Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rohini Vijaygopal

51 items in this list.
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Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2024). Using Visual Art To Reduce Public Stigmatization Of People With Intellectual Disabilities. In: 17th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management AIMAC, 23-26 Jun 2024, Lisbon.

Bennett, Roger; Vijaygopal, Rohini and Kottasz, Rita (2023). Who gives to food banks? A study of influences affecting donations to UK food banks by individuals. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 35(3) pp. 243–264.

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2023). Expanding the market for new assistive technologies among people with intellectual disabilities. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2023, 4-6 Jul 2023, University of Birmingham.

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2023). Virtue perceptions and public attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities. In: 20th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, 8 Jul 2023, ESCP Business School, London.

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2023). Adoption of new transportation assistive technologies by people with mild intellectual disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 19(6) pp. 2330–2340.

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2022). Developing a science fiction transportation product prototype for smart city residents with ambulatory disabilities. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2022: Marketing: The Fabric of Life, 5-7 Jul 2022, University of Huddersfield.

Bennett, Roger; Kottasz, Rita; Vijaygopal, Rohini and G. Callus-Pennec, Yveline (2022). Effectiveness of poverty porn for charity fundraising advertisements. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2022: Marketing: The Fabric of Life, 5-7 Jul 2022, University of Huddersfield.

Bennett, Roger; Vijaygopal, Rohini and Savani, Sharmila (2022). Increasing the willingness of people with visual impairments to accept new transportation assistive technologies. In: 19th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, 9 Sep 2022, Oxford Brookes University.

Bennett, Roger; Kottasz, Rita; Vijaygopal, Rohini and Gardasz, Bettina (2022). Poverty porn and charity donation behaviour: An empirical study. In: ARNOVA’s 51st Annual Conference, 17-19 Nov 2022, North Carolina.

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2021). Air passenger attitudes towards pilotless aircraft. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 41, article no. 100656.

Bennett, Roger; Vijaygopal, Rohini and Kottasz, Rita (2020). Willingness of people who are blind to accept autonomous vehicles: An empirical investigation. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 69 pp. 13–27.

Bennett, Roger; Vijaygopal, Rohini and Kottasz, Rita (2020). Who gives to food banks? A first look at food bank donation behaviour by individuals. In: Fifth European Social Marketing Conference (ESMC 2021): People, Planet, Systems and Solutions, 20-22 Oct 2021, Thessaloniki Convention Bureau, Greece.

Bennett, Roger; Vijaygopal, Rohini and Kottasz, Rita (2019). Attitudes towards autonomous vehicles among people with physical disabilities. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 127 pp. 1–17.

Bennett, R.; Vijaygopal, R. and Kottasz, R. (2019). Willingness of people with mental health disabilities to travel in driverless vehicles. Journal of Transport & Health, 12 pp. 1–12.

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2019). Towards a model of donor behaviour relating to mental disability charities. Social Business, 9(3) pp. 248–271.

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2019). An approach to modelling charity donor behaviour concerning unpopular causes. In: Academy of Marketing Conference (AM2019): When you tire of marketing you tire of life, 2-4 Jul 2019, Regent University, London..

Bennett, Roger; Vijaygopal, Rohini and Kottasz, Rita (2019). Developing value propositions for marketing and public information campaigns to promote driverless vehicles to disabled people. In: 24th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC 2019): Storytelling across platforms: Managing corporate and marketing communications from a storytelling perspective, 29-30 Apr 2019, Ariel University, Israel..

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2018). An assessment of UK drivers' attitudes regarding the forthcoming ban on the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 62 pp. 330–344.

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2018). Predicting Car Drivers’ Willingness to Accept the 2040 Ban on Petrol and Diesel Vehicles: A Random Utility Contingency Valuation Approach. In: 47th EMAC Conference: People Make Marketing, 29 May - 2 Jun 2018, Strathclyde University, Glasgow: Scotland..

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2016). Using a Computer-Based Game to Improve Public Attitudes towards Electric Vehicles. In: Second European Social Marketing Conference: Social Marketing as a Driver for Effective Social Action, 21-22 Sep 2016, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland.

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2016). Measuring and Improving the Public Stereotype of Owners of Electric Vehicles. In: Academy of Marketing Conference (2016) : Radical Marketing, 4-7 Jul 2016, Northumbria University, United Kingdom.

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Kottasz, Rita; Bennett, Roger; Vijaygopal, Rohini and Gardasz, Bettina (2022). Driverless Futures: Current Non-drivers’ Willingness to Travel in Driverless Vehicles. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2022: Marketing: The Fabric of Life, 5-7 Jul 2022, University of Huddersfield.

Kottasz, Rita; Bennett, Roger; Vijaygopal, Rohini and Gardasz, Bettina (2021). Driverless Futures: Current Non-drivers’ Willingness to Travel in Driverless Vehicles. Journal of Marketing Management, 37(15-16) pp. 1656–1689.

Kottasz, Rita; Bennett, Roger; Vijaygopal, Rohini and Gardasz, Bettina (2020). Driverless cars and the non-driving public: Developing marketing and public information campaigns to secure acceptance of driverless vehicles. In: 25th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC 2021), 14-16 Apr 2021, University of Granada (Online), Spain.

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Shabbir, Haseeb; Bennett, Roger; Kottasz, Rita; Vijaygopal, Rohini; Gardasz, Bettina; Adams, Julian and Kendall, Paddy (2024). Poverty porn as humanitarian business: the effects of framing, affect intensity and spokesperson characteristics. Business & Society (Early access).

Shaw, Stephen and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2015). Switching to zero-emission electric vehicles (EVs): Opportunities for innovative social marketing communications. In: Social Marketing and Behaviour Change workshop: European Social Marketing Association, 24 Apr 2015, Queen Mary University of London.

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Vijaygopal, Rohini; Bennett, Roger and Savani, Sharmila (2023). Initiation, marketing and branding of smart city projects: a study of decision processes. Journal of Marketing Management, 39(17-18) pp. 1833–1861.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Savani, Sharmila and Bennett, Roger (2022). Marketing Smart City Initiatives to Smart City Residents. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2022: Marketing: The Fabric of Life, 5-7 Jul 2022, University of Huddersfield.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Bennett, Roger and Savani, Sharmila (2021). Smart City Brand Creation and Implementation. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2021: Reframing Marketing Priorities, 5-7 Jul 2021, Online.

Vijaygopal, Rohini (2019). Consumer Acculturation and Implications for Brand Preferences. In: Information Resources Management Association ed. Global Branding: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice. IGI Global, pp. 378–403.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger (2018). Driverless Cars and the Disabled: A Pilot Study and an Agenda for Social Marketing. In: 17th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Nonprofit and Social Marketing, 17 Sep 2018, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Vijaygopal, Rohini and Bennett, Roger (2016). Effectiveness of Consumer Engagement through Gamification as a Social Marketing Strategy: A Study Related to the Adoption of Electric Vehicles. In: Academy of Marketing Conference (2016) : Radical Marketing, 4-7 Jul 2016, Northumbria University, United Kingdom.

Vijaygopal, Rohini (2015). Identifying the most effective international marketing communication strategy by exploring consumer attitudes towards electric car adoption: a qualitative study. In: Academy of Marketing Conference (2015) : The Magic in Marketing, 7-9 Jul 2015, University of Limerick, Ireland.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2014). How acculturation affects British Indians' consumer behaviour across product and service types. In: Academy of Marketing Conference (2014) : Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Spaces, 7-10 Jul 2014, University of Bournemouth, United Kingdom.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2013). Does acculturation affect brand preference? A study of British Indians. In: European Advances in Consumer Research (Cornelissen, Gert; Reutskaja, Elena and Valenzuela, Ana eds.), Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN, 10 pp. 51–63.

Vijaygopal, Rohini (2013). Consumer acculturation and demographic factors: An empirical analysis of British Indians. In: Academy of Marketing Conference (2013): Marketing Relevance, 8-11 Jul 2013, University of South Wales, Cardiff.

Vijaygopal, Rohini and Dibb, Sally (2012). Exploring the role of acculturation in brand choice: a new perspective for targeting Indians living in the UK. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 20(1) pp. 47–56.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2012). Primacy of Acculturation Categories Over Demographic Variables As Differentiators of Brand Preference. In: NA - Advances in Consumer Research (Gürhan-Canli, Zeynep; Otnes, Cele and Zhu, Rui eds.), Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, MN, 40 p. 1132.

Vijaygopal, Rohini; Dibb, Sally and Meadows, Maureen (2012). Segmenting the British Indian market using Berry’s Taxonomy. In: Academy of Marketing Conference (2012): Marketing: Catching the technology wave, 2-5 Jul 2012, University of Southampton, United Kingdom.

Vijaygopal, Rohini (2009). Acculturation and Brand Choice. In: Consumer Culture Theory Conference (CCT 2009), 2009, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: USA.

Vijaygopal, Rohini (2009). Acculturation and brand choice. Postgraduate Research Poster Competition, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Vijaygopal, Rohini and Dibb, Sally (2009). Exploring the role of acculturation on the way Indians living in the UK, approach the process of unravelling the reasons for brand choice. In: Putting Marketing in its Place, 6-9 Jul 2009, Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.


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