Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Roger Harrison

19 items in this list.
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2012To Top

Golding, Tyrrell; Harrison, Roger and Harrison, Stephen (2012). Real lives, imagined futures: stories of participation and progression through the Open University professional qualification in youth work. In: Developing Internships and Work Based Learning Opportunities for Mature Students: Creating Opportunities and Raising Aspirations, 31 Oct 2012, Milton Keynes, UK.

2011To Top

Harrison, Roger and Ord, Jon (2011). ‘Theories’ of youth work management. In: Ord, Jon ed. Critical Issues in Youth Work Management. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 30–42.

2010To Top

2007To Top

Harrison, Roger; Clarke, Julia and Marashi, Mahnaz (2007). Formulating 'facts' about flexibility in Further Education. In: Thompson, Anne and Hillier, Yvonne eds. Readings in Post-compulsory Education. London, UK: Continuum, pp. 148–160.

2005To Top

Harrison, Roger and Wise, Christine eds. (2005). Working with Young People. London, UK: Sage.

2004To Top

Harrison, Roger (2004). Telling stories about learners and learning. In: Satterthwaite, J.; Atkinson, E. and Martin, W. eds. The Disciplining of Education: New languages of power and resistance. Discourse, Power and Resistance (2). Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham, pp. 169–180.

2003To Top

Nicoll, Kathy and Harrison, Roger (2003). Constructing the good teacher in Higher Education: the discursive work of standards. Studies in Continuing Education, 25(1) pp. 23–35.

Harrison, Roger; Clarke, Julia; Reeve, Fiona and Edwards, Richard (2003). Doing Identity Work: fuzzy boundaries and flexibility in further education. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 8(1) pp. 93–106.

Harrison, Roger; Clarke, J; Edwards, R and Reeve, Fiona (2003). Power and resistance in further education: the discursive work of negotiating identities. In: Kydd, Lesley; Anderson, Lesley and Newton, Wendy eds. Leading people and teams in education. London: Sage Publications.

Edwards, Richard; Clarke, Julia; Harrison, Roger and Reeve, Fiona (2003). (Re)prezentacja badan nad calozciowym uczeniem sie. Terazniejszosc-Czlowiek-Edukacja, 21

2002To Top

Clarke, J.; Harrison, R.; Reeve, F. and Edwards, R. (2002). Assembling spaces: the question of ‘place’ in further education. Discourse, 23(3) pp. 285–297.

Harrison, Roger (2002). Learning for professional development. In: Kydd, Lesley; Anderson, Lesley and Newton, Wendy eds. Leading people and teams in Education. Leading and Managing for Effective Education. London, UK: Sage Publications Limited in association with The Open University, pp. 29–42.

Clarke, Julia; Harrison, Roger; Reeve, Fiona and Edwards, Richard (2002). Why don’t you give the money back? Questions of accounting and accountability in three accounts of educational research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 15(5) pp. 555–568.

Edwards, Richard; Clarke, Julia; Harrison, Roger and Reeve, Fiona (2002). Is there madness in the method? Representations of Research in Lifelong Learning. Adult Education Quarterly, 52(2) pp. 128–139.

2001To Top

Clarke, Julia and Harrison, Roger (2001). Using CAQDAS* formulating 'facts' about flexibility in Further Education. In: Paper for Learning and Skills Research Network 5th Annual Conference, 01 Dec 2001, Milton Keynes, UK, Trentham.

Edwards, Richard; Clarke, Julia; Harrison, Roger and Reeve, Fiona (2001). Flexibility at work: a study of further education. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 53(3) pp. 373–390.

Harrison, Roger; Edwards, Richard and Brown, Jonathan (2001). Crash test dummies or knowledgeable practitioners?: Evaluating the impact of professional development. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 29(2) pp. 199–211.

Paechter, C.; Edwards, R.; Harrison, R. and Twining, P. eds. (2001). Learning, Space and Identity. Paul Chapman.


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