Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sally Dibb

85 items in this list.
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2021To Top

Dibb, Sally; Merendino, Alessandro; Aslam, Hussan; Appleyard, Lindsey and Brambley, William (2021). Whose rationality? Muddling through the messy emotional reality of financial decision-making. Journal of Business Research, 131 pp. 826–838.

2020To Top

2018To Top

Merendino, Alessandro; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen; Quinn, Lee; Wilson, David; Simkin, Lyndon and Canhoto, Ana (2018). Big data, big decisions: The impact of big data on board level decision-making. Journal of Business Research, 93 pp. 67–78.

Chai, Joe Choon Yean and Dibb, Sally (2018). Chinese relationship management: a qualitative study of banking in New Zealand. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26(3) pp. 205–222.

2017To Top

2016To Top

2015To Top

Venter, Peet; Wright, Alex and Dibb, Sally (2015). Performing market segmentation: a performative perspective. Journal of Marketing Management, 31(1-2) pp. 62–83.

2014To Top

Chai, Joe and Dibb, Sally (2014). How consumer acculturation influences interpersonal trust. Journal of Marketing Management, 30(1-2) pp. 60–89.

Pinho, José Carlos; Rodrigues, Ana Paula and Dibb, Sally (2014). The role of corporate culture, market orientation and organisational commitment in organisational performance. Journal of Management Development, 33(4) pp. 374–398.

Dibb, Sally (2014). Up, up and away: social marketing breaks free. Journal of Marketing Management, 30(11-12) pp. 1159–1185.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2014). How acculturation affects British Indians' consumer behaviour across product and service types. In: Academy of Marketing Conference (2014) : Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Spaces, 7-10 Jul 2014, University of Bournemouth, United Kingdom.

2013To Top

Batista, Luciano; Meadows, Maureen; Dibb, Sally; Hinton, Matthew and Analogbei, Mathew (2013). Improving organisational responsiveness through CRM – the dynamics of strategy, information systems, and staff empowerment. In: British Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, 10-12 Sep 2013, Liverpool, UK, British Academy of Management.

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2013). Marketing Essentials (2nd ed.). Andover: Cengage Learning.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2013). Does acculturation affect brand preference? A study of British Indians. In: European Advances in Consumer Research (Cornelissen, Gert; Reutskaja, Elena and Valenzuela, Ana eds.), Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN, 10 pp. 51–63.

2012To Top

Simkin, Lyndon and Dibb, Sally (2012). Leadership teams rediscover market analysis in seeking competitive advantage and growth during economic uncertainty. In: Wright, Sheila ed. Competitive Intelligence, Analysis and Strategy: Creating Organisational Agility. London: Routledge.

Batista, Luciano; Hinton, Matthew; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2012). Improving organisational responsiveness through CRM – strategy, system effectiveness and staff empowerment perspectives. In: 6th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation (ECIME 2012), 13-14 Sep 2012, University College Cork, Ireland.

Dibb, Sally; Simkin, Lyndon; Pride, William M. and Ferrell, O. C. (2012). Marketing: Concepts and Strategies (6th ed.). London: Cengage.

Vijaygopal, Rohini and Dibb, Sally (2012). Exploring the role of acculturation in brand choice: a new perspective for targeting Indians living in the UK. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 20(1) pp. 47–56.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2012). Primacy of Acculturation Categories Over Demographic Variables As Differentiators of Brand Preference. In: NA - Advances in Consumer Research (Gürhan-Canli, Zeynep; Otnes, Cele and Zhu, Rui eds.), Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN, 40 p. 1132.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2012). Segmenting the British Indian market using Berry’s Taxonomy. In: Academy of Marketing Conference (2012): Marketing: Catching the technology wave, 2-5 Jul 2012, University of Southampton, United Kingdom.

2011To Top

Simkin, Lyndon and Dibb, Sally (2011). Segmenting the energy market: problems and successes. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 29(6) pp. 580–592.

2010To Top

Dibb, Sally and Quinn, Lee (2010). Debate: Research impact or career progression? Public Money and Management, 30(6) pp. 326–328.

Quinn, Lee and Dibb, Sally (2010). Evaluating market segmentation research priorities. In: Academy of Marketing Conference: Transformational Marketing, 5-7 Jul 2010, Coventry University.

Ball, Kirstie; Spiller, Keith; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen and Daniel, Elizabeth (2010). Making surveillance messy: a conceptual discussion. In: Fourth Biannual Surveillance and Society/SSN Conference, 13-15 Apr 2010, City University, London, UK.

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2010). Judging the quality of customer segments: segmentation effectiveness. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 18(2) pp. 113–131.

Monteiro, Carlos M. F.; Dibb, Sally and Almeida, Luis Tadeu (2010). Revealing doctors' prescribing choice dimensions with multivariate tools: A perceptual mapping approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 201(3) pp. 909–920.

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2010). Target segment strategy. In: Baker, Michael J. and Saren, Michael eds. Marketing Theory: a Student Text. London: Sage, pp. 237–260.

2009To Top

Michaelidou, Nina and Dibb, Sally (2009). Brand switching in clothing: the role of variety-seeking drive and product category-level characteristics. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33(3) pp. 322–326.

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2009). Marketing essentials. London: Cengage Learning.

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2009). Bridging the segmentation theory/practice divide. Journal of Marketing Management, 25(3) pp. 219–225.

Vijaygopal, Rohini and Dibb, Sally (2009). Exploring the role of acculturation on the way Indians living in the UK, approach the process of unravelling the reasons for brand choice. In: Putting Marketing in its Place, 6-9 Jul 2009, Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.

2008To Top

Michaelidou, Nina and Dibb, Sally (2008). Consumer involvement: a new perspective. Marketing Review, 8(1) pp. 83–99.

Michaelidou, Nina; Dibb, Sally and Ali, Haider (2008). The effect of health, cosmetic and social antismoking information themes on adolescents’ beliefs about smoking. International Journal of Advertising, 27(2) pp. 235–250.

Simoes, Claudia and Dibb, Sally (2008). Illustrations of the internal management of corporate identity. In: Melewar, T. C. ed. Facets of Corporate Identity, Communication and Reputation. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 66–80.

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2008). Marketing Planning: A Workbook for Marketing Managers. London, UK: Cengage Learning.

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2008). Market Segmentation Success: Making It Happen. London: Routledge.

2006To Top

Michaelidou, Nina and Dibb, Sally (2006). Product involvement: an application in clothing. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5(5) pp. 442–453.

2005To Top

Simoes, Claudia; Dibb, Sally and Fisk, Raymond P. (2005). Managing corporate identity: an internal perspective. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(2) pp. 153–168.

Dibb, Sally; Simkin, Lyndon; Pride, William M. and Ferrell, O.C. (2005). Marketing: Concepts and Strategies. 5th Edition. Abingdon, UK: Houghton Mifflin, p. 850.

Sausen, Karsten and Dibb, Sally eds. (2005). Proceedings of SIG market segmentation research seminar. St.Gallen, Switzerland: Thexis.

Dibb, Sally (2005). Editorial. In: Dibb, Sally and Sausen, K. eds. Market Segmentation SIG Conference Proceedings. Switzerland: University of Gallen.

Michaelidou, Nina; Dibb, Sally and Arnott, David (2005). Brand switching in clothing as a manifestation of variety-seeking behavior. Advances in Consumer Research: Asia Pacific Region, 6 pp. 79–85.

Michaelidou, Nina; Arnott, David C. and Dibb, Sally (2005). Characteristics of marketing channels: a theoretical framework. Marketing Review, 5(1) pp. 45–57.

2004To Top

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2004). Marketing briefs: a revision and study guide. 2nd edition. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, p. 380.

Essoo, Nittin and Dibb, Sally (2004). Religious influences on shopping behaviour: an exploratory study. Journal of Marketing Management, 20(7-8) pp. 683–712.

Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2004). Relationship marketing and CRM: a financial services case study. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 12(2) pp. 111–125.

Sausen, Karsten; Dibb, Sally and Tomczak, Torsten (2004). The resource-based and dynamic capability views as a foundation for a market segmentation theory. In: Academy of Marketing Conference, 06-09 Jul 2004, Cheltenham, UK.

2003To Top

Dibb, Sally (2003). Market segmentation: changes and challenges. In: Hart, S. ed. Marketing Changes. London: International Thomson.

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2003). Marketing educators: addressing implementation in core courses. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11(1) pp. 3–13.

Lindridge, Andrew and Dibb, Sally (2003). Is 'culture' a justifiable variable for market segmentation? A cross-cultural example. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2(3) pp. 269–286.

2002To Top

Dibb, Sally; Stern, Philip and Wensley, Robin (2002). Marketing knowledge and the value of segmentation. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 20(2) pp. 113–119.

2001To Top

Dibb, Sally (2001). Marketing planning: best practice. Marketing Review, 2(4) pp. 441–460.

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2001). Market segmentation: diagnosing and treating the barriers. Industrial Marketing Management, 30(8) pp. 609–625.

Simoes, Claudia and Dibb, Sally (2001). Rethinking the brand concept: new brand orientation. Corporate Communications: an international journal, 6(4) pp. 217–224.

Dibb, Sally and Simkin, Lyndon (2001). Marketing briefs: a revision and study guide. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, p. 351.

Dibb, Sally (2001). New Millennium, new segments: moving towards the segment of one? Journal of Strategic Marketing, 9(3) pp. 193–213.

Dibb, Sally; Farhangmehr, Minoo and Simkin, Lyndon (2001). A comparative study of marketing planning in Portugal and the UK. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 19(6) pp. 409–417.

Dibb, Sally; Rushmer, A. and Stern, P. (2001). New survey medium: collecting marketing data with e-mail and the world wide web. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 10(1) pp. 17–25.

Dibb, Sally (2001). Banks, customer relationship management and barriers to the segment of one. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 6(1) pp. 10–23.


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