Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ronald Macintyre

21 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Dec 14 00:01:04 2024 GMT.

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Cannell, Pete; Macintyre, Ronald and Hewitt, Lindsay (2015). Widening access and OER: developing new practice. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 17(1) pp. 64–72.

Cannell, P. and Macintyre, R. (2014). Opening Educational Practices in Scotland. In: #design4learning: from blended learning to learning analytics in HE, 26-27 Nov 2014, Milton Keynes, UK.

Cannell, Pete and Macintyre, Ronald (2014). Towards Open Educational Practice. In: EADTU Annual Conference: New Technologies and the future of Teaching and Learning, 23-24 Oct 2014, Krakow, Poland.

Cannell, Pete and Macintyre, Ronald (2013). Reflections on work and learning and flexible curriculum. In: International Enhancement Themes Conference: Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education, 11-13 Jun 2013, Glasgow, UK, pp. 4–12.

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Hill, Inge and Macintyre, Ronald (2024). Supporting rural businesses in Scotland – public sector entrepreneurship and commercial market participation in delivering business support services. In: Liddle, Joyce and Shuttle, John eds. International Handbook on Public Sector Entrepreneurship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (In Press).

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Liu, Haiming; Macintyre, Ronald and Ferguson, Rebecca (2012). Exploring qualitative analytics for e-mentoring relationships building in an online social learning environment. In: Second International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK12), 29 Apr - 02 May 2012, Vancouver, Canada.

MTo Top

Macintyre, Ronald and Roebuck, Jeremy (2016). Opening up Spaces to Support Rural Business in Scotland. In: oer16: Open Culture, 19-20 Apr 2016, Edinburgh.

Macintyre, Ronald (2016). Open Education and the Hidden Tariff. In: OEGlobal 2016: Convergence through Collaboration, 12-14 Apr 2016, Krakow, Poland.

Macintyre, Ronald (2016). Reflecting on Open Educational Practices in Scotland. In: OEGlobal 2016: Convergence through Collaboration, 12-14 Apr 2016, Krakow, Poland.

Macintyre, Ronald (2016). Approaching Participatory Design in "Citizen Science". In: Design for Learning: 5th International Conference designing new learning ecologies, 18-20 May 2016, Copenhagen.

Macintyre, Ronald (2015). An Uneasy Relationship: Open Educational Practice and Neoliberalism. In: The 5th ICTs and Society-Conference: The Internet and Social Media at a Crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism? Perspectives for Critical Political Economy and Critical Theory, 3-7 Jun 2015, Vienna.

Macintyre, Ronald (2014). Uncertainty, learning design, and interdisciplinarity: systems and design thinking in the school classroom. In: 4th International Conference Designs for Learning: Expanding the Field, 6-9 May 2014, Stockholm.

Macintyre, Ronald (2014). Open education P’s at the OU in Scotland: partnership, practices and the development of open educational policies. In: 2014 OCW Consortium Global Conference: Open Education for a Multicultural World, 23-25 Apr 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Macintyre, Ronald and Thomson, Joan (2013). Approaching work and learning indirectly. In: RWL8 - 8th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning 2013, 19-22 Jun 2013, Stirling, UK.

Macintyre, Ronald (2013). Openness and practice: innovations through openness in partnership. In: International Enhancement Themes Conference: Enhancement and Innovation in Education, 11-13 Jun 2013, Glasgow, UK, pp. 90–96.

Macintyre, Ronald and Heil, Bruce (2013). Understanding engineering education partnerships in practice. In: RWL8 - 8th International Conference on Researching Work and Learning 2013: "The Visible and Invisible in Work and Learning", 19-21 Jun 2013, Stirling, UK.


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