Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Robin Mackie

17 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 21:51:56 2025 GMT.

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Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn (2008). Chemical Careers in Postwar Britain: Centrifugal Discipline / Centripetal Profession? In: Bertomeu-Sánchez, José Ramón; Burns, Duncan Thorburn and Van Tiggelen, Brigitte eds. Neighbours and Territories: The Evolving Identity of Chemistry. Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium: Mémosciences asbl, pp. 565–573.

Mackie, Robin (2008). 'To provide for the settlement of my affairs': inheritance and ownership in family firms during the transition to limited liability. In: Fellman, Susanna; Vaara, Eero and Kuusterèa, Antti eds. Historical Perspectives on Corporate Governance: Reflections on Ownership Participation and Different Modes of Organizing. Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium (72). Helsinki, Finland: Finnish Society of Science and Letters, pp. 157–171.

Mackie, Robin (2008). Chemical societies and the demarcation of the British chemical community, 1870-1914. In: Kildebaek Nielsen, A and Strbanova, S eds. Creating Networks in Chemistry. The Founding and Early History of Chemical Societies in Europe. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 140–161.

Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn K. (2004). Career patterns in the British chemical profession in the twentieth century. In: Mitch, David; Brown, John and Van Leeuwen, Marco H. D. eds. Origins of the modern career. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 317–336.

Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn (2003). La professionalizzazione della chimica. In: Petruccioli, Sandro ed. La Scienza dell '800. Storia della Scienza, vol. VII (sez E). Rome, Italy: Istituto dell Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, pp. 520–526.

Mackie, Robin (2002). The Educational paths and career choices of chemists in Britain, 1918-1943. In: Despy-Meyer, A ed. Institutions and Societies for Teaching, Research and Popularisation: Proceedings of the XXth International Congress of History of Science (Liège, 20-26 July 1997) Vol. XIX, Volume 19. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, pp. 125–134.

Mackie, Robin and Roberts, Gerrylynn K. (2001). Un secteur à part? Les chimistes industriels et la Society of Chemical Industry dans le contexte de la communauté chimique britannique. In: Fell, Ulrike ed. Chimie et Industrie en Europe: L’apport des sociétés savantes industrielles du XIXe siècle à nos jours. Paris, France: Editions des archives contemporaines, pp. 127–147.

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Mackie, R. L. (1998). Industry in Kirkcaldy: Mapping the Structure of Business in Twentieth-Century Scotland. Scottish Economic and Social History, 18(1) pp. 61–84.

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