Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Rob Paton

88 items in this list.
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2016To Top

2015To Top

Spear, Roger; Paton, Rob and Nicholls, Alex (2015). Public Policy for Social Finance in Context. In: Nicholls, Alex; Paton, Rob and Emerson, Jed eds. Social Finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 460–487.

2013To Top

Davies, Sue M.; Paton, Rob and O'Sullivan, Terry (2013). The museum values framework: a framework for understanding organisational culture in museums. Museum Management and Curatorship, 28(4) pp. 345–361.

Corfield, Alison; Paton, Rob and Little, Stephen (2013). Does knowledge management work in NGOs? - a longitudinal study. International Journal of Public Administration, 36(3) pp. 179–188.

2011To Top

Paton, Rob ed. (2011). Able-Ghana: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Paton, Rob (2011). Overview: ABLE-Ghana as an exercise in experiential learning. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 7–13.

Effah, Paul and Paton, Rob (2011). Creative problem solving in public administration. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 35–36.

Paton, Rob; Blundel, Richard and Nyathi, Nceku (2011). The metal fabricators: challenges of growth in a small Ghanaian business. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 40–48.

Paton, Rob (2011). The difficult workshop. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 56–59.

Paton, Rob (2011). Assessing large cohorts. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, p. 60.

Kawor, Seyram; Crabbe, Margaret; Gyasi, Simon and Paton, Rob (2011). Assessing business school students in Ghana: can quantity and quality be reconciled? In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 61–67.

Crabbe, Margaret; Kawor, Seyram and Paton, Rob (2011). How to do peer assessment. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 68–70.

Paton, Rob and de Heer-Menlah, Kofi (2011). Creating and using open educational resources. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 75–78.

de Heer-Menlah, Kofi; Tackie, George; Bedi, Ibrahim; Obeng, Bernard; Asamoah, Gordon and Paton, Rob (2011). OER prospects and possibilities: reflections on the project. In: Paton, Rob ed. ABLE-GHANA: Reports, Resources, Reflections. Milton Keynes: The Open University, pp. 86–90.

2010To Top

2009To Top

Nicholls, Alex and Paton, Rob (2009). Emerging resource flows for social entrepreneurship; theorizing social investment. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 15-17 Sep 2009, Brighton, University of Brighton.

Paton, R. C. and Taylor, S. L. (2009). Faith Leaders and Workers Project: Evaluation Report. Communities and Local Government.

2008To Top

Paton, R. C. (2008). Comment on "The British are not coming! UK higher education and the nonprofit sector". Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 19(1) pp. 101–105.

Nicholls, Alex and Paton, Rob (2008). Social investment discussion paper. In: Social Investment Seminar, 14 Oct 2008, Admiralty House, Whitehall.

2007To Top

Paton, Rob (2007). Fundraising as marketing: half a truth is better than no truth. In: Mordaunt, Jill and Paton, Rob eds. Thoughtful Fundraising: concepts, issues and perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 29–37.

Paton, Rob (2007). Benchmarking fundraising performance. In: Mordaunt, Jill and Paton, Rob eds. Thoughtful Fundraising: Concepts, Issues and Perspectives. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 143–156.

Paton, Rob (2007). Social enterprise. In: Talbot, Colin and Baker, Matt eds. The Alternative Comprehensive Spending Review. Manchester: Herbert Simon Institute, pp. 154–159.

2006To Top

Aiken, Michael and Paton, Rob (2006). Evaluation of the National Outcomes Dissemination Programme 2003 - 2006. Charities Evaluation Services and The Open University, London, U.K..

Budd, Leslie; Charlesworth, Julie and Paton, Rob eds. (2006). Making policy happen. London, UK: Routledge.

Paton, Rob (2006). Measurement and its pitfalls. In: Budd, Leslie; Charlesworth, Julie and Paton, Rob eds. Making Policy Happen. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 216–228.

Paton, Rob (2006). Studying social entrepreneurship and enterprise. In: Entrepreneurship outside enterprise, 22 Sep 2006, Warwick University.

2005To Top

Paton, Rob (2005). Reviewing and reporting results. In: Paton, Rob; Peters, Geoffrey; Storey, John and Taylor, Scott eds. Handbook of Corporate University Development: Managing Strategic Learning Initiatives in the Public and Private Domains. London: Gower Publishing, pp. 123–132.

Flood, J and Paton, Rob (2005). Designing for blended learning. In: Paton, Rob; Peters, G.; Storey, J. and Taylor, S. eds. The handbook of corporate university development: managing strategic learning initiatives in the public and private domains. London, UK: Gower Publishing.

Paton, Rob; Peters, Geoffrey; Storey, John and Taylor, Scott (2005). Corporate universities as strategic learning initiatives. In: Paton, Rob; Peters, Geoffrey; Storey, John and Taylor, Scott eds. Handbook of corporate university development: managing strategic learning initiatives in the public and private domains. London, UK: Gower Publishing, pp. 5–16.

2004To Top

Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob (2004). Editorial:failure and turnaround in public and non-profit organizations. Public Money and Management, 24(4) pp. 197–199.

Paton, Rob and Mordaunt, Jill (2004). What's different about public and non-profit "turnaround"? Public Money and Management, 24(4) pp. 209–216.

2003To Top

Paton, Rob; Taylor, Scott and Storey, John (2003). Corporate universities and leadership development. In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in Organizations: current issues and key trends. UK: London: Routledge, pp. 103–124.

Paton, Rob (2003). Managing and measuring social enterprises. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Paton, Rob and Taylor, Scott (2003). Corporate universities: between higher education and the workplace. In: Williams, Gareth ed. The Enterprising University: Reform, Excellence and Equity. Buckingham, U.K.: The Open University Press and SRHE, pp. 96–109.

Paton, Rob; Taylor, Scott; Storey, John and Peters, Geoff (2003). Designing and delivering leadership education and development: the role of corporate universities (2nd edition). In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in Organizations: Current issues and key trends. Abingdon, U.K. and New York, NY, U.S.: Routledge, pp. 93–113.

2002To Top

Paton, Rob (2002). Constructive constructivism - a new perspective on the design and use of performance measures. In: Neely, Andy D.; Walters, Angela and Austin, Robert Daniel eds. Performance Measurement and Management 2002 Research and Action. Cranfield, U.K.: Cranfield School of Management, Centre for Business Performance.

Paton, Rob and Mordaunt, Jill (2002). The 'turnaround' process in non-profit contexts: four cases and some theory. In: Annual ARNOVA Conference, 16 Nov 2002, Montreal, Canada.

2001To Top

Paton, Rob and Mordaunt, Jill (2001). Non-profit management education: international trends and issues. Public Performance and Management Review, 25(1) pp. 57–73.

Paton, Rob (2001). Tracking progress in the transformation of business schools. In: BEST Conference: Maintaining Quality in Changing Times, 3-5 Apr 2001, Windermere, UK.

Taylor, S.; Paton, Rob and Chisholm, K. (2001). Mapping the corporate university phenomenon: issues and frameworks for an empirical study. In: British Academy of Management Conference, 5-7 Sep 2001, Cardiff, U.K..

2000To Top

Paton, Rob; Foot, Jane and Payne, Geoff (2000). What happens when nonprofits use quality models for self-assessment? Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 11(1) pp. 21–34.

Paton, Rob and Foot, Jane (2000). Non-profit's use of awards to improve and demonstrate performance: valuable discipline or burdensome formalities? Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary Nonprofit Organizations, 11(4) pp. 329–353.

1999To Top

Paton, Rob (1999). Performance comparisons in fundraising - the case of "Fundratios". International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 4(4) pp. 287–299.

Paton, Rob (1999). The performance management of social enterprises by government. In: Third International Research Symposium on Public Management (IRSPM III), 25-26 Mar 1999, Aston.

Paton, Rob (1999). 'Using the Dashboard' to review performance measures and reporting. In: 28th Annual ARNOVA Conference, 04-06 Nov 1999, Arlington VA.

1998To Top

Paton, Rob (1998). The trouble with values. In: Lewis, David ed. International Perspectives on Voluntary Action: Reshaping the Third Sector. London, U.K.: Earthscan, pp. 132–141.

Cornforth, Chris; Paton, Rob and Batsleer, Julian (1998). Opening up non-profit management development: Lessons from the Open University's voluntary sector management programme. In: O'Neill, Michael and Fletcher, Kathleen eds. Non-profit Management Education: US and World Perspectives. Westport, CT: Praegan, pp. 33–45.

Cornforth, Chris; Batsleer, Julian and Paton, Rob (1998). Opening up non-profit management development: a national development based on distance learning. In: O'Neill, Michael and Fletcher, Kathleen eds. Non-profit Management Education: US and World Perspectives. Westport, CT, USA: Greenwood Publishing Group, pp. 33–45.

1997To Top

Batsleer, Julian and Paton, Rob (1997). Managing voluntary organizations in the contract culture: continuity or change? In: Kendall, Jeremy ed. The contract culture in public services: studies from Britain, Europe, and the USA. Aldershot, U.K.: Arena, pp. 47–56.

Paton, Rob (1997). Benchmarking: passing fad or probable future? In: Pharaoh, Catherina ed. Dimensions of the Voluntary Sector: How is the Voluntary Sector Changing? West Malling: Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) International Publishing.

Paton, Rob and Foot, J. (1997). Dashboards for nonprofits: a new approach to an old problem. In: ARNOVA Conference, Dec 1997, Indianapolis, IN, U.S..

1996To Top

Paton, Rob (1996). How are values handled in voluntary agencies? In: Billis, David and Harris, Margaret eds. Voluntary Agencies: challenges of organisation and management. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Paton, Rob (1996). What's different about non-profit marketing? - A research agenda. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 1(1) pp. 23–31.

Paton, Rob; Clark, Greg; Jones, Geoff; Lewis, Jenny and Quintas, Paul eds. (1996). The New Management Reader. London, U.K.: Routledge.

1994To Top

1993To Top

Kendall, J.; Knapp, M. R. J.; Paton, R. and Thomas, A. (1993). L'economie sociale au Royaume-Uni. Recma: Revue internationale de l'économie sociale, 46(2) pp. 51–75.

Kendall, Jeremy; Paton, Rob; Knapp, Martin and Thomas, Alan (1993). La economia social en el Reina Unido. In: Defourny, Jacques and Monzón Campos, José Luis eds. Economia Social: entre economia capitalista y economic publica. Madrid: CIRIEC - Espagne and INFES, pp. 89–129.

1991To Top

Paton, R. and Cornforth, C. J. (1991). What's different about managing in voluntary and nonprofit organizations? In: Batsleer, Julian; Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob eds. Issues in voluntary and nonprofit management. Addison-Wesley, pp. 36–46.

Paton, Rob (1991). The social economy: value-based organizations in the wider society. In: Batsleer, Julian; Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob eds. Issues in voluntary and non-profit management. London, U.K.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, pp. 3–12.

Paton, Rob (1991). Worker takeovers of failing and bankrupt enterprises in Europe. In: Russell, Raymond and Rus, Veljko eds. Ownership and participation. International Handbook of participation in organizations: For the Study of Organizational Democracy, Co-operation, and Self-Management (2). Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, pp. 28–42.

1990To Top

Paton, Rob and Hooker, Carolyn (1990). Developing managers in voluntary organisations: Management and training development: A Handbook. Sheffield, U.K.: The Training Agency, HMSO.

Paton, Rob (1990). Distance learning and management education - developments and prospects in the UK. In: Watts, Ronald Lampman and Greenberg, Jeff eds. Post-secondary Education: Preparation for the World of Work. Aldershot, U.K. and Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Dartmouth Publishing Company Limited, pp. 151–162.

1989To Top

Paton, Rob (1989). A very concrete example. In: Thomas, Alan; Thornley, Jenny and Cornforth, Chris eds. Co-ops to the rescue! London, U.K.: ICOM Co-publications, pp. 88–105.

1988To Top

Paton, Rob and Emerson, Tony (1988). Top down versus bottom up: good-bye to all that. Local Economy, 3(3) pp. 159–167.

Cornforth, Chris and Paton, Rob (1988). Worker co-operatives and the democratisation of work in Europe. In: Wiseman, J. ed. Worker Freedom: The Promise of Workplace Democracy. New York: TOES Books.

Paton, Rob ed. (1988). Organizations: cases, issues, concepts. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.: Sage Publications.

Paton, Rob (1988). Powers visible and invisible. In: Paton, Rob ed. Organisations: Cases, Issues and Concepts. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.: Sage Publications, pp. 105–110.

Paton, Rob (1988). The launch of the Centaur. In: Paton, Rob ed. Organisations: Cases, Issues and Concepts. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.: Sage Publications, pp. 17–21.

1986To Top

Paton, Rob and Lay, Christina (1986). Learning to manage and managing to learn. Open Learning, 1(3) pp. 18–21.

1983To Top

Robinson, Mike and Paton, Rob (1983). Worker Information Systems & the Development of Large Co-operatives. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

1981To Top

Paton, Rob (1981). Power in cooperatives. In: International Conference on Producer Cooperatives, Jul, Copenhagen.

1978To Top

Paton, Rob and Lockett, Martin (1978). Fairblow Dynamics Limited: Participation and Common Ownership. Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.

Paton, Rob (1978). Some problems of cooperative organization. Co-operatives Research Unit, Milton Keynes.

Paton, Rob (1978). Some Problems of Co-operative Organisation. Monograph 3; Co-operatives Research Unit, The Open University.


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