Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Raphael Kaplinsky
ATo Top
Ajakaiye, Olusanya and Kaplinsky, Raphael (2009). Special Issue of European Journal of Development Research - China in Africa: A Relationship in Transition. Palgrave, UK.
Andreasen, Lars Erik; Coriat, Benjamin; den Hertog, Frisio and Kaplinsky, Raphael
BTo Top
Barnes, Justin; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Bessant, John; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Lamming, Richard
Bessant, John; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Bessant, J.; Brown, S.; Francis, D.; Kaplinsky, R. and Meredith, S.
Barnes, Justin and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Barnes, Justin and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Bessant, John and Kaplinsky, Raphael
CTo Top
Chataway, Jo; Hanlin, Rebecca and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Clark, Norman; Chataway, Joanna; Hanlin, Rebecca; Kale, Dinar; Kaplinsky, Raphael; Muraguri, Lois; Papaioannou, Theo; Robbins, Peter and Wamae, Watu (2009). Below the radar: What does innovation in the Asian driver economies have to offer other low income economies. Economic and Social Research Council.
Cooper, Charles and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Cooper, Charles and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Clark, N.; Edquist, C.; Kaplinsky, R. and Pimentel, D. (1988). Cyprus Technology Strategy. UNDP/OPE and Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK.
Cooper, Charles; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Turner, R. (1973). Second-hand Equipment in a Developing Country: A Study of Jute-Processing in Kenya. Geneva: International Labour Organization.
DTo Top
Davis, Dennis; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
ETo Top
Evans, David; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Robinson, Sherman
FTo Top
Fu, Xiaolan; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Zhang, Jing
Fu, Xiaolan; Kaplinsky, Raphie and Kale, Dina
Fu, Xiaolan; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Zhang, Jing (2009). The impact of China's exports on global manufactures prices. University of Oxford.
Fitter, Robert and Kaplinsky, Raphael (2001). Can an agricultural 'commodity' be de-commodified, and if so who is to gain? Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton.
Fitter, Robert and Kaplinsky, Raphael
GTo Top
Grantham, Andrew and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Gereffi, Gary and Kaplinsky, Raphael
HTo Top
Humphrey, John; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Saraph, Prasad V. (1998). Corporate restructuring: Crompton Greaves and the challenge of globalisation. Delhi: Sage.
KTo Top
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Steinmueller, W. Edward
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Farooki, Masuma; Alcorta, Ludovico and Rodousakis, Niki (2012). Promoting Industrial Diversification in Resource Intensive Economies: The Experiences of Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia Regions. Vienna: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation.
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Farooki, Masuma
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Terheggen, Anne and Tijaja, Julia
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Farooki, Masuma (2011). How China Disrupted Global Commodities: The Reshaping of the World’s Resource Sector. Routledge studies in global competition. London: Routledge.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Morris, Adam and Kaplan, David (2011). Commodities and Linkages: Industrialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Open University.
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Morris, Adam and Kaplan, David (2011). Commodities and Linkages: Meeting the Policy Challenge. The Open University.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Morris, Mike and Kaplan, Dave (2011). A Conceptual Overview to Understand Commodities, Linkages and Industrial Development in Africa. Africa Export Import Bank.
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Farooki, Masuma
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael (2010). The role of standards in global value chains and their impact on economic and social upgrading. World Bank.
Kaplinsky, Raphael; McCormick, Dorothy and Morris, Mike
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Terheggen, Anne; Tijaja, Julia and Farooki, Masuma (2010). What happens in global value chains when the markey shifts from the north to the south? World Bank.
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Farooki, Masuma (2010). What are the implications for global value chains when the market shifts from the north to the south? The World Bank.
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Terheggen, Anne and Tijaja, Julia (2010). What happens when the market shifts to China? The Gabon timber and Thai cassava value chains. The World Bank.
Kaplinsky, Raphael; McCormick, Dorothy and Morris, Mike
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Farooki, Masuma (2009). Africa’s cooperation with new and emerging development partners: options for Africa’s development. UN-OSSA.
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, M.
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Chataway, Jo; Hanlin, Rebecca; Clark, Norman; Kale, Dinar; Muraguri, Lois; Papaioannou, Theo; Robbins, Peter and Wamae, Watu
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Readman, Jeff and Memedovic, Olga (2009). Upgrading strategies in global furniture value chains. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Messner, Dirk
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morros, Mike
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Readman, Jeff and Memedovic, Olga (2008). Upgrading strategies in global furniture value chains. United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna.
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike (2007). The structure of supply chains and their implications for export supply. AERC - African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi, Africa.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, R.; Grantham, A.; Mynors, D.; Mohamed, S.; Walsh, K.; Coles, R. and Chan, P.
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Santos-Paulino, Amelia U.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike (2006). Dangling by a thread: how sharp are the Chinese scissors? Institute of Development Studies.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Santos Paulino, Amelia
Kaplinsky, Raphael (2005). Globalization, poverty and inequality: between a rock and a hard place. Cambridge, UK: Polity.
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Readman, Jeff
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Kojima, Sakura
Kaplinsky, R.; Barnes, J.; Bessant, J. and Morris, M. (2004). Manufacturing Excellence in South Africa: CD and Accompanying Manuals. Department of Science and Technology.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Michael
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Memedovic, Olga; Morris, Mike and Readman, Jeff (2003). The global wood furniture value chain: what prospects for upgrading by developing countries? The case of South Africa. In Sectoral Studies Series UNIDO, Vienna.
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Morris, Mike and Readman, Jeff
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike (2002). A Handbook for Value Chain Research. Institute of Development Studies.
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Readman, Jeff (2001). Integrating SMEs in Global Value Chains: Towards Partnership for Development. In Vienna: UNIDO UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Vienna, Austria.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplan, David and Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Morris, Mike
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Manning, Claudia
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Mhlongo, Edmund
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Joffe, Avril; Kaplan, David and Lewis, David (1995). Improving Manufacturing Performance in South Africa: Report of the Industrial Strategy Project. Cape Town: UCT Press.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael; Andreasen, Lars Erik; den Hertog, Frisio and Coriat, Benjamin
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Posthuma, Anne (1994). Easternisation: The Spread of Japanese Management Techniques to Developing Countries. London, UK: Frank Cass.
Kaplinsky, R.; Joffe, A.; Kaplan, D. and Lewis, D.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, R. and Posthuma, A. (1993). Organisational Change in Zimbabwean Manufacturing. United Nations University (INTECH).
Kaplinsky, R. and Hoffman, K. (1993). Transnational Corporations and the Transfer of New Management Practices to Developing Countries. United Nations Centre of Transnational Corporations.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael (1990). The economies of small: appropriate technology in a changing world. London, UK: Intermediate Technology Press.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, R.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael (1987). Microelectronics and Employment Revisited: A Review. Geneva: International Labour Office.
Kaplinsky, R. and Hoffman, K. (1987). Driving Force: The Global Restructuring of Technology, Labor, and Investment in the Automobile and Components Industries. Westview Press.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael (1984). Automation: The Technology and Society. London, UK: Longmans.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael (1983). Sugar Processing: The Development of a Third World Technology. London, UK: Intermediate Technology Press.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael (1982). Computer Aided Design in a Dynamic World: Electronics, Comparative Advantage and Development. London, UK: Francis Pinter.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, R. and Chishti, S. (1981). Role of TNCs in India's Exports. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, Raphael (1979). Ownership and Equity in Kenya, 1966-1976. Nairobi: National Christian Council of Kenya.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, R.
Kaplinsky, Raphael and Chisti, S
Kaplinsky, Raphael
Kaplinsky, R.; Cooper, C.; Bell, R. and Satyayakwit, W.
Kaplinsky, R. and Cooper, C.
Kaplinsky, R.; Cooper, C. and Bell, R. (1974). An International Comparison of the Choice of Manufacturing Techniques in the Production of Cans in Kenya, Tanzania and Thailand. Geneva: International Labour Organization.
Kaplinsky, Raphael
MTo Top
Morris, Mike; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Kaplan, David
Morris, Mike; Kaplinsky, Raphael and Kaplan, David (2011). "One thing leads to anothercommodities" - linkages and industrial development: a conceptual overview. OU.