Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sheila Cameron
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Cameron, Sheila
Cameron, Sheila and Price, Deborah (2009). Business research methods: A practical approach. UK: CIPD.
Cameron, Sheila (2009). The business student's handbook: skills for study and employment (5th edition). UK: Financial Times Press.
Cameron, Sheila (2007). The Business Student's Handbook: Skills for study and employment (4th Edition). UK: Pearson Education.
Cameron, Sheila (2007). The MBA Handbook: skills for mastering management. UK: Pearson Education.
Coldwell, D. A. L.; Williamson, M. and Cameron, S.
Cameron, Sheila (1999). Business Students Handbook: British Books for Managers Edition. UK: FT Prentice Hall.
Cameron, Sheila and Pearce, Sue (1997). Against the grain: tools and techniques for the thinking manager. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Cameron, Sheila (1994). The MBA Handbook: an essential guide to effective study. 2nd edition. London, UK: Pitman.
Cameron, Sheila (1991). The MBA Handbook: an essential guide to effective study. London, UK: Pitman.