Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Richard Holti
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Borgstrom, Erica; Schiff, Rebekah; Khan, Shaheen; Hindley, Esther; Thayabaran, Darmiga; Savage, Emily; Gough, Nicholas and Holti, Richard
Borgstrom, E.; Schiff, R.; Khan, S. A.; Hindley, E.; Thayabaran, D.; Savage, E.; Gough, N. and Holti, R.
CTo Top
Callahan, Evelyn; Vincent, Ben and Holti, Richard
HTo Top
Hartley, Jeanette; Holti, Richard and Carli, Giacomo
Holliman, Richard; Adams, Anne; Blackman, Tim; Collins, Trevor; Davies, Gareth; Dibb, Sally; Grand, Ann; Holti, Richard; Mckerlie, Fiona; Mahony, Nick and Wissenburg, Astrid eds. (2015). An Open Research University. Milton Keynes: The Open University.
Hartnett, Elizabeth J.; Daniel, Elizabeth M. and Holti, Richard
Holti, Richard
Holti, Richard and Storey, John
Holti, Richard; Smalley, Mark and Smith, Katy (2007). Advancing the integration of the supply chain in construction: The challenges for commercial practice. Constructing Intelligence, London, UK.
Holti, Richard
MTo Top
Marshall, Martin; Holti, Richard; Hartley, Jean; Matharu, Tatum and Storey, John
NTo Top
Nicolini, Davide; Holti, Richard and Smalley, Mark
STo Top
Storey, John and Holti, Richard (2020). Innovating Healthcare: The Role of Political, Managerial and Clinical Leadership. Routledge Studies in Health Management. Abingdon: Routledge.
Storey, John; Holti, Richard; Hartley, Jean and Marshall, Martin
Storey, John; Holti, Richard; Hartley, Jean; Marshall, Martin and Matharu, Tatum (2018). Clinical leadership in service redesign using Clinical Commissioning Groups: a mixed-methods study. In Health Services and Delivery Research Not Set.
Storey, John; Holti, Richard; Hartley, Jean; Marshall, Martin and Matharu, Tatum (2017). Mobilizing Clinical Leadership in and around Clinical Commissioning Groups: A mixed methods study. In NIHR Journal Library Publications The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
Storey, John; Holti, Richard; Hartley, Jean; Marshall, Martin and Matharu, Tatum
Storey, John and Holti, Richard
Storey, John and Holti, Richard (2013). Towards a New Model of Leadership for the NHS. NHS Leadership Academy.
Storey, John and Holti, Richard
Storey, John and Holti, Richard (2013). Possibilities and Pitfalls for Clinical Leadership in Improving Service Quality, Innovation and Productivity. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation Programme, Southampton.
Storey, John and Holti, Richard (2013). Possibilities and pitfalls for clinical leadership in improving service quality, innovation and productivity. Final report. NIHR Service Delivery and Organisation programme, HMSO, London, United Kingdom.
Storey, John and Holti, Richard
Storey, John; Holti, Richard; Winchester, Nik; Green, Rod; Salaman, Graeme and Bate, Paul (2010). The intended and unintended outcomes of new governance arrangements within the NHS. Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO.
Storey, John and Holti, Richard
Storey, John; Salaman, Graeme and Holti, Richard
VTo Top
Vincent, Ben; Callahan, Evelyn; Borgstrom, Erica and Holti, Richard (2022). Healthcare Professionals’ Experiences of Pandemics: a rapid review of qualitative research. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Visser, Renske; Borgstrom, Erica and Holti, Richard