Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Stephanie Bennett
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Cooper, Victoria; Payler, Jane and Bennett, Stephanie
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Payler, Jane; Cooper, Victoria and Bennett, Stephanie
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Cooper, Victoria; Payler, Jane; Bennett, Stephanie Jane and Taylor, Lottie (2023). From arrest to release, helping families feel less alone: An evaluation of a Worcestershire pilot support project for families affected by parental imprisonment. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Chamberlain, Liz; Karlsen, May Lene; Sinitsky, Gail; Bennett, Stephanie; Plowright-Pepper, Linda and Vackova, Petra (2021). Coronavirus and my life: What children say. Children's Research Centre, Milton Keynes.
Payler, Jane and Bennett, Stephanie (2020). Workforce composition, qualifications and professional development in Montessori early childhood education and care settings in England. Montessori St. Nicholas Charity and The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Bennett, Stephanie; Cooper, Victoria and Payler, Jane (2017). The need for support: Young people living through a family health crisis. Hope support services, UK.