Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rachel Wallis

10 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 11 12:35:04 2025 GMT.

Journal ItemTo Top

Chapman, Susan; Ellis, Rosy; Beacuchamp, Gary; Sheriff, Lisa; Stacey, David; Waters-Davies, Jane; Lewis, Adam; Jones, Catherine; Griffiths, Merris; Chapman, Sammy; Wallis, Rachel; Sheen, Elizabeth; Crick, Tom; Lewis, Helen; French, Graham and Atherton, Stephen (2023). ‘My picture is not in Wales’: pupils’ perceptions of cynefin (Belonging) in primary school curriculum development in Wales. Education 3-13, 51(8) pp. 1214–1228.

Defis, Nerys; Glover, Alison; Jennings, Carys; Stewart, Sarah; Wallis, Rachel; Craggs, Ben; Hay, Ceris; Linton, Beth; Powell, Thomas and Williams, Amanda (2022). Using video technology to support micro-teaching and reflection in Initial Teacher Education. Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 8(1)

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Chapman, Susan; Ellis, Rosy; Beauchamp, Gary; Sheriff, Lisa; Stacey, David; Waters-Davies, Jane; Jones, Cath; Griffiths, Meris; Chapman, Sammy; Wallis, Rachel; Sheen, Elizabeth; Crick, Thomas; Lewis, Helen; French, Graham and Atherton, Stephen (2023). “My picture is not in Wales”: Building a sense of cynefin (belonging) through children’s perceptions in primary school curriculum development: a case study of Wales. In: British Education Research Association Conference, 12-14 Sep 2023, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

Cole Jones, Nia; Defis, Nerys; Glover, Alison; Jones, Mathew; Wallis, Rachel and Williams, Amanda (2022). Exploring the impact of student teachers' online collaborative peer reflection. In: Distance education: A Brave New World? Modalities, Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects, 20-21 Oct 2022, Virtual.

Hughes, Sioned; Makara Fuller, Kara; Morrison-Love, David and Wallis, Rachel (2021). Teachers as curriculum-makers: professional learning implications for enacting a new curriculum in Wales, perspectives from the Humanities and Mathematics and Numeracy Areas of Learning and Experience. In: European Conference on Educational Research, 6-10 Sep 2021, European Conference on Educational Research, Geneva [Online].

Wallis, Rachel (2021). Evaluating the learning of number concepts through measures: ​A design-based research project​. In: British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, Spring Conference 2021, 6 Mar 2021, Online.

OtherTo Top

Hayward, Louise; Makara, Kara; MacBride George; Morrison-Love, David; Spencer, Ernie; Barnes, Jan; Davies, Heddwen; Hughes, Sioned; Ryder, Nanna; Sharpling, Elaine; Stacey, David and Wallis, Rachel (2020). So Far So Good: Building the Evidence Base to Promote a Successful Future for the Curriculum for Wales. University of Glasgow and University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Hayward, Louise; Jones, Dylan E.; Waters, Jane; Makara, Kara; Morrison-Love, David; Spencer, Ernest; Barnes, Janine; Davies, Heddwen; Hughes, Sioned; Jones, Christine; Nelson, Sam; Ryder, Nanna; Stacey, David; Wallis, Rachel; Baxter, Jayne; MacBride, George; Bendall, Rachel; Brooks, Siân; Cooze, Angella; Davies, Linda; Denny, Helen; Donaldson, Peter; Lewis, Ishmael; Lloyd, Peter; Maitra, Srabani; Morgan, Catherine; James, Sue Pellew; Samuel-Thomas, Shan; Sharpling, Elaine; Southern, Alex; Stewart, Sarah; Valdera-Gil, Francisco and Wardle, Georgina (2018). Learning about Progression – Informing thinking about a Curriculum for Wales. The University of Glasgow, The University of Wales Trinity Saint David; CAMAU.


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