Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rajvinder Samra

37 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 02:48:06 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

2024To Top

França, Alex Bacadini; Samra, Rajvinder; Vitorino, Luciano Magalhães and Schelini, Patrícia (2024). The Relationship Between Mental health, Metacognition, and Emotion Regulation in Older People. Clinical Gerontologist, 47(2) pp. 298–306.

Samra, Rajvinder; Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Núñez-Garcia, Alicia; Brown, Katherine E.; Rimes, Katharine A. and Wallace, Louise M. (2024). Adult stakeholders’ perspectives on supporting or undermining the mental health of sexual and gender minoritised adolescents. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice (Early access).

2023To Top

2022To Top

Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Núñez-García, Alicia; Rimes, Katharine A.; Wallace, Louise M.; Brown, Katherine E. and Samra, Rajvinder (2022). Coping Strategies to Enhance the Mental Wellbeing of Sexual and Gender Minority Youths: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), article no. e8738.

2021To Top

Samra, Rajvinder and Hankivsky, Olena (2021). Adopting an intersectionality framework to address power and equity in medicine. The Lancet, 397(10277) pp. 857–859.

2020To Top

Jones, Emma; Graffin, Neil; Samra, Rajvinder and Lucassen, Mathijs (2020). Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Legal Profession. Bristol Shorts Research. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

França, Alex Bacadini; Gordon, Adam Lee; Samra, Rajvinder; Duarte, Evelise Saia Rodolpho and Jacinto, Alessandro Ferrari (2020). Symptoms of mood disorders in family carers of older people with dementia who experience caregiver burden: a network approach. Age and Ageing, 49(4) pp. 628–633.

Samra, Rajvinder (2020). The edges of human performance in psychiatry. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 216(6) pp. 294–295.

Jacinto, Alessandro Ferrari; Gordon, Adam Lee; Samra, Rajvinder; Steiner, Ana Beatriz; Mayoral, Vania Ferreira de Sá and Citero, Vanessa de Albuquerque (2020). Comparing knowledge and attitudes to dementia care in Brazilian and UK GPs to guide future decisions about educational interventions. Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, 41(2) pp. 250–257.

2019To Top

Lucassen, Mathijs F.G.; Samra, Rajvinder; Axtell-Powell, Georgia and Cooke, Georgina (2019). 'A Support Net': Evaluating a novel mental health-related online educational tool. In: International Society for Research on Internet Interventions - ISRII: The Next Generation, 13-15 Feb 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.

2018To Top

2017To Top

Lucassen, Mathijs F.G.; Stasiak, Karolina; Samra, Rajvinder; Frampton, Christopher M.A. and Merry, Sally N. (2017). Sexual minority youth and depressive symptoms or depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51(8) pp. 774–787.

Samra, Rajvinder; Cox, Tom; Gordon, Adam; Conroy, Simon; Lucassen, Mathijs and Griffiths, Amanda (2017). What Factors Are Related to Medical Students’ and Doctors’ Attitudes Towards Older Patients? In: 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 23-27 Jul 2017, San Francisco, California.

2016To Top

Tudor Car, Lorainne; Papachristou, Nikolaos; Gallagher, Joseph; Samra, Rajvinder; Wazny, Kerri; El-Khatib, Mona; Bull, Adrian; Majeed, Azeem; Aylin, Paul; Atun, Rifat; Rudan, Igor; Car, Josip; Bell, Helen; Vincent, Charles and Dean Franklin, Bryony (2016). Identification of priorities for improvement of medication safety in primary care: a PRIORITIZE study. BMC Family Practice, 17(160)

Samra, Rajvinder; Car, Josip; Majeed, Azeem; Vincent, Charles and Aylin, Paul (2016). How to monitor patient safety in primary care? Healthcare professionals’ views. JRSM Open, 7(8) pp. 1–8.

2015To Top

Samra, Rajvinder; Griffiths, Amanda; Cox, Tom; Conroy, Simon; Gordon, Adam and Gladman, John R. F. (2015). Medical students’ and doctors’ attitudes towards older patients and their care in hospital settings: a conceptualisation. Age and Ageing, 44(5) pp. 776–783.

Samra, Rajvinder; Bottle, Alex and Aylin, Paul (2015). Monitoring patient safety in North-West London primary care. In: Health Services Research Network (HSRN) Symposium, 1-2 Jul 2015, Nottingham.

2014To Top

Samra, Rajvinder; Tudor Car, Lorraine; Aylin, Paul and Majeed, Azeem (2014). Prioritize: asking healthcare professionals about patient safety priorities in primary care. In: International Society for Quality in Healthcare 31st International Conference: Quality and Safety Along the Health and Social Care Continuum, 5-8 Oct 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Oakley, Rachel; Pattinson, Joanne; Goldberg, Sarah; Daunt, Laura; Samra, Rajvinder; Masud, Tahi; Gladman, John R. F.; Blundell, Adrian G. and Gordon, Adam L. (2014). Equipping tomorrow's doctors for the patients of today. Age and Ageing, 43(4) pp. 442–447.

2013To Top

Samra, Rajvinder; Griffiths, Amanda; Cox, Tom; Conroy, Simon and Knight, Alec (2013). Changes in medical student and doctor attitudes toward older adults after an intervention: a systematic review. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 61(7) pp. 1188–1196.


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