Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Robin Roy
BookTo Top
Roy, Robin (2024). Creative Design and Innovation: How to produce successful products and buildings. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Roy, Robin (2015). Consumer Product Innovation and Sustainable Design: The evolution and impacts of successful products. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin; Bruce, Margaret and Potter, Stephen (1992). Winning by Design: Technology, Product Design and International Competitiveness. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
Roy, Robin and Wield, David (1986). Product design and technological innovation. UK: Open University Press.
Book SectionTo Top
Caird, S. and Roy, R.
Caird, S. and Roy, R.
Roy, Robin and Tovey, Michael
Roy, Robin
Caird, Sally and Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin; Caird, Sally and Potter, Stephen
Roy, Robin; Potter, Stephen and Yarrow, Karen
Journal ItemTo Top
Roy, Robin and Warren, James
Roy, Robin
Caird, Sally; Lane, Andy; Swithenby, Ed; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen
Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally
Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen
Caird, Sally and Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally
Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally
Caird, Sally and Roy, Robin
Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Herring, Horace
Roy, Robin; Potter, Stephen and Yarrow, Karen
Herring, Horace and Roy, Robin
Caird, Sally and Roy, Robin
Herring, Horace and Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen
Crompton, Sally; Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally
Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally
Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally
Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin
Potter, Stephen and Roy, Robin
Walker, David and Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin; Reidel, Johann and Potter, Stephen
Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Wield, David
Roy, Robin and Reidel, Johann C. k. h.
Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen
Wield, David and Roy, Robin
Bruce, Margaret; Potter, Stephen and Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin
Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Wield, David
Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin
Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin; Bruce, Margaret and Potter, Stephen
Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen
Bruce, Margaret and Roy, Robin
Turner, Calum; Roy, Robin and Wield, David
Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen
Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin and Bruce, Margaret
Walsh, Vivien and Roy, Robin
Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top
Roy, Robin and Warren, James
Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin
Riedel,, Johann; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen
Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally
Caird, Sally; Herring, Horace and Roy, Robin
Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally
Crompton, Sally; Caird, Sally and Roy, Robin
OtherTo Top
Roy, Robin (2016). A Story of Innovation: The Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner Invented by James Dyson. Creative Academic Magazine, UK.
Roy, Robin; Caird, Sally and Potter, Stephen (2010). Getting warmer: a field trial of heat pumps. The Energy Saving Trust, London, UK.
Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (2010). Heat pump user experiences, behaviour and satisfaction. The Open University Design Innovation Group, Milton Keynes UK.
Roy, Robin (2009). Achieving the carbon dioxide saving potential of domestic heat pumps in the UK: an evaluation of technical performance and user behaviour. Design Innovation Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
Roy, Robin; Caird, Sally and Abelman, Jennie (2008). YIMBY Generation – yes in my back yard! UK householders pioneering microgeneration heat. The Energy Saving Trust, London, UK.
Quality Support Centre, Sally; Roy, Robin; Potter, Stephen and Herring, Horace (2007). Consumer adoption of household energy efficiency measures. DIG Report 9; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.
Quality Support Centre, Sally; Roy, Robin; Potter, Stephen and Herring, Horace (2007). Consumer adoption and use of household renewable energy technologies. DIG Report 10; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.
Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally (2007). Climate Change: the citizen's agenda Evidence to Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee. The Stationery Office, London, UK.
Roy, Robin; Potter, Stephen; Yarrow, Karen and Smith, Mark (2005). Factor 10 Visions project: Higher Education Sector Towards Sustainable Higher Education: Environmental impacts of campus-based and distance higher education systems. DIG Report 8; Design Innovation Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Roy, Robin; Riedel, Johann C. K. H. and Potter, Stephen (1998). MArket Demands that Reward Investment in Design (MADRID). Final Report. DIG Report 6; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.
Quality Support Centre, Mark T.; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (1996). The Commercial Impacts of Green Product Development. DIG Report 5; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.
Quality Support Centre, Stephen; Roy, Robin; Capon, Clare H.; Bruce, Margaret; Walsh, Vivienne and Lewis, Jenny (1991). The Benefits and Costs of Investment in Design: Using Professional Design Expertise in Product, Engineering and Graphics Projects. DIG Report 3; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.
Quality Support Centre, Vivien and Roy, Robin (1983). Plastics Products: Good Design, Innovation and Business Success. DIG Report 1; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.
Roy, Robin (1982). Windpumps for rural India. ATG paper 11; Alternative Technology Group, The Open University.
Roy, Robin (1980). Family and community biogas plants in rural India and China. ATG paper 9; Alternative Technology Group, The Open University.
Roy, Robin (1979). Comparison of commercial and do-it-yourself solar collectors. ATG paper 7; Alternative Technology Group, The Open University.