Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Sarah Bloomfield

46 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 7 12:57:54 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

Power-Mason, Phil; Charlton, Helen; Walker-Martin, Francesca and Bloomfield, Sarah (2025). A sector in crisis? Insights from how English higher education apprenticeships are weathering the storm. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning (Early access).

Bloomfield, Sarah and Almubarak, Norah (2025). Investigating the lived experience of a female angel investor support network in the Saudi Arabian context. In: IERC 2025: 1st International Entrepreneurship Research Conference: “The Future of Entrepreneurship, Family Business & Education Research: New Trends & Innovative Practices”, 20-23 Jan 2025, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman College (MBSC), KAEC. Jeddah, KSA.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Mooney, Evelyn; Salter, Abigail; Reid, Kristen; Marshall, Helen and Smith, Maria (2025). Employing a world-café for research purposes: warts and all. In: Ninth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium (QRS), 28 Jan 2025-29 Jan 2025, University of Bath, UK.

Howard, Kerrie; Bloomfield, Sarah and Almubarak, Norah Mohammad (2025). Duo Interviewing: A means of strengthening data collection and analysis? In: Ninth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium (QRS), 28 Jan 2025-29 Jan 2025, University of Bath, UK.

Bloomfield, Sarah and Almubarak, Norah (2025). Employing a co-interviewing approach to gain insight into female entrepreneurship practices in the Arab world. In: Ninth Annual Qualitative Research Symposium (QRS), 28 Jan 2025-29 Jan 2025, University of Bath, UK.

2024To Top

Bloomfield, Sarah (2024). Engaging with employers to enhance workplace skills development: Example from the Level 6 Management Degree Apprenticeship. In: Employability Scholarship Network Event, 10 Dec 2024, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Bloomfield, Sarah and Mooney, Evelyn (2024). Maximising the opportunity provided by the ‘tripartite relationship’ in degree apprenticeships. In: Pan University project dissemination event, 25 Nov 2024, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Salter, Abigail; Bloomfield, Sarah and Smith, Maria (2024). Navigating the complexities of work-based learning among learners, employers, and educators workshop: Three’s a crowd? In: Centre for Policing Research and Learning (CPRL) 10th Anniversary Conference, 13-14 Nov 2024, Milton Keynes, UK.

Pokorny, Helen; Bloomfield, Sarah; Booth, Joanna; Rosamond, Victoria and Brown, Trevor A. (2024). Recognising prior experiential learning (in degree apprenticeships): New ways of thinking - why we should, why we aren't, and how we could be doing it. In: UVAC National Conference, 6 Nov 2024, Birmingham, UK.

Salter, Abigail and Bloomfield, Sarah (2024). Three’s a Crowd? Navigating the Complexities of Work-Based Learning Among Learners, Employers, and Educators: A Collaborative Approach in Higher Education. In: ISSOTL (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) 24, 28-31 Oct 2024, Indiana, USA.

Almubarak, Norah and Bloomfield, Sarah (2024). The lived experience of female angel investors in a Saudi Arabian context. In: British Academy of Management Conference, 02-06 Sep 2024, Nottingham Trent University.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Pradies, Camille and Tunarosa, Andrea (2024). Employing a cultural toolkit to work through paradox. In: Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management, 2024(1).

Pokorny, Helen; Bloomfield, Sarah and Booth, Joanna (2024). The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPeL) – How do we do this? In: UALL-SCUTREA Conference 2024: Thinking globally and acting locally for lifelong learning, 1-3 Jul 2024, SOAS, University of London.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Marshall, Helen; Timmins, Susan; Reid, Kristen and Myers, Fran (2024). Tension, emotion and altruism: line managers as unsung heroes at the workforce development coalface? In: UALL–SCUTREA Conference 2024: Thinking globally and acting locally for lifelong learning, 1-3 Jul 2024, SOAS, University of London.

Rigg, Clare (2024). “Unknowingness” as a Route to Distributed Leadership [Video]. Sage Publications, Ltd.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Nottingham, Paula; Sutton, Louise; Timmins, Susan and Mao, Yan (2024). Modelling work-based learning on degree apprenticeships as an integrated learning experience. In: 12th Chartered Association of Business Schools Conference on Learning, Teaching and Student Experience, 14-15 May 2024, Birmingham, UK.

2023To Top

Reid, Kristen; Bloomfield, Sarah and Myers, Fran (2023). The straw that broke the camel's back?: a tensions based perspective on the role of Portfolios in aiding and restricting learning on the CMDA. In: UVAC Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship Knowledge Network, 29 Nov 2023, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Horáčková, Clare; Pereira, Carla Roberta and Mutwarasibo, Fidèle (2023). Delivering the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship: what are the challenges and implications for good practice? In: UVAC Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship Knowledge Network, 29 Nov 2023, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK.

Bloomfield, Sarah (2023). Alone in the woods with a gun: On the frontline as a Wildlife Ranger. In: EGOS Colloquium, 6-8 Jul 2023, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.

Bloomfield, Sarah; Pereira, Carla Roberta; Horáčková, Clare and Mutwarasibo, Fidèle (2023). Maximising the work-based learning opportunity provided by the Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA). In: Global Citizenship and Lifelong Learning, 26-28 Jun 2023, Madingley, Cambridge.

2022To Top

Rigg, Clare; Bloomfield, Sarah and Vince, Russ (2022). “Unknowingness” as a Route to Distributed Leadership. In: Academy of Management Proceedings, Academy of Management, 2022(1).

Bloomfield, Sarah (2022). Sustaining organizational paradox through collective paradox work within Forestry England. In: EGOS Colloquium, 7-9 Jul 2022, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Vienna, Austria.

Rigg, Clare; Bloomfield, Sarah and Vince, Russ (2022). When expertise is lacking - Finding value in unknowingness. In: EGOS Colloquium, 7-9 Jul 2022, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) Vienna, Austria.

Bloomfield, Sarah (2022). Researcher vulnerability when organisational anonymity is impossible. In: Qualitative Research Symposium, 1-2 Feb 2022, University of Bath [Online].

2021To Top

Bloomfield, Sarah and Rigg, Clare (2021). Exploring unknowingness as a route to distributed leadership. In: 19th International Studying Leadership Conference, 12-14 Dec 2021, The Open University.

Bloomfield, Sarah (2021). Seeing both the wood and the trees: An ethnographic hike through paradox. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis University of Bath.

Bloomfield, Sarah (2021). Learning to see the wood through the trees as a PhD ethnographer. In: Kostera, Monika and Harding, Nancy eds. Organizational Ethnography. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 200–216.

2020To Top

2019To Top

Bloomfield, Sarah; Vince, Russ and Harding, Nancy (2019). Leadership of tensions & tensions of leadership: The importance of not knowing in distributed leadership. In: 18th International Studying Leadership Conference: Putting leadership in its place, 16-17 Dec 2019, University of West of England.

Bloomfield, Sarah and VInce, Russ (2019). Loyal traitors and successful failures: Values, emotions and paradox within Forestry England. In: EGOS Colloquium, 4 Jul - 6 Jul 2019, University of Edinburgh.

2018To Top

Bloomfield, Sarah and Vince, Russ (2018). Seeing the forest without the trees: The paradox of the clearcutting custodians of England’s forests. In: EGOS Colloquium, 5 Jul - 7 Jul 2018, Tallinn University, Estonia.

2017To Top

Bloomfield, Sarah (2017). Love, like, loathe: The emotional experience of hybridity. In: The 12th Annual International Ethnography Symposium, 29 Aug - 1 Sep 2017, Manchester University.

Bloomfield, Sarah (2017). What can pizza tell us about hybridity? In: Beyond Text arts-based research project, 9 May - 19 May 2017, University of Vic, Spain.

Bloomfield, Sarah (2017). Is pizza good for researchers? In: ESRC SWDTC Student Conference, 2017, University of Bath.

2015To Top

2014To Top

Bloomfield, Sarah (2014). The brave new world of teaching and learning with digital devices in HE classrooms. In: Workshop in Business, Economics and e-Learning, 2014, BFeL, Spain.


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