Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rhiannon Moore
2024To Top
Moore, Rhiannon
2023To Top
Azubuike, Obiageri Bridget; Moore, Rhiannon and Vaidya, Gayatri
Moore, Rhiannon
Singh, Arvind; Daniel, Rohit and Moore, Rhiannon
Moore, Rhiannon
2022To Top
Marshall, Lydia and Moore, Rhiannon
Moore, Rhiannon
Moore, Rhiannon
2021To Top
Moore, Rhiannon; Rolleston, Caine and Grijalva, Ana
Moore, Rhiannon and Kameshwara, Kalyan Kumar
2020To Top
Marshall, Lydia; Outhred, Rachel and Moore, Rhiannon (2020). Interrupted Education in India (Andhra Pradesh and Telangana): Support for Students During the COVID-19 School Shutdowns. Headlines Report; Young Lives, Oxford.
Outhred, Rachel; Marshall, Lydia and Moore, Rhiannon (2020). Interrupted Education in Ethiopia: Support for Students During COVID-19 School Closures. Headline Report; Young Lives, Oxford.
2018To Top
Azubuike, Obiageri Bridget; Moore, Rhiannon and Vaidya, Gayatri (2018). 'Functional English' Skills in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam: Comparing English Ability and Use Among 15 Year Olds in Three Countries. Working Paper 182; Young Lives, Oxford.
Rossiter, Jack; Woodhead, Martin; Rolleston, Caine and Moore, Rhiannon (2018). Delivering on Every Child’s Right to Basic Skills, Summative Report. Young Lives, Oxford.
Rolleston, Caine and Moore, Rhiannon (2018). Young Lives School Survey, 2016-17: Value-added Analysis in India. Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Grijalva, Ana; Moore, Rhiannon; Reddy, Prudhvikar; Rolleston, Caine and Singh, Renu (2018). Classroom Observation Sub-study, 2017-18: Evidence from India. Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Grijalva, Ana; Moore, Rhiannon; Reddy, Prudhvikar; Rolleston, Caine and Singh, Renu (2018). Design of the Classroom Observation Sub-study in India, 2017–18. Technical Note 47; Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Moore, Rhiannon and Rossiter, Jack (2018). Young Lives School Surveys, 2016-17. The Design and Development of Teacher Measures in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam. Technical Note 44; Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
2017To Top
Azubuike, Obiageri Bridget; Moore, Rhiannon and Iyer, Padmini (2017). Young Lives School Surveys, 2016–17: The Design and Development of Cross-Country Maths and English Tests in Ethiopia, India and Vietnam. Technical Note 39; Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
Iyer, Padmini and Moore, Rhiannon
Moore, Rhiannon; Azubuike, Obiageri Bridget; Reddy, Prudhvikar; Rolleston, Caine and singh, Renu (2017). Young Lives School Survey, 2016-17: Evidence from India. Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
2016To Top
Moore, Rhiannon (2016). The Design of the 2016-17 Young Lives School Survey in India. Technical Note 37; Young Lives, Oxford, UK.
2014To Top
Burton, Sonia and Moore, Rhiannon