Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ruth Finnegan

34 items in this list.
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2021To Top

Gintsburg, Sarali; Galván Moreno, Luis and Finnegan, Ruth (2021). Voice in a narrative: A trialogue with Ruth Finnegan. Frontiers of Narrative Studies, 7(1) pp. 1–20.

2020To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2020). «Transitional» Texts Across the World – What Are They? Rilce: Revista de Filología Hispánica, 36(4) pp. 1251–1272.

2018To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2018). The Real Realization of Music-Ritual: Local, Not-Local, and Localized. In: Reily, Suzel A. and Brucher, Katherine eds. The Routledge Companion to the Study of Local Musicking. New York: Routledge, pp. 487–498.

2013To Top

Finnegan, Ruth ed. (2013). Beyond the walls: Researchers Outside the University. Callender Academic. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Finnegan, Ruth ed. (2013). Short Story Writing. Callender Press.

2012To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2012). Oral literature in Africa (rev.ed.). World Oral Literature series, 1. Cambridge: Open Book.

2011To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2011). Creativity looks at language. In: Swann, Joan; Pope, Rob and Carter, Ronald eds. Creativity in Language and Literature: The State of the Art. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 323–333.

Finnegan, Ruth and Orwin, Martin (2011). Introduction. Journal of African Cultural Studies, 23(1) pp. 1–3.

Finnegan, Ruth (2011). Why Do We Quote?: The Culture and History of Quotation. Cambridge, U.K.: Open Book Publishers.

Finnegan, Ruth (2011). Oral composition. In: Hogan, Patrick ed. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 570–572.

Finnegan, Ruth (2011). What migrates and who does it? A mini case study from Fiji. In: Toynbee, Jason and Dueck, Byron eds. Migrating music. CRESC. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 135–149.

2010To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2010). Response from an Africanist scholar. Oral Tradition, 25(1) pp. 7–16.

Finnegan, Ruth (2010). Rewards and issues in studying oral literature: some personal reflections. Language Documentation and Description, 8 pp. 15–28.

Finnegan, Ruth (2010). '¿Por qué estudiar la música? Relexiones de una antropóloga desde el campo' [Why study music? an anthropologist's reflections from the field]. In: Cruces, Francisco Villalobos and Galán, Beatriz Pérez eds. Textos de Antropología Contemporánea. Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 203 -229.

2009To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2009). Creativity – but where do you look? A tale of musicians in Milton Keynes. Oral History, 37(2) pp. 45–50.

2008To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2008). O que vem primeiro: o texto, a música ou a performance? [Which comes first: the words, the music or the performance?]. In: Neiva de Matos, Cláudia; Travassos, Elizabeth and da Teixeira de Medeiros, Fernanda eds. Palavra cantada: ensaios sobre poesia, música e voz [Word Cantada: Essays on poetry, music and voice]. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: 7 Letras, pp. 15–45.

Finnegan, Ruth (2008). Data - but data from what? Language Documentation and Description, 5 pp. 13–28.

2007To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2007). The oral and beyond: doing things with words in Africa. Oxford / Chicago: James Currey / University of Chicago Press.

Finnegan, Ruth (2007). The Hidden Musicians: Music-Making in an English Town (2nd ed.). Music/Culture series. Middletown, CT, USA: Wesleyan University Press.

2006To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2006). Not by words alone: reclothing the 'oral'. In: Olson, David R. and Cole, Michael eds. Technology, literacy and the evolution of society: Implications of the work of Jack Goody. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 265–287.

Finnegan, Ruth (2006). It’s not just the words … : the arts and action of performance. In: Goodman, Sharon and O’Halloran, Kieron eds. The Art of English: Literary Creativity. Basingstoke, Hants, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 183–194.

Finnegan, Ruth (2006). Family myths, memories and interviewing. In: Perks, Robert and Thomson, Alistair eds. The Oral History Reader (2nd revised edition). London, UK: Routledge, pp. 177–183.

2005To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2005). Introduction: looking beyond the walls. In: Finnegan, Ruth ed. Participating in the knowledge society: researchers beyond the university walls. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 1–19.

2003To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2003). Music, experience and the anthropology of emotion. In: Clayton, Martin; Herbert, Trevor and Middleton, Richard eds. The cultural study of music: a critical introduction. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 181–192.

Finnegan, Ruth (2003). Where is the meaning? The complexities of oral poetry and beyond. In: Jannidis, Fortis; Lauer, Gerhard; Martinez, Matias and Winko, Simone eds. Regeln der Bedeutung. Zur Theorie der Bedeutung literarischer Texte. Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, pp. 384–400.

2002To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2002). Epilogue: ways back and forward. In: Kaschula, Russell H. ed. African oral literature: Functions in contemporary contexts. Claremont, South Africa: New Africa Books, pp. 274–285.

2001To Top

Finnegan, Ruth (2001). 'Not the message': media, meanings and magicality. In: Knoblauch, Hubert and Kotthoff, Helga eds. Verbal Art across Cultures: The Aesthetics and Proto-Aesthetics of Communication. Tuebingen: Gunter Narr, pp. 33–61.


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