Learning Europe, pp. 179–204.

2000To Top

Himmelweit, Susan (2000). Alternative rationalities, or why do economists become parents? Open Discussion Papers in Economics 28; Economics Department, The Open University.

Himmelweit, Susan (2000). Domestic Labour. In: Peterson, Janice and Lewis, Margaret eds. The Elgar Companion to Feminist Economics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 126–135.

Himmelweit, Susan ed. (2000). Inside the Household: From Labour to Care. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

1995To Top

Himmelweit, Susan (1995). What is a Fair Wage: A Critique of the Concept of the Value of Labour-Power. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 10; Economics Department, The Open University.

Himmelweit, Susan (1995). The Discovery of 'Unpaid Work' the social consequences of the expansion of 'work'. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 6; Economics Department, The Open University.


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