Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Susan Himmelweit
2024To Top
Austen, Siobhan; Himmelweit, Susan; Sharp, Rhonda and Costa, Monica
2023To Top
Himmelweit, Susan
2021To Top
de Henau, Jérôme and Himmelweit, Susan
2020To Top
Steinþórsdóttir, Finnborg S.; Einarsdóttir, Þorgerður; Pétursdóttir, Gyða M. and Himmelweit, Susan
de Henau, Jérôme and Himmelweit, Susan (2020). The gendered employment gains of investing in social vs. physical infrastructure: evidence from simulations across seven OECD countries. IKD Working Paper No. 84, The Open University.
2019To Top
Himmelweit, Susan
2017To Top
De Henau, Jérôme; Himmelweit, Susan and Perrons, Diane (2017). Investing in the Care Economy – Simulating employment effects by gender in countries in emerging economies. International Trade Union Confederation.
2016To Top
De Henau, Jérôme; Himmelweit, Susan; Lapniewska, Zofia and Perrons, Diane (2016). Investing in the Care Economy. A gender analysis of employment stimulus in seven OECD countries. International Trade Union Confederation.
2013To Top
Himmelweit, Susan; Santos, Cristina; Sevilla, Almudena and Sofer, Catherine
Himmelweit, Susan and de Henau, Jerome
Himmelweit, Susan
de Henau, Jerome and Himmelweit, Susan
de Henau, Jerome and Himmelweit, Susan
2012To Top
Brennan, Deborah; Cass, Bettina; Himmelweit, Susan and Szebehely, Marta
Bennett, Fran; de Henau, Jerome; Himmelweit, Susan and Sung, Sirin
2011To Top
Annesley, Claire and Himmelweit, Susan
Himmelweit, Susan and Land, Hilary
2010To Top
Annesley, Claire and Himmelweit, Susan (2010). The Impact on Women of the Coalition Spending Review 2010. UK Women's Budget Group, London.
Himmelweit, Susan and Land, Hilary (2010). Change, Choice and Cash in Social Care Policies: Some Lessons from Comparing Childcare and Elder Care. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 74; Economics Department, The Open University.
de Henau, Jerome; Himmelweit, Susan and Santos, Cristina
Land, Hilary and Himmelweit, Susan (2010). Who Cares: Who Pays? A Report on Personalisation in Social Care. Unison, London.
2008To Top
Trigg, Andrew B.; Bertie, Andrew J. and Himmelweit, Susan F. (2008). Modelling Bourdieu: An Extension of The Axelrod Cultural Diffusion model. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 68; Economics Department, The Open University.
Himmelweit, Susan
2007To Top
de Henau, Jérôme and Himmelweit, Susan (2007). Struggle over the pie? The gendered distribution of power and subjective financial well-being within UK households. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 66; Economics Department, The Open University.
Himmelweit, Susan
Himmelweit, Susan
2006To Top
Himmelweit, Susan
Himmelweit, Susan
Bertie, Andrew; Himmelweit, Susan and Trigg, Andrew
2005To Top
Albelda, Randy; Himmelweit, Susan and Humphries, Jane eds. (2005). The Dilemmas of lone motherhood: essays from feminist economics. UK: Routledge.
Himmelweit, Susan
Himmelweit, Susan
2004To Top
Himmelweit, Susan and Sigala, Maria
Himmelweit, Susan; Bergmann, Barbara; Green, Kate; Albelda, Randy and Koren, Charlotte
Albelda, Randy; Himmelweit, Susan and Humphries, Jane
2003To Top
Himmelweit, Susan
2002To Top
Himmelweit, Susan
Himmelweit, Susan
Himmelweit, Susan
2001To Top
Himmelweit, Susan (2001). Making visible the hidden economy: the case for gender impact analysis of economic policy. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 42; Economics Department, The Open University.
Himmelweit, Susan
Himmelweit, Susan
2000To Top
Himmelweit, Susan (2000). Alternative rationalities, or why do economists become parents? Open Discussion Papers in Economics 28; Economics Department, The Open University.
Himmelweit, Susan
Himmelweit, Susan ed. (2000). Inside the Household: From Labour to Care. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
1995To Top
Himmelweit, Susan (1995). What is a Fair Wage: A Critique of the Concept of the Value of Labour-Power. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 10; Economics Department, The Open University.
Himmelweit, Susan (1995). The Discovery of 'Unpaid Work' the social consequences of the expansion of 'work'. Open Discussion Papers in Economics 6; Economics Department, The Open University.