Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ruslan Ramanau

22 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Feb 13 00:14:33 2025 GMT.

Journal ItemTo Top

Albert, S.; Fulton, D.; Ramanau, R. and Janes, A. (2021). Exploring cross-disciplinary differences in course mode, instructional tools and teaching methods in online courses in business & management. The International Journal of Management Education, 19(3), article no. 100532.

Benfield, Greg; Ramanau, Ruslan and Sharpe, Rhona (2009). Student learning technology use: preferences for study and contact. Brookes E-Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2(4)

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Orekhov, Viktor; Ramanau, Ruslan and Melnik, Michael (2018). Investigation of the legislation of control effectiveness of labor of scientific groups. In: 34th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development / 18th International Social Congress (ISC) (Maloletko, Aleksander; Rupcic, Natasa and Baracskai, Zoltan eds.), 18-19 Oct 2018, Moscow, pp. 669–678.

Ramanau, Ruslan and Lyubov, Krashenninikova (2013). Becoming an International Distance Learner: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Initial Period Study. In: 20th International EDiNEB Conference: Future Skills for Competitive Business Education, 5-7 Jun 2013, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.

Ramanau, Ruslan and Krasheninnikova, Lyubov (2012). Contextualizing Distance Business and Management Education: a Case of the UK Open University and IIM LINK in Russia. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on e-Learning (Beldhuis, Hans ed.), Academic Publishing International Limited, Reading, pp. 645–649.

Ramanau, Ruslan and Tyler, Sheila (2011). International management learning: comparative study of the Open University students. In: Proceedings of the European Humanities University Conference: Social Sciences, Humanities and Higher Education in Eastern Europe after 1991, Vilnius, Lithuania, 14-16 Jun 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Ramanau, Ruslan and Tyler, Sheila (2011). International management learning: comparative study of The Open University students. In: The Higher Education Academy Business Management Accountancy and Finance Network Conference 2011, 10-11 May 2011, Bournemouth, UK, The Higher Education Academy Annual BMAF (Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance) Network.

Robinson, Sarah; Ramanau, Ruslan; Reid, Kristen and Honnor, Keith (2010). Going global: considerations and challenges in designing a 'global' MBA. In: Networked Learning Conference 2010, 3-4 May 2010, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Ramanau, Ruslan (2009). Distance study with the Open University: Views from Russia. In: International Online Conference, Internet in Education, 12 Oct 2009, Moscow, Russia.

Jones, Chris and Ramanau, Ruslan (2009). The Net Generation enters university: What are the implications for Technology Enhanced Learning? In: M-2009: Proceedings of the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education including the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference, 7-10 Jun 2009, Maastricht, NL.

Ramanau, Ruslan and Geng, Fawei (2009). Researching the use of Wikis to facilitate group work. In: World Conference on Educational Sciences, New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences, 04-07 Feb 2009, Nicosia, North Cyprus.

Ramanau, Ruslan; Sharpe, Rhona and Benfield, Greg (2008). Exploring patterns of student learning technology use in their relationship to self-regulation and perceptions of learning community. In: Sixth International Conference on Networked Learning, 5-6 May 2008, Halkidiki, Greece.

Ramanau, Ruslan (2006). Perceptions of Interaction and Learner Autonomy - A Cross-Cultural Inquiry into Distance Learning Experiences in the Context of the UK and Russia. In: E-Competences for Life, Employment and Innovation - "E" is more! E-learning Enabling Education in Evolving Europe. Proceedings of EDEN (European Distance Education Network) 2006 Annual Conference (Szucs, Andras and Bo, Ingeborg eds.), Vienna Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria, pp. 387–393.


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