Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rachael H. James
ATo Top
Anand, Pallavi; James, Rachael and Mokadem, Fatima
BTo Top
Bonnand, Pierre; Parkinson, Ian; James, Rachael; Karjalainen, Anne-Mari and Fehr, Manuela
Bonnand, P.; Parkinson, I. J.; James, R. H.; Fehr, M. and Connolly, D. P.
Bonnand, Pierre; Parkinson, Ian; James, Rachael; Karjalainen, Anne-Mari; Fehr, Manuela and Fairchild, Ian
Bridges, J. C.; James, R. H.; Pearson, V. K.; Baker, L.; Verchovsky, A. B. and Wright, I. P.
Brooker, R. A.; James, R. H. and Blundy, J. D.
DTo Top
Dixon, Sophie; Parkinson, Ian; Sexton, Philip; Fehr, Manuela; Peacock, Caroline and James, Rachael
Dixon, Sophie K.; Parkinson, Ian J.; Sexton, Philip; Fehr, Manuela; James, Rachael Helen and Peacock, Caroline
Dixon, Sophie; Parkinson, Ian; James, Rachael; Fehr, Manuela and Peacock, Caroline
Decitre, Sylvie; Buatier, Martine and James, Rachael
FTo Top
Fehr, M.; James, R.; Sephton, M.; Martins, Z. and Bland, P. A.
Foustoukos, D. I.; James, R. H.; Berndt, M. E. and Seyfried, W. E .
HTo Top
Harvey, J.; Fehr, M. A.; Sharrock, J. L.; Parkinson, I. J. and James, R. H.
Hathorne, Ed C; James, Rachael H.; Savage, Paul and Alard, Olivier
Hathorne, Ed C. and James, Rachael H.
Hathorne, E. C.; Alard, O.; James, R. H. and Rogers, N. W.
JTo Top
John, Eleanor; Anand, Pallavi and James, Rachael
James, R. H.; Wimpenny, J. B.; Pogge von Strandmann, P. A. E.; Kisakurek, B.; Hathorne, E. C.; Anand, P. and Burton, K. W.
James, Rachael H.; Allen, Doug E. and Seyfried, Jr., W.E.
KTo Top
Kısakűrek, Basak; James, Rachael H. and Harris, Nigel B.W.
Kisakurek, Basak; Widdowson, Mike and James, Rachael H.
PTo Top
Pearce, Christopher R.; Burton, Kevin W.; Pogge von Strandmann, Philip A. E.; James, Rachael H. and Gíslason, Sigurður
Pogge von Strandmann, Philip A. E.; James, Rachael H.; van Calsteren, Peter; Gíslason, Sigurður R. and Burton, Kevin W.
Pogge von Strandmann, Philip; Burton, Kevin; James, Rachael; van Calsteren, Peter; Gislason, Sigurður R. and Sigfússon, Bergur
Parkinson, Ian J.; Hammond, Samantha J.; James, Rachael H. and Rogers, Nick W.
STo Top
Sephton, Mark; James, Rachael H.; Fehr, Manuela; Bland, Philip and Gounelle, Matthieu
Sharrock, J. L.; Harvey, J.; Fehr, M.; James, R. and Parkinson, I.
Sephton, Mark A.; James, Rachael H. and Zolensky, Michael E.
Sephton, M. A.; Howard, L. E.; Bland, P. A.; James, R. H.; Russell, S. S.; Prior, D. J. and Zolensky, M. E.
Sephton, Mark A.; James, Rachael H. and Bland, Philip A.
WTo Top
Wimpenny, Josh; James, Rachael H.; Burton, Kevin W.; Gannoun, Abdelmouhcine; Mokadem, Fatima and Gíslason, Sigurður R.
Wimpenny, Josh; Gíslason, Sigurður R.; James, Rachael H.; Gannoun, Abdelmouhcine; Pogge von Strandmann, Philip A. E. and Burton, Kevin W.
Wimpenny, J.; Gannoun, A.; Burton, K. W.; Widdowson, M.; James, R. H. and Gislason, S. R.