Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Richard Danson Brown

45 items in this list.
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BookTo Top

Brown, Richard Danson (2019). The art of The Faerie Queene. The Manchester Spenser. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Brown, Richard Danson and Lethbridge, Julian (2013). Concordance to the Rhymes of the Faerie Queene: with two studies of Spenser's Rhymes. The Manchester Spenser. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Brown, Richard Danson (2009). Louis MacNeice and the Poetry of the 1930s. Writers and their Work. Tavistock, UK: Northcote House Publishers Ltd.

Book SectionTo Top

Brown, Richard Danson (2025). Fie Upon “But Yet”: Stanza Lead Words and Adversative Conjunctions in The Faerie Queene. In: Goeglein, Tamara A. and Vaught, Jennifer C. eds. Textual Respect: Essays in Honor of Judith H. Anderson. Kalamazoo, USA and Berlin, Germany: Medieval Institute Publications and De Gruyter (In Press).

Brown, Richard Danson (2024). Scorned little creatures?: insects and genre in Complaints (1591). In: Stenner, Rachel and Shinn, Abigail eds. Edmund Spenser and Animal Life. Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature. London: Palgrave, pp. 139–158.

Brown, Richard Danson (2022). Literature and Form in the Renaissance. In: Rabinowitz, Paula and Hadfield, Andrew eds. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.

Brown, Richard Danson (2019). Caring to turn back: overhearing Spenser in Donne. In: Ryzhik, Yulia ed. Spenser and Donne: Thinking Poets. The Manchester Spenser, 1. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 13–31.

Brown, Richard Danson (2019). Wise wights in privy places: rhyme and stanza form in Spenser and Chaucer. In: Stenner, Rachel; Badcoe, Tamsin and Griffith, Gareth eds. Rereading Chaucer and Spenser: Dan Geffrey with the New Poete. The Manchester Spenser. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 113–136.

Brown, Richard Danson (2011). 'Can't we ever, my love, speak in the same language?': everyday language and creative tension in the poetry of Louis MacNeice. In: Swann, Joan; Pope, Rob and Carter, Ronald eds. Creativity in Language and Literature: The State of the Art. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 39–54.

Brown, Richard Danson (2010). ‘I would abate the sternenesse of my stile’: diction and poetic subversion in Two Cantos of Mutabilitie’. In: Grogan, Jane ed. Celebrating Mutabilitie: Essays on Edmund Spenser’s Mutabilitie Cantos. Manchester Spenser. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 275–294.

Brown, Richard Danson (2007). Everyman’s progresses: Louis MacNeice’s dialogues with Bunyan. In: Owens, W. R. and Sim, Stuart eds. Reception, Appropriation, Recollection: Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Religions and discourse (33). Oxford, UK: Peter Lang, pp. 147–163.

Brown, Richard Danson (2006). MacNeice in Fairy Land. In: Lethbridge, J. B. ed. Edmund Spenser: New and Renewed Directions. Madison, U.S.A.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, pp. 352–369.

Brown, Richard Danson (2005). His lights are not ours: W. B. Yeats and the wartime poems of Louis MacNeice. In: Harte, Liam; Whelan, Yvonne and Crotty, Patrick eds. Ireland: space, text, time. Dublin, Ireland: Liffey Press, pp. 113–123.

Journal ItemTo Top

Brown, Richard Danson (2025). Anger, Complaint, and Poetic Form in the Tristram Episode and The Faerie Queene, Book 6. Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (SEL), 63(1) (In Press).

Brown, Richard Danson (2024). Spenser with Bruegel: Authority and Punishment in The Faerie Queene, Book V. Spenser Studies, 38 pp. 1–29.

Brown, Richard Danson and Hadfield, Andrew (2024). Bad Spenser? A Dialogue. The Spenser Review, 54(1) pp. 1–14.

Wadowski, Andrew; Hadfield, Andrew and Brown, Richard Danson (2024). "Bad Intro": Letter from the Editors. The Spenser Review, 54(1)

Miller, David Lee; Anderson, Judith H.; Brown, Richard Danson; Dolven, Jeff; Gross, Ken; Nohrnberg, James and Ramachandran, Ayesha (2020). Responses to Harry R. Berger, Resisting Allegory: interpretive delirium in Spenser's "Faerie Queene". Spenser Review, 50(2), article no. 50.2.2..

Brown, Richard Danson; Berry, Craig A.; Hadfield, Andrew and Grogan, Jane (2019). Editorial Introduction: Creative Responses to Spenser; Spenserian Poetry. Spenser Review, 49(3), article no. 1.

Brown, Richard Danson (2011). Reading iambic pentameter. English Review, 22(2) pp. 34–37.

Brown, Richard Danson (2010). “Modern Bondage” or reading for rhyme. The English Review, 20(4) pp. 2–5.

Brown, Richard Danson (2010). C Day-Lewis: A Life. The Modern Language Review, 105(4) pp. 859–860.

Brown, Richard Danson (2008). W.S. Graham: I Leave This At Your Ear. The English Review, 19(2) pp. 9–12.

Brown, Richard Danson (2008). Book review: John Stubbs, 'Donne: The Reformed Soul'. Yearbook of English Studies, 38(1 & 2) pp. 272–274.

Brown, Richard Danson (2002). 'Your thoughts make shape like snow': Louis MacNeice on Stephen Spender. Twentieth-Century Literature, 48(3) pp. 292–323.

OtherTo Top

Brown, Richard Danson; Hadfield, Andrew and Wadowski, Andrew (2024). The Spenser Review, Vol 54, Issue 1. Special Issue: Spenser and Bad Poetry. International Spenser Society.

Brown, Richard Danson (2013). ‘Such ungodly terms’: style, taste, verse satire and epigram in The Dutch Courtesan. In The Dutch Courtesan Project Department of Theatre, Film and Television, University of York, York.


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