Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rhiannon Moore

23 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 05:28:51 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

2023To Top

Moore, Rhiannon (2023). What does an ‘effective’ teacher look like? Exploring factors associated with teacher ‘intermediate outcomes’ in two states in India. In: UKFIET Conference 2023: Education for Social and Environmental Justice: Diversity, Sustainability, Responsibility, 7 12-14 Sep 2023, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

Singh, Arvind; Daniel, Rohit and Moore, Rhiannon (2023). Capturing what’s happening inside the ‘black box’. Designing a classroom observation study to capture changes in classroom practice as a result of ‘structured pedagogy’ FLN interventions. In: UKFIET Conference 2023: Education for Social and Environmental Justice: Diversity, Sustainability, Responsibility, 7 12-14 Sep 2023, University of Oxford.

Moore, Rhiannon (2023). Teachers’ understandings of ‘quality education’: Implications for classroom practice in two South Indian states. In: CIES 2023: Comparative and International Education Society Conference, 14-22 Feb 2023, Online.

2022To Top

Marshall, Lydia and Moore, Rhiannon (2022). Does school effectiveness differentially benefit boys and girls? Evidence from Ethiopia, India and Vietnam. International Journal of Educational Development, 88, article no. 102511.

Moore, Rhiannon (2022). How do teachers help shape student learning in two states in Southern India? International Journal of Educational Research, 111, article no. 101897.

2021To Top

Moore, Rhiannon; Rolleston, Caine and Grijalva, Ana (2021). Unlocking the Black Box: To What Extent Are Interactive Classrooms Effective Classrooms in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, India? Comparative Education Review, 65(4) pp. 667–690.

Moore, Rhiannon and Kameshwara, Kalyan Kumar (2021). Can head teacher autonomy mitigate the effects of COVID-19 school closures in India? NORRAG Special Issue 6: States of Emergency in the Time of COVID-19 pp. 26–31.

2020To Top

Outhred, Rachel; Marshall, Lydia and Moore, Rhiannon (2020). Interrupted Education in Ethiopia: Support for Students During COVID-19 School Closures. Headline Report; Young Lives, Oxford.

2018To Top

Rolleston, Caine and Moore, Rhiannon (2018). Young Lives School Survey, 2016-17: Value-added Analysis in India. Young Lives, Oxford, UK.

Grijalva, Ana; Moore, Rhiannon; Reddy, Prudhvikar; Rolleston, Caine and Singh, Renu (2018). Classroom Observation Sub-study, 2017-18: Evidence from India. Young Lives, Oxford, UK.

Grijalva, Ana; Moore, Rhiannon; Reddy, Prudhvikar; Rolleston, Caine and Singh, Renu (2018). Design of the Classroom Observation Sub-study in India, 2017–18. Technical Note 47; Young Lives, Oxford, UK.

2017To Top

Iyer, Padmini and Moore, Rhiannon (2017). Measuring learning quality in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam: from primary to secondary school effectiveness. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 47(6) pp. 908–924.

Moore, Rhiannon; Azubuike, Obiageri Bridget; Reddy, Prudhvikar; Rolleston, Caine and singh, Renu (2017). Young Lives School Survey, 2016-17: Evidence from India. Young Lives, Oxford, UK.

2016To Top

2014To Top

Burton, Sonia and Moore, Rhiannon (2014). Evaluating large-scale teacher professional development programmes: English in Action (Bangladesh) & TESS-India. In: 9th International & 45th Annual ELT@I Conference: English - From Classes to Masses, 21-23 Aug 2014, Jaipur, India.


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