Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rachel Thomson

84 items in this list.
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ETo Top

Elliott, Jane; Holland, Janet and Thomson, Rachel (2007). Longitudinal and Panel Studies. In: Bickman, Leonard; Brannen, Julia and Alasuutari, Pertti eds. Handbook of Social Research Methods. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 228–248.

FTo Top

GTo Top

Gordon, Tuula; Holland, Janet; Lahelma, Elina and Thomson, Rachel (2008). Young female citizens in education: emotions, resources and agency. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 16(2) pp. 177–191.

Gordon, Tuula; Holland, Janet; Lahelma, Elina and Thomson, Rachel (2005). Imagining gendered adulthood: Anxiety, ambivalence, avoidance and anticipation. European Journal of Women's Studies, 12(1) pp. 83–103.

HTo Top

Hadfield, Lucy; Kehily, Mary Jane; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (2010). The QLR 'workbook': A recursive approach to data generation. In: Timescapes 2010: The craft of qualitative longitudinal research, 20 Jan 2010, Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University.

Holland, Janet and Thomson, Rachel (2009). Gaining a perspective on choice and fate: revisiting critical moments. European Societies, 11(3) pp. 451–469.

Hadfield, Lucy; Kehily, Mary Jane; Thomson, Rachel and Sharpe, Sue (2009). Acting up and acting out: encountering children in a longitudinal study of mothering. In: 9th Conference of the European Sociological Association: European society or European societies, 2-5 Sep 2009, Lisbon, Portugal.

Henderson, Sheila J.; Holland, Janet; McGrellis, Sheena; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (2006). Inventing adulthoods: a biographical approach to youth transitions. London, UK: Sage Publications in association with the Open University.

Holland, Janet; Henderson, Sheila and Thomson, Rachel (2006). Making the Long View: Perspectives on context from a qualitative longitudinal (QL) study. Methodological Innovations Online, 1(2) pp. 47–63.

Henderson, Sheila; Taylor, Rebecca and Thomson, Rachel (2002). In touch: Young people, communication and technologies. Information, Communication and Society, 5(4) pp. 494–512.

Holland, J.; Bell, R.; Henderson, S.; McGrellis, S.; Sharpe, S. and Thomson, R. (2001). Youth values and transitions: Young people's participation in the research process. In: Clark, J.; Dyson, A.; Meagher, N.; Robson, E. and Wootten, M. eds. Young people as researchers: Possibilities, problems and politics. Leicester: National Youth Agency.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (2000). Deconstructing virginity: Young people's accounts of first sex. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 15(3) pp. 221–232.

Holland, J.; Thomson, R.; Henderson, S.; McGrellis, S. and Sharpe, S. (2000). Catching on, wising up and learning from your mistakes: Young people's accounts of moral development. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 8(3) pp. 271–294.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1998). The male in the head: Young people, heterosexuality and power. London: Tufnell Press.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1997). Feminist methodology and young people's sexuality. In: Paker, Richard and Aggleton, Peter eds. Culture, society and sexuality: A reader. Sexuality, Culture and Health. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 457–472.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline and Thomson, Rachel (1996). In the same boat? The gendered (in)experience of first heterosex. In: Richardson, Diane ed. Theorising heterosexuality: Telling it straight. Buckingham: Open University Press, pp. 143–160.

Holland, J.; Ramazanoglu, C.; Sharpe, S. and Thomson, R. (1996). Reputations: Journeying into gendered power and relations. In: Weeks, Jeffery and Holland, Janet eds. Sexual cultures: Communities, values and intimacy. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 239–260.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Scott, Sue; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1996). 'Don't die of ignorance' I nearly died of embarrassment: Condoms in context. In: Jackson, Stevi and Scott, Sue eds. Feminism and sexuality: A reader. Columbia University Press, pp. 117–129.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1994). Power and desire: The embodiment of female sexuality. Feminist Review, 1994(46) pp. 21–38.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Scott, Sue; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1994). Methodological issues in researching young women's sexuality. In: Boulton, Mary ed. Challenge and Innovation: Methodological Advances in Social Research on HIV/AIDS. Social Aspects of AIDS. London: Falmer Press, pp. 219–240.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Scott, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1994). Desire, risk and control: The body as a site of contestation. In: Doyal, Lesley; Naidoo, Jennie and Wilton, Tamsin eds. AIDS: Setting a feminist agenda. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 61–79.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1994). Achieving masculine sexuality: Young men's strategies for managing vulnerability. In: Doyal, L; Naidoo, J and Wilton, T eds. AIDS: Setting a feminist agenda. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 122–150.

Holland, J.; Ramazanoglu, C.; Scott, S.; Sharpe, S. and Thomson, R. (1993). Don't die of ignorance, I nearly died of embarrassment: condoms in context. In: Berer, M. and Ray, S. eds. Women and HIV/AIDS: An International Resource Book. Pandora Press. London.

Holland, J.; Ramazanoglu, C.; Scott, S.; Sharpe, S. and Thomson, R. (1992). Risk, power and the possibility of pleasure: Young women and safer sex. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 4(3) pp. 273–283.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1992). Pleasure, pressure and power: Some contradictions of gendered sexuality. Sociological Review, 40(4) pp. 645–674.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Scott, Sue; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1992). Pressure, resistance, empowerment: Young women and the negotiation of safer sex. In: Aggleton, Peter; Davies, Peter and Hart, Graham eds. AIDS: Rights, risk and reason. Social Aspects of AIDS. UK: Routledge, pp. 142–162.

Holland, J.; Ramazanoglu, C.; Scott, S.; Sharpe, S and Thomson, R. (1991). Painostus, vastarinta, vahvistuminen: Nuoret naiset ja turvaseksista sopiminen (Pressure, resistance, empowerment: Young women and the negotiation of safer sex). Nuorisotutkimus (Youth Research), 9(2) pp. 15–26.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Scott, Sue; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1991). Between embarrassment and trust: Young women and the diversity of condom use. In: Aggleton, Peter; Davies, Peter and Hart, Graham eds. AIDS: Responses, Interventions and Care. Social Aspects of AIDS. UK: Routledge, pp. 127–148.

Holland, Janet; Ramazanoglu, Caroline; Scott, Sue; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (1990). Sex, gender and power: young women's sexuality in the shadow of AIDS. Sociology of Health and Illness, 12(3) pp. 336–350.

KTo Top

Kehily, M. J. and Thomson, R. (2009). Situations in a common culture: Interdisciplinary strategies for mapping modern motherhood. In: ESRC Research Seminar Series: Cross Cultural and Interdisciplinary Issues in Research on Motherhoods, Markets and Consumption, 16 Jan 2009, Keele University.

Kehily, M. J. and Thomson, R. (2009). Troubling reflexivity: The identity flows of teachers becoming mothers. In: Gender and Education International Conference: 'Gender: Regulation and Resistance in Education', 25-27 Mar 2009, Institute of Education, University of London.

MTo Top

McGrellis, Sheena; Henderson, Sheila; Holland, Janet; Sharpe, Sue and Thomson, Rachel (2001). Through the moral maze: A qualitative study of young people's moral values. London: Tufnell Press.

PTo Top

Plumridge, L. and Thomson, R. (2003). Longitudinal qualitative studies and the reflexive self. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 6(3) pp. 213–222.

RTo Top

Rudoe, Naomi and Thomson, Rachel (2009). Class cultures and the meaning of young motherhood. In: Graham, Hilary ed. Understanding Health Inequalities, Volume Second edi. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 162–178.

STo Top

TTo Top

Thomson, Rachel; Kehily, Mary Jane; Hadfield, Lucy and Sharpe, Sue (2011). Making Modern Mothers. Bristol: Policy Press.

Thomson, Rachel (2010). Using biographical and longitudinal methods: researching mothering. In: Mason, Jennifer and Dale, Angela eds. Understanding Social Research: Thinking Creatively about Method. London: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 62–74.

Thomson, Rachel; Kehily, Mary; Hadfield, Lucy and Sharpe, Sue (2009). The making of modern motherhoods: Storying an emergent identity. In: Wetherell, Margaret ed. Identity in the 21st Century: New Trends in Changing Times. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 197–212.

Thomson, Rachel (2009). Transitions to adulthood. In: Taylor, Wayne; Earle, Rod and Hester, Richard eds. Youth Justice Handbook: Theory, policy and practice. Cullompton: Willan.

Thomson, R. and Kehily, M. J. (2008). Maternal subjectivities over time: The reconfiguration of generational and biographical resources. In: Subjectivity Conference: International Conference in Critical Psychology, 27-29 Jun 2008, Cardiff University.

Thomson, Rachel and Hadfield, Lucy (2008). Creating case histories: subjects, selves and family dynamics. In: Health and Social Care Real Life Methods Seminar, 7 Oct 2008, Open University, Milton Keynes.

Thomson, Rachel (2007). A Biographical Perspective. In: Kehily, Mary ed. Understanding Youth: Perspectives, Identities & Practices. London, UK: Sage.

Thomson, Rachel (2005). Between cosmopolitanism and the locals: mobility as a resource in the transition to adulthood. Young: Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 13(4) pp. 327–342.

Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet (2005). Thanks for the memory: Memory books as a methodological resource in biographical research. Qualitative Research, 5(2) pp. 201–291.

Thomson, R.; Kehily, M. J. and Hadfield, L. (2005). The making of modern motherhoods. In: British Sociological Association Family Studies Group Conference: Time Space and Family Practices, 14-15 Jan 2005, Keele University, UK.

Thomson, R. and Kehily, M. J. (2005). Thinking intergenerationally. In: 7th Conference of European Sociological Association: Rethinking Inequalities, 9-12 Sep 2005, Torun, Poland.

Thomson, Rachel; Holland, Janet; McGrellis, Sheena; Bell, Robert; Henderson, Sheila and Sharpe, Sue (2004). Inventing adulthoods: a biographical approach to understanding youth citizenship. The Sociological Review, 52(2) pp. 218–239.

Thomson, Rachel (2004). Sexuality and young people: Policies, practices and identities. In: Carabine, Jean ed. Sexualities: Personal lives and social policy. Bristol, UK: The Policy Press/ Open University.

Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet (2003). Hindsight, foresight and insight: the challenges of longitudinal qualitative research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 6(3) pp. 233–244.

Thomson, Rachel; Plumridge, Libby and Holland, Janet (2003). Editorial: Longitudinal qualitative research - a developing methodology. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 6(3) pp. 185–187.

Thomson, Rachel; Henderson, Sheila and Holland, Janet (2003). Making the most of what you've got: Resources, values and inequalities in young people's transitions to adulthood. Educational Review, 55(1) pp. 33–46.

Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet (2002). Imagined adulthood: resources, plans and contradictions. Gender and Education, 14(4) pp. 337–350.

Thomson, R.; Holland, J.; McGrellis, S. and Sharpe, S. (2002). Researching Childhood: Time, memory and Method. In: Allan, Graham and Jones, Gill eds. Social relations and the life course. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave.

Thomson, Rachel; Bell, Robert; Holland, Janet; Henderson, Sheila; McGrellis, Sheena and Sharpe, Sue (2002). Critical moments: choice, chance and opportunity in young people's narratives of transition. Sociology, 36(2) pp. 335–354.

Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet (2002). Young people, social change and the negotiation of moral authority. Children and Society, 16(2) pp. 103–115.

Thomson, Rachel; McGrellis, Sheena; Holland, Janet; Henderson, Sheila and Sharpe, Sue (2001). From 'Peter Andre's six pack' to 'I do knees': The body in young people's moral discourse. In: Backett-Milburn, Kathryn and Mckie, Linda eds. Constructing Gendered Bodies: Explorations in Sociology. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 141–161.

Thomson, Rachel (2000). Sex education. In: Kramerae, Cheris and Spender, Dale eds. Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women. New York: Routledge.

Thomson, Rachel (2000). Dream on: the logic of sexual practice. Journal of Youth Studies, 3(4) pp. 407–427.

Thomson, Rachel (2000). Legal, protected and timely: Young people's reflections on the age of heterosexual consent. In: Bridgeman, Jo and Monk, Daniel eds. Feminist perspectives on child law. London: Cavendish Press, pp. 169–186.

Thomson, Rachel (2000). Authority. In: Rutherford, Jonathan ed. The art of life: On living, love and death. Lawrence and Wishart.

Thomson, Rachel (1999). 'It was the way we were watching it': Young men negotiate pornography. In: Hearn, Jeff and Roseneil, Sasha eds. Consuming cultures: Power and resistance. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 178–198.

Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet (1998). Sexual relationships, negotiation and decision making. In: Coleman, John and Roker, Debi eds. Teenage sexuality: Health, risk and education. Reading: Harwood Academic, pp. 59–80.

Thomson, Rachel (1996). Sex education and the law. In: Harris, N. D. ed. Children, sex education and the law. London: National Children's Bureau.

Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet (1994). Young women and safer sex: Context, constraints and strategies. In: Wilkinson, Sue and Kitzinger, Celia eds. Women and Health: Feminist perspectives. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 13–32.

Thomson, Rachel ed. (1993). Religion, ethnicity and sex education: exploring the issues. London: National Children's Bureau.

Thomson, Rachel and Holland, Janet (1993). Young women and safer sex. Health Psychology Update, 12 pp. 10–16.


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