Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Robert Moon
2017To Top
Moon, Bob
Moon, Bob and Villet, Charmaine
2016To Top
Moon, Bob and Villett, Charmaine (2016). Digital Learning: Reforming Teacher Education to Promote Access, Equity and Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa. Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver.
Moon, Bob ed. (2016). Do Universities Have a Role in the Education and Training of Teachers? An International analysis of policy and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Moon, Bob and Pontefract, Caroline
2014To Top
Moon, Bob
2013To Top
Moon, Bob (2013). Teacher Education and the Challenge of Development: A global analysis. London: Routledge.
2012To Top
Bateman, Peter; Lane, Andrew and Moon, Robert
Anamuah-Mensah, Jophus; Banks, Frank; Moon, Robert and Wolfenden, Freda
Moon, Bob and Wolfenden, Freda
Bateman, Peter; Lane, Andrew and Moon, Robert
Moon, Bob and Wolfenden, Freda
2009To Top
Moon, B.
Banks, Frank; Moon, Bob and Wolfenden, Freda
Moon, Bob
2008To Top
Moon, Bob
Moon, Bob and Leach, Jenny (2008). The Power of Pedagogy. London: Sage.
Moon, Robert
Moon, Bob and O'Malley, Brendan (2008). Every child needs a teacher: The primary teacher supply and training crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa. UK National Commission for UNESCO, London.
Moon, Robert
Moon, Robert
2007To Top
Moon, Bob
Moon, Bob (2007). Research analysis: attracting, developing and retaining effective teachers: a global overview of current policies and practices. UNESCO, Paris, France.
Moon, Bob
Moon, Robert
Moon, Bob
Moon, Robert and Wolfenden, Freda
2006To Top
Moon, Robert
Moon, Robert
2005To Top
Moon, Bob; Leach, Jenny and Stevens, Mary-Priscilla (2005). Designing Open and Distance Learning for Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: A toolkit for educators and planners. The World Bank, Washington, USA.
Moon, Robert
Moon, Bob
2004To Top
Moon, Robert; Banks, Frank and Zenios, Maria
Leach, Jennifer; McCormick, Robert; Moon, Robert and Harrison, David
Moon, Robert
Moon, Robert
2003To Top
Moon, Bob
McCormick, Robert; Leach, Jenny; Harison, David; Hills, Laura; Moon, Bob and Beevor, Rebecca
McCormick, Robert; Leach, Jenny; Moon, Bob and Harrison, David
Moon, Bob
Moon, Bob
Moon, Bob and Robinson, Bernadette
Moon, Bob and Leach, Jenny
2002To Top
Moon, Bob
Leach, Jenny; Moon, Bob and Power, Tom
Hutchinson, Steven; Moon, Bob and Shelton-Mayes, Ann eds. (2002). Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum in Secondary Schools. London, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: RoutledgeFalmer.
Leach, Jenny and Moon, Bob
Moon, Bob
Moon, B. and Nhalnganiso, D.
2001To Top
Moon, Bob (2001). A Guide to the National Curriculum (4th Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2000To Top
Moon, Robert; Butcher, John and Bird, Elizabeth eds. (2000). Leading Professional Development in Education. London: RoutledgeFalmer.