Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Robin Roy

77 items in this list.
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BookTo Top

Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin; Bruce, Margaret and Potter, Stephen (1992). Winning by Design: Technology, Product Design and International Competitiveness. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.

Book SectionTo Top

Caird, S. and Roy, R. (2019). Sustainable Higher Education Systems. In: Leal Filho, W. ed. Encyclopaedia of Sustainability and Higher Education. Springer, Cham.

Caird, S. and Roy, R. (2018). Blended Learning and Sustainable Development. In: Leal Filho, W. ed. Encyclopaedia of Sustainability and Higher Education. Springer, Cham.

Roy, Robin and Tovey, Michael (2012). Bicycle design: creativity and innovation. In: Tovey, Michael ed. Design for Transport: A User-Centred Approach to Vehicle Design and Travel. Farnham UK: Gower, pp. 167–200.

Roy, Robin (2012). Case studies in low carbon living. In: Herring, Horace ed. Living in a Low Carbon Society in 2050. Energy, Climate and the Environment. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 95–120.

Caird, Sally and Roy, Robin (2010). Yes in my back yard: UK householders pioneering technologies. In: Devine-Wright, Patrick ed. Renewable Energy and the Public. London: Earthscan, pp. 203–219.

Roy, Robin (2009). Designing for sustainability. In: Wilson, Gordon; Furniss, Pamela and Kimbowa, Richard eds. Environment, Development, and Sustainability: Perspectives and cases from around the world. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 203–212.

Roy, Robin; Caird, Sally and Potter, Stephen (2007). People centred eco-design: consumer adoption of low and zero carbon products and systems. In: Murphy, Joseph ed. Governing Technology for Sustainability. London, UK: Earthscan, pp. 41–62.

Roy, Robin; Potter, Stephen and Yarrow, Karen (2004). Towards sustainable higher education: environmental impacts of conventional campus, print-based and electronic/open learning systems. In: Murphy, D; Carr, R; Taylor, J. and Wong, T.M eds. Distance Education & Technology: Issues and Practice. Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 129–145.

Journal ItemTo Top

Caird, Sally and Roy, Robin (2006). Household ecological footprints - demographics and sustainability. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 8(4) pp. 407–429.

Crompton, Sally; Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally (2002). Household ecological footprinting for active distance learning and challenge of personal lifestyles. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 3(4) pp. 313–323.

Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally (2001). Environmental actions to reduce household ecological footprints. International Journal of Environmental Education and Information, 4(2) pp. 315–332.

Roy, Robin (2000). The long-term benefits of investing in new product development by SMEs. International Journal of New Product Development and Innovation Management, 1(4) pp. 281–295.

Roy, Robin (2000). Sustainable product-service systems. Futures, 32(3-4) pp. 289–299.

Potter, Stephen and Roy, Robin (2000). Using scenarios to identify innovation priorities in the UK railway industry. International Journal of Innovation Management, 4(2) pp. 229–252.

Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Wield, David (1997). Team approaches to developing innovative projects and processes. International Journal of Innovation Management, 1(4) pp. 333–354.

Roy, Robin and Reidel, Johann C. k. h. (1997). Design and innovation in successful product competition. Technovation, 17(10) pp. 537–548.

Roy, Robin (1996). Designing a greener product: the Hoover 'New Wave' washing machine range. Co-Design: the interdisciplinary journal of design and contextual studies(5-6) pp. 34–39.

Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (1996). Managing engineering design in complex supply chains. International Journal of Technology Management, 12(4) pp. 403–420.

Bruce, Margaret; Potter, Stephen and Roy, Robin (1995). The risks and rewards of design investment. Journal of Marketing Management, 11 pp. 403–417.

Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Wield, David (1994). Problems Experienced by Engineers with Environmental Product Development Projects. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 6(2) pp. 177–188.

Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin; Bruce, Margaret and Potter, Stephen (1993). Perspectives on design and innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management, 2(2) pp. 78–86.

Bruce, Margaret and Roy, Robin (1991). Integrating marketing and design for commercial benefit. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 9(5) pp. 23–28.

Turner, Calum; Roy, Robin and Wield, David (1990). Materials: A new revolutionary generic technology? Conditions and policies for innovation. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2(3) pp. 221–235.

Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (1990). Managing design projects in small and medium sized firms. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2(3) pp. 321–336.

Walsh, Vivien; Roy, Robin and Bruce, Margaret (1988). Competitive by design. Journal of Marketing Management, 4(2) pp. 201–216.

Walsh, Vivien and Roy, Robin (1985). The designer as 'gatekeeper' in manufacturing industry. Design Studies, 6(3) pp. 127–133.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Roy, Robin and Warren, James (2018). Card-based Tools For Creative And Systematic Design. In: Proceedings of the Design Research Society DRS2018 conference (TBC), pp. 1075–1087.

Roy, Robin (2016). Consumer Product Design and Innovation: Past, present and future. In: Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference (Lloyd, Peter and Bohemia, Erik eds.), Design Research Society, London, UK, 10 pp. 3755–3770.

Roy, Robin (2015). Consumer product innovation and sustainable design. In: Proceedings of Sustainable Innovation 2015, State of the Art: Sustainable Innovation and Design, 20th International Conference, The Centre for Sustainable Design, University of the Creative Arts, pp. 209–216.

Riedel,, Johann; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (2008). Design and market position - mapping the market with the MADRID market map. In: International Product Development Management Conference, 30 Jun - 1 Jul 2008, Hamburg, Germany.

Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally (2007). Designing low and zero carbon products and systems: improvements based on consumers’ experience of adoption and use. In: International Conference on Engineering Design ICED'07, Design for Society: Knowledge, innovation and sustainability, 28-30 Aug 2007, Paris, France.

Caird, Sally; Herring, Horace and Roy, Robin (2007). Can consumers save energy? Results from surveys of consumer adoption and use of low and zero carbon technologies. In: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study 2007, 4-5 Jun 2007, La Colle sur Loup, Côte d’Azur, France.

Roy, Robin and Caird, Sally (2006). Designing low and zero carbon products and systems – adoption, effective use and innovation. In: Sustainable Innovation 06: 11th International Conference, 23-24 Oct 2006, Chicago, USA.

Crompton, Sally; Caird, Sally and Roy, Robin (2001). An environmental assessment activity to promote active distance learning and challenge of personal lifestyles and values. In: 6th International auDES Conference: Bridging Minds and Markets. Emerging Issues in Environmental Education and Employment in Europe, 5-7 Apr 2001, Venice, Italy.

OtherTo Top

Caird, Sally; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (2010). Heat pump user experiences, behaviour and satisfaction. The Open University Design Innovation Group, Milton Keynes UK.

Roy, Robin (2009). Achieving the carbon dioxide saving potential of domestic heat pumps in the UK: an evaluation of technical performance and user behaviour. Design Innovation Group, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Roy, Robin; Riedel, Johann C. K. H. and Potter, Stephen (1998). MArket Demands that Reward Investment in Design (MADRID). Final Report. DIG Report 6; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.

Quality Support Centre, Mark T.; Roy, Robin and Potter, Stephen (1996). The Commercial Impacts of Green Product Development. DIG Report 5; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.

Quality Support Centre, Vivien and Roy, Robin (1983). Plastics Products: Good Design, Innovation and Business Success. DIG Report 1; Design Innovation Group, The Open University.

Roy, Robin (1982). Windpumps for rural India. ATG paper 11; Alternative Technology Group, The Open University.

Roy, Robin (1980). Family and community biogas plants in rural India and China. ATG paper 9; Alternative Technology Group, The Open University.

Roy, Robin (1979). Comparison of commercial and do-it-yourself solar collectors. ATG paper 7; Alternative Technology Group, The Open University.


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