Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sarah Crafter

66 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 7 16:24:01 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Murphy, Suzanne; Bell, Kerry; Cook, Erica Jane; Crafter, Sarah; Davidson, Rosemary; Fairhurst, Caroline; Hicks, Kate; Joffe, Victoria; Messer, David; Robinson-Smith, Lyn; Strachan, Luke; Torgerson, David and Welch, Charlie (2024). Enhancing Pragmatic Language skills for Young children with Social communication difficulties (E-PLAYS-2) trial: study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial evaluating a computerised intervention to promote communicative development and collaborative skills in young children. BMC Psychology, 12, article no. 266.

2023To Top

Iqbal, Humera; Crafter, Sarah and Prokopiou, Evangelia (2023). Collecting Stories of Identity and Culture with Young people: The Synallactic Collective Image Technique. In: Cameron, Claire; Koslowski, Alison; Lamont, Alison and Moss, Peter eds. Social Research for our Times: Thomas Coram Research Unit past, present and future. London: UCL Press, pp. 251–269.

Crafter, Sarah (2023). Child language brokering as a care practice: A view from critical-developmental psychology. In: Hubscher-Davidson, Severine and Lehr, Caroline eds. The Psychology of Translation: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 38–57.

2022To Top

2021To Top

Crafter, Sarah; Rosen, Rachel and Meetoo, Veena (2021). Precarious care and (dis)connections: Adults working with separated child migrants in England and their understandings of care. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 10(2) pp. 92–103.

Rosen, Rachel; Crafter, Sarah and Meetoo, Veena (2021). An absent presence: Separated child migrants’ caring practices and the fortified neoliberal state. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(7) pp. 1649–1666.

Murphy, Suzanne; Joffe, Victoria; Donald, Louisa; Radley, Jessica; Sunthararajah, Sailaa; Welch, Charlie; Bell, Kerry; Messer, David; Crafter, Sarah; Fairhurst, Caroline; Corbacho, Belen; Rodgers, Sara and Torgerson, David (2021). Evaluating 'Enhancing Pragmatic Language skills for Young children with Social communication impairments' (E-PLAYS): a feasibility cluster-randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7, article no. 5.

2020To Top

Crafter, Sarah and Maunder, Rachel (2020). Transitions. In: Cook, Daniel Thomas ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies. SAGE.

Crafter, Sarah (2020). Asylum, children as seekers of. In: Cook, Daniel Thomas Cook ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies. SAGE.

Crafter, Sarah and Rosen, Rachel (2020). Age Assessment, in Migration. In: Cook, Daniel Thomas ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies. Sage.

Crafter, Sarah and Iqbal, H (2020). Child interpreters: Source of pride or cultural burden? The Psychologist, 33 pp. 30–33.

2019To Top

Crafter, Sarah and Iqbal, Humera (2019). Examining conviviality and cultural mediation in arts-based workshops with child language brokers: Narrations of identity and (un)belonging. In: Berg, Mette and Nowicka, Magdelena eds. Studying diversity, migration and urban multiculture: Convivial tools for research and practice. London: UCL Press, pp. 76–95.

Murphy, Suzane; Joffe, V, Victoria; Messer, David; Crafter, Sarah; Radley, Jessica; Sunthararajah, Sailaa; Bell, Kerry; Corbacho, Belen; Fairhurst, Caroline; Rogers, Sara; Torgerson, David and Welch, Charlie (2019). Evaluating ‘Enhancing Pragmatic Language skills for Young children with Social communication impairments’ (E-PLAYS): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5, article no. 75.

Crafter, Sarah; Maunder, Rachel and Soulsby, Laura (2019). Developmental transitions: Exploring stability and change through the lifespan. International Texts in Developmental Psychology. Routledge.

2018To Top

Rosen, Rachel and Crafter, Sarah (2018). Media Representations of Separated Child Migrants: From Dubs to Doubt. Migration and Society: Advances in Research, 1 pp. 66–81.

O'Dell, Lindsay; Crafter, Sarah; de Abreu, Guida and Cline, Tony (2018). Working Children. In: O'Dell, Lindsay; Brownlow, Charlotte and Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist, Hanna eds. Different Childhoods: Non/Normative Development and Transgressive Trajectories. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 119–131.

Maunder, Rachel E. and Crafter, Sarah (2018). School bullying from a sociocultural perspective. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 38 pp. 13–20.

2017To Top

Crafter, Sarah; Cline, Tony and Prokopiou, Evangelia (2017). Young adult language brokers’ and teachers’ views of the advantages and disadvantages of brokering in school. In: Weisskirch, Robert S. ed. Language Brokering in Immigrant Families: Theories and Context. Routledge, pp. 224–243.

Cline, Tony; Crafter, Sarah; Abreu, Guida de and O'Dell, Lindsay (2017). Child language brokers’ representations of parent-child relationships. In: Antonini, Rachele; Cirillo, Letizia; Rossato, Linda and Torresi, Ira eds. Non-professional Interpreting and Translating: State of the art and future of an emerging field of research. Benjamins Translation Library (129). John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 281–294.

2016To Top

Rosen, R. and Crafter, S. (2016). The care of children, by children. In: Global Engagement Funds: Celebrating UCL's international collaborations, 28 Nov 2016.

Crafter, Sarah and Iqbal, H (2016). Child language brokering in cultural contact zones: Young people's experiences of critical moments. In: Special Interest Group 10, 21 & 25 Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, 28-29 Aug 2016.

Cline, Tony; Crafter, Sarah and Prokopiou, Evangelia (2016). Child language brokering in school: when should a child not be used as a language broker? In: 3rd International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation, 05-07 May 2016, Winterthur, Switzerland.

Crafter, S. and Iqbal, H. (2016). Child language brokering: Spaces of belonging and mediators of cultural knowledge. In: Non-professional Interpreting and Translation, 05 May - 07 May 2016, Winterthur, Switzerland.

Cline, Tony; Crafter, Sarah and Prokopiou, Evangelia (2016). Child language brokering in school: whose interests does it serve? In: DECP Annual Conference 2016: Towards an inclusive psychology – do labels and diagnoses help or hinder?, 6-8 Jan 2016, London.

2015To Top

2014To Top

Crafter, Sarah; Quy, K; Munro, E; Meetoo, V and Hollingworth, K (2014). Adoption reform : messages from local authorities on changes in processes and timescales: final report. Department for Education.

O'Dell, Lindsay; Crafter, Sarah; Abreu, Guida and Cline, Tony (2014). Children, money and work: transitions to adulthood. Australian Community Psychologist, 26(1) pp. 28–36.

Cline, Tony; Prokopiou, Evangelia and Crafter, Sarah (2014). Developing evidence-based guidance on child language brokering in schools. In: 2nd International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT2), 29-31 May 2014, Germersheim, Germany.

2013To Top

Maunder, R and Crafter, Sarah (2013). What is this thing called bullying? : using sociocultural framing to interpret research on defining school bullying. In: British Psychological Society Psychology of Education Section Conference, 8-10 Nov 2013, The Mariott Hotel, York.

Prokopiou, E; Cline, T and Crafter, Sarah (2013). Child language brokering in schools: why does it matter? Race Equality Teaching, 31(3) pp. 33–36.

Crafter, Sarah; Stein, Samuel; Butler, Helen and Smith, Lesley-Ann (2013). The online multi-agency support barometer. South Essex Partnership Trust (SEPT).

Crafter, Sarah and de Abreu, Guida (2013). Exploring parents' cultural models of mathematical knowledge in multiethnic primary schools. In: Marsico, Giuseppina; Komatsu, Koji and Iannaccone, Antonio eds. Crossing boundaries: Intercontextual Dynamics Between Family And School. Advances in Cultural Psychology: Constructing Human Development. Information Age Publishing, pp. 209–228.

Crafter, Sarah and de Abreu, Guida (2013). Young children's representations of identities of high and low achievers in mathematics. In: European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, 27-31 Aug 2013, Munich.

Crafter, Sarah; de Abreu, Guida; Prat, Montserrat and Gorgorio, Núria (2013). Understanding immigrant students' transitions as mathematical learners from a dialogical self perspective. In: 15th EARLI and JURE Conference on Responsible Teaching and Sustainable Learning, 26-31 Aug 2013, Munich, Germany.

2012To Top

Crafter, Sarah (2012). Making sense of homework: parental resources for understanding mathematical homework in multicultural settings. In: Hjörne, Eva; van der Aalsvoort, Geerdina and Abreu, Guida de eds. Learning, Social Interaction and Diversity - Exploring Identities in School Practices. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 53–68.

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Crafter, Sarah and Maunder, Rachel (2012). Understanding transitions using a sociocultural framework. Educational and Child Psychology, 29(1) pp. 10–18.

2011To Top

Crafter, Sarah (2011). The social construction of home and school learning in multicultural communities. In: O'Dell, Lindsay and Leverett, Stephen eds. Working with Children and Young People: Co-constructing Practice. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan in association with The Open University, pp. 131–142.

Abreu, Guida de; Crafter, Sarah; Hale, Hannah and O'Sullivan Lago, Rita (2011). Teachers' representations of immigrant students and their home cultures: a dialogical self analysis. In: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2011, Exeter, UK.

Crafter, Sarah and de Abreu, Guida (2011). Teachers discussions about parental use of implicit and explicit mathematics in the home. In: Seventh Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 9-11 Feb 2011, Rzeszow, Poland.

Cline, Tony; Crafter, Sarah; O'Dell, Lindsay and de Abreu, Guida (2011). Young people’s representations of language brokering. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 32(3) pp. 207–220.

2010To Top

O'Dell, L.; Crafter, S.; De Abreu, G. and Cline, T. (2010). Constructing 'normal childhoods': Young people talk about young carers. Disability and Society, 25(6) pp. 643–655.

Crafter, Sarah and De Abreu, Guida (2010). The mediating role of a minority ethnic teacher's past experiences as a tool for understanding mathematical learning and teaching. In: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Special Interest Group 21: Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings: Moving through cultures of learning, 2-3 Sep 2010, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Crafter, Sarah; De Abreu, Guida; Cline, Tony and O'Dell, Lindsay (2010). Using the vignette methodology as a tool for exploring cultural identity positions. In: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Special Interest Group 21: Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings: Moving through cultures of learning, 2-3 Sep 2010, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Crafter, S.; O'Dell, Lindsay; Cline, T. and de Abreu, G. (2010). Researching children and young people's lives: the problem of interpretation in vignette methodology. In: BPS Qualitative Research in Psychology Section QMiP conference, 23-25 Aug 2010, Nottingham, UK.

Cline, Tony; De Abreu, Guida; O'Dell, Lindsay and Crafter, Sarah (2010). Recent research on child language brokering in the United Kingdom. MediAziono: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Language and Cultures, 10 pp. 105–124.

Crafter, Sarah and Abreu, Guida de (2010). Constructing identities in multicultural learning contexts. Mind, Culture and Activity, 17(2) pp. 102–118.

2009To Top

Cline, Tony; Crafter, Sarah; de Abreu, Guida and O'Dell, Lindsay (2009). Changing families, changing childhoods: changing schools? Pastoral Care in Education, 27(1) pp. 29–39.

2008To Top

Crafter, Sarah (2008). Parental re-sources of understanding mathematical achievement in culturally diverse settings. In: European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction Conference: 1st SIG 21 (Learning and Teaching in Culturally Diverse Settings) Meeting, 19-20 May 2008, Gothenberg, Sweden.

2005To Top

O'Toole, Sarah and de Abreu, Guida (2005). Parents' past experiences as a mediational tool for understanding their child's current mathematical learning. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 20(1) pp. 75–89.


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