Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Robert Moon

51 items in this list.
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2017To Top

Moon, Bob (2017). Teacher Education and the University: The Global Reform Imperative. In: Maclean, Rupert ed. Life in Schools and Classrooms: Past, Present and Future. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects (38). Amsterdam: Springer, pp. 85–99.

Moon, Bob and Villet, Charmaine (2017). Can New Modes of Digital Learning Help Resolve the Teacher Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa? Journal of Learning for Development - JL4D, 4(1) pp. 23–35.

2016To Top

Moon, Bob and Pontefract, Caroline (2016). Teacher education reform and the Palestinian Refugee Community: The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). In: Maclaughlin, Colleen; Cordingley, Philippa; McLellan, Ros and Baumfield, Vivienne eds. Making a Difference: Turning Teacher Learning Inside Out. The Cambridge Education Research Series. Cambridge University Press, pp. 18–24.

2014To Top

2013To Top

2012To Top

Anamuah-Mensah, Jophus; Banks, Frank; Moon, Robert and Wolfenden, Freda (2012). New modes of teacher pre-service training and professional support. In: Moon, Robert ed. Teacher Education and the Challenge of Development: A Global Analysis. Education, Poverty and International Development. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 201–211.

Moon, Bob and Wolfenden, Freda (2012). Brazil: building national regulatory frameworks. In: Moon, Bob ed. Teacher Education and the Challenge of Development: a Global Analysis. Education, Poverty and International Development. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 101–110.

Bateman, Peter; Lane, Andrew and Moon, Robert (2012). An emerging typology for analysing OER initiatives. In: Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact – Openly Collaborating to Enhance Education, a joint meeting of OER12 and OpenCourseWare Consortium Global 2012, 16-18 Apr 2012, Cambridge, UK.

Moon, Bob and Wolfenden, Freda (2012). Teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa: issues and challenges around teacher resources and practices. In: Griffin, Rosarii ed. Teacher Education in Sub Saharan Africa. Oxford: Symposium Books.

2009To Top

Moon, Bob (2009). The historical and social context of curriculum. In: Arthur, James and Davies, Ian eds. The Routledge Education Studies Textbook. London: Routledge.

2008To Top

Moon, Bob and Leach, Jenny (2008). The Power of Pedagogy. London: Sage.

Moon, Robert (2008). Teachers in global context: Multiple challenges for new models of open and distance learning. In: Teacher Education at a Distance Conference: Teacher Education at a distance: Trends and challenges, 1-3 Oct 2008, Unisa Muckleneuk Campus, Tshwane.

Moon, Bob and O'Malley, Brendan (2008). Every child needs a teacher: The primary teacher supply and training crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa. UK National Commission for UNESCO, London.

Moon, Robert (2008). Building an 'open education resource' (OER) Environment that works for teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa: The TESSA experience. In: Fifth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, 13-17 Jul 2008, University of London.

2007To Top

Moon, Bob (2007). The future of teaching. In: Imbewu Programme Review Conference, 25-28 Jun 2007, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Moon, Robert (2007). The global teacher crisis: Meeting the challenge through new technologies and new modes of teaching and learning. In: 12th Cambridge International Conference on Open and Distance Learning, 25-28 Sep 2007, Cambridge.

Moon, Bob (2007). Conceptualising a research agenda: Teachers and the development of rural communities. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 5-8 Sep 2007, University of London.

Moon, Robert and Wolfenden, Freda (2007). Open educational resources, international co-operation and teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: EADTU's 20th Anniversary Conference, 8-9 Nov 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.

2006To Top

Moon, Robert (2006). Global response to the Teacher Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: UCET Annual Conference, 10-11 Nov 2006, Daventry.

Moon, Robert (2006). Identifying new modes of teacher education: The global research response to the teacher crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: European Educational Research Association (EERA) Annual Conference, 13-16 Sep 2006, University of Geneva.

2005To Top

Moon, Robert (2005). Designing school-based training programmes for teachers through distance education. In: Distance Education and Teacher Training in Africa (DETA) Conference, 7-9 Aug 2005, Pretoria, South Africa.

Moon, Bob (2005). The policy context of new forms of teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Development Studies Association Conference, 7-9 Sep 2005, Milton keynes.

2004To Top

Moon, Robert; Banks, Frank and Zenios, Maria (2004). Stimulating professional development through CMC - A case study of networked learning and initial teacher education. In: Goodyear, P.; Banks, S.; Hodgson, V. and McConnell, D. eds. Advances in Research on Networked Learning. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 4. Netherlands: Springer, pp. 123–151.

Leach, Jennifer; McCormick, Robert; Moon, Robert and Harrison, David (2004). Developing teacher knowledge and pedagogy in a large scale, electronic conference environment for professional development. In: Vrasidas, Charalambos and Glass, Gene V. eds. Online professional development for teachers. Current perspectives on applied information technologies. USA: Information Age Publishing.

Moon, Robert (2004). Les Politiques Reformistes: Transition dans la Formation des Enseignants en Angleterre. In: Tardiff, Maurice and Lessard, Claude eds. La profession d'enseignant aujourd'hui. Évolutions, perspectives et enjeux nationaux. Quebec: Les Presses de L'Universite Laval, pp. 95–114.

2003To Top

Moon, Bob (2003). Teacher Education in England: Current models and new developments. In: Moon, Bob; Vlasceanu, Lazar and Barrows, Leland Conley eds. Institutional Approaches to Teacher Education within Higher Education in Europe: Current Models and New Developments. Studies on Education. Bucharest: UNESCO/CEPES, pp. 67–84.

McCormick, Robert; Leach, Jenny; Harison, David; Hills, Laura; Moon, Bob and Beevor, Rebecca (2003). Professional development and ICT: the teachers’ experience. In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 11-13 Sep 2003, Edinburgh.

Moon, Bob (2003). Contrasting traditions: the English experience of curriculum change 1960-2000. In: van den Akker, J. J. H.; Kuiper, Wilmad and Hameyer, Uwe eds. Curriculum Landscapes and Trends. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 11–28.

Moon, Bob (2003). A retrospective view of the national case studies on institutional approaches to teacher education. In: Moon, Bob; Vlasceanu, Lazar and Barrows, Leland Conley eds. Institutional Approaches to Education within Higher Education in Europe. Paris: UNESCO, pp. 321–335.

Moon, Bob and Robinson, Bernadette (2003). Open and distance learning for initial teacher training. In: Robinson, Bernadette and Latcham, Colin eds. Teacher Education through Open and Distance Learning. World Review of Distance Education and Open Learning (3). London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 72–90.

Moon, Bob and Leach, Jenny (2003). The global challenge to build high quality, ICT rich, professional development environments for teachers. In: Proceedings of the 2003 EDEN Annual Conference: The Quality Dialogue: Integrating Quality Cultures in Flexible, Distance and eLearning, 15-18 Jun 2003, Rhodes, Greece.

2002To Top

Moon, Bob (2002). Teacher education in England: national and international perspectives. In: Machado, Ana Luiza ed. Teacher Training: A Contribution to Discussion: Some Country Experiences. Santiago: The Regional Office of Education for Latin America and the Caribbean, UNESCO, pp. 133–151.

Leach, Jenny; Moon, Bob and Power, Tom (2002). Building teachers' professional knowledge through ICT: experience and analysis across the digital divide. In: European Conference on Educational Research, 11-14 Sep 2002, School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.

Hutchinson, Steven; Moon, Bob and Shelton-Mayes, Ann eds. (2002). Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum in Secondary Schools. London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: RoutledgeFalmer.

Leach, Jenny and Moon, Bob (2002). Globalisation, digital societies and school reform: realising the potential of new technologies to enhance the knowledge, understanding and dignity of teachers. In: 2nd European Conference on Information Technologies in Education and Citizenship, 26 Jun 2002, Barcelona, Spain.

Moon, Bob (2002). The international challenge to develop teacher learning and teacher knowledge. In: Fourth International Conference on Teacher Education: Teacher Education as a Social Mission: A Key to the Future, 23-27 Jun 2002, Israel.

Moon, B. and Nhalnganiso, D. (2002). Challenging the assumptions about teacher education and training in Sub-Saharan Africa: A new role for open learning and ICT. In: Second Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, 29 Sep - 2 Aug 2002, Durban, South Africa.

2001To Top

Moon, Bob (2001). A Guide to the National Curriculum (4th Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2000To Top


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