Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sarah Beecham
2009To Top
Hall, Tracy; Baddoo, Nathan; Beecham, Sarah; Robinson, Hugh and Sharp, Helen
Sharp, Helen; Baddoo, Nathan; Beecham, Sarah; Hall, Tracy and Robinson, Hugh
2008To Top
Beecham, Sarah; Baddoo, Nathan; Hall, Tracy; Robinson, Hugh and Sharp, Helen
Hall, Tracy; Sharp, Helen; Beecham, Sarah; Baddoo, Nathan and Robinson, Hugh
2007To Top
Sharp, Helen; Hall, Tracy; Baddoo, Nathan and Beecham, Sarah (2007). Exploring Motivational Differences between Software Developers and Project Managers. Technical Report 2007/13; Department of Computing, The Open University.
Hall, Tracy; Baddoo, Nathan; Beecham, Sarah; Robinson, Hugh and Sharp, Helen (2007). The Motivation of Software Engineers: Developing a Rigorous and Usable Model. Technical Report 2007/03; Department of Computing, The Open University.