Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Robert Saunders

11 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 13:14:13 2025 GMT.

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Benos, Panayiotis V.; Gatt, Melanie K.; Murphy, Lee; Harris, David; Barrell, Bart; Ferraz, Concepcion; Vidal, Sophie; Brun, Christine; Demaille, Jacques; Cadieu, Edouard; Dreano, Stephane; Gloux, Stephanie; Lelaure, Valerie; Mottier, Stephanie; Galibert, Francis; Borkova, Dana; Minana, Belen; Kafatos, Fotis C.; Bolshakov, Slava; Siden-Kiamos, Inga; Papagiannakis, George; Spanos, Lefteris; Louis, Cristos; Madueno, Encarnacion; de Pablos, Beatriz; Modolell, Juan; Peter, Annette; Schottler, Petra; Werner, Meike; Mourkioti, Fotini; Beinert, Nicole; Dowe, Gordon; Schafer, Ulrich; Jackle, Herbert; Bucheton, Alain; Callister, Debbie; Campbell, Lorna; Henderson, Nadine S.; McMillan, Paul J.; Salles, Cathy; Tait, Evelyn; Valenti, Phillipe; Saunders, Robert D. C.; Billaud, Alain; Pachter, Lior; Glover, David M. and Ashburner, Michael (2001). From First Base: the sequence of the Tip of the X Chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster, a comparison of two sequencing strategies. Genome Research, 11(5) pp. 710–730.

CTo Top

Cox, Lynne S.; Clancy, David J.; Boubriak, Ivan and Saunders, Robert D. C. (2007). Modeling Werner Syndrome in Drosophila melanogaster. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1119(1) pp. 274–288.

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KTo Top

Kress, Horst; Jarrin, Andres; Thuroff, Eduardo; Saunders, Robert; Weise, Chris; Scmidt am Busch, Marcel; Knapp, Ernst-W.; Wedde, Marianne and Vilcinskas, Andreas (2004). A Kunitz type protease inhibitor related protein is synthesized in Drosophila prepupal salivary glands and released into the moulting fluid during pupation. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 34(8) pp. 855–869.

MTo Top

Mason, Penelope A.; Boubriak, Ivan; Robbins, Timothy; Lasala, Ralph; Saunders, Robert and Cox, Lynne S. (2013). The Drosophila orthologue of progeroid human WRN exonuclease, DmWRNexo, cleaves replication substrates but is inhibited by uracil or abasic sites. AGE - The Journal of the American Aging Association, 35(3) pp. 793–806.

Mathers, Joanne; Fraser, Jennifer A.; McMahon, Michael; Saunders, Robert D.C.; Hayes, John D. and McLellan, Lesley I. (2004). Antioxidant and cytoprotective responses to redox stress. Biochemical Society Symposia, 71(13) pp. 157–176.

PTo Top

Peter, Annette; Schoettler, Petra; Werner, Meike; Beinert, Nicole; Dowe, Gordon; Burkert, Peter; Mourkioti, Foteini; Dentzer, Lore; He, Yuchun; Deak, Peter; Benos, Panayiotis V.; Gatt, Melanie K.; Murphy, Lee; Harris, David; Barrell, Bart; Ferraz, Concepcion; Vidal, Sophie; Brun, Christine; Demaille, Jacques; Cadieu, Edouard; Dreano, Stephane; Gloux, Stephanie; Lelaure, Valerie; Mottier, Stephanie; Galibert, Francis; Borkova, Dana; Minana, Belen; Kafatos, Fotis C.; Bolshakov, Slava; Siden-Kiamos, Inga; Papagiannakis, George; Spanos, Lefteris; Louis, Christos; Madueno, Encarnacion; de Pablos, Beatriz; Modolell, Juan; Bucheton, Alain; Callister, Debbie; Campbell, Lorna; Henderson, Nadine S.; McMillan, Paul J.; Salles, Cathy; Tait, Evelyn; Valenti, Phillipe; Saunders, Robert D.C.; Billaud, Alain; Pachter, Lior; Klapper, Robert; Janning, Wilfried; Glover, David M.; Ashburner, Michael; Bellen, Hugo J.; Jackle, Herbert and Schafer, Ulrich (2002). Mapping and identification of essential gene functions on the X chromosome of Drosophila. EMBO Reports, 3(1) pp. 34–38.

RTo Top

Renault, Andrew D.; Zhang, Xiao-Hua; Alphey, Luke S.; Frenz, Lisa M.; Glover, David M.; Saunders, Robert D. C. and Axton, J. Myles (2003). Giant nuclei is essential in the cell cycle transition from meiosis to mitosis. Development, 130(13) pp. 2997–3005.

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