Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Robert Jeffrey

68 items in this list.
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2015To Top

2010To Top

Troman, Geoff and Jeffrey, Bob (2010). The promise of ethnography for exploring creative learning. In: Thomson, Pat and Sefton-Greem, Julian eds. Researching Creative Learning. Abingdon, U.K and New York, NY, U.S.: Routledge, pp. 78–87.

Bradshaw, Pete; Twining, Peter; Hayes, Mary and Jeffrey, Robert (2010). The changing landscape of CPD for teachers. In: ALT-C 2008: “Into something rich and strange” – making sense of the sea-change, 6-9 Sep 2010, University of Nottingham, UK.

Jeffrey, Bob and Troman, Geoff (2010). Institutional embrace and the postmodern professional. In: European Conference of Educational Research, 25-28 Aug 2010, Helsinki.

Jeffrey, Bob; Bradshaw, Pete; Twining, Peter and Walsh, Chris (2010). Ethnography, education and on-line research. In: European Conference of Educational Research, 25-28 Aug 2010, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Jeffrey, Bob and Troman, Geoff (2010). Cross cultural collaborative ethnography: a contradiction in terms? In: Paolone, A. ed. Education Between Boundaries: Comparison, Ethnography, Education. Padova: Imprimitur Editrice, pp. 122–133.

2009To Top

Jeffrey, Bob and Troman, Geoff (2009). Developing a performative identity. In: European Conference on Educational Research: Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research, 25-26 Sep 2009, Vienna, Austria.

Jeffrey, Bob and Troman, Geoff (2009). Creative and performativity practices in primary schools: a Foucauldian perspective. In: BERA Annual Conference 2009, 2-5 Sep 2009, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.

2008To Top

Craft, Anna and Jeffrey, Robert (2008). Creativity and performativity in teaching and learning: tensions, dilemmas, constraints, accommodations and synthesis. British Educational Research Journal, 34(5) pp. 577–584.

Jeffrey, Bob (2008). Characterising social settings as the basis for qualitative research in ethnography. In: Walford, Geoffrey ed. How To Do Educational Ethnography. London: Tufnell Press.

Jeffrey, Bob; Troman, Geoff and Zezlina-Phillips, Elena (2008). Creative and Performativity Policies in Primary Schools. In: BERA Annual Conference, 3-6 Sep 2008, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.

Troman, Geoff and Jeffrey, Bob (2008). Die Erarbeitung eines Rahmens für ein 'geteiltes Repertoire' in einem international vergleichenden Forschungsprojekt. Auf dem Weg zu einer Methodologie für die vergleichende ethnographische Forschung. In: Hünersdorf, Bettina; Maeder, Christoph and Müller, Burkhard eds. Ethnographie und Erziehungswissenschaft: Methodologische Reflexionen und empirische Annäherungen. Weinheim: Juventa, pp. 245–266.

Troman, Geoff and Jeffrey, Bob (2008). Professional cultures of creativity and care in performative primary schools. In: European Conference on Educational Research, 10-12 Sep 2008, University of Goteborg.

2007To Top

Jeffrey, Robert (2007). Creative learning in Europe: making use of global discourses. In: Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela eds. Creative Learning 3-11 and how we Document it. London, UK: Trentham Books.

Troman, Geoff and Jeffrey, Bob (2007). Qualitative data analysis in cross-cultural projects. Comparative Education, 43(4) pp. 511–525.

Troman, Geoff; Jeffrey, Bob and Raggl, Andrea (2007). Creativity and Performativity Policies in Primary School Cultures. Journal of Education Policy, 22(5) pp. 549–572.

Jeffrey, Bob (2007). Raising the quality of qualitative analysis: Conceptualising and characterising qualitative data. In: ECER Conference: Contested Qualities of Educational Research, 19-21 Sep 2007, Ghent, Belgium.

2006To Top

Jeffrey, Bob and Craft, Anna (2006). Creative learning and possibility thinking. In: Jeffrey, Bob ed. Creative learning practices: European experiences. Ethnography and Education. London, UK: Tufnell Press.

Troman, Geoff; Jeffrey, Bob and Beach, Dennis (2006). Researching Education Policy: Ethnographic Experiences. Ethnography and Education, 2. London, UK: Tufnell Press.

Jeffrey, Bob ed. (2006). Creative learning practices: European experiences. London, UK: Tufnell Press.

Troman, Geoff and Jeffrey, Bob (2006). Providing a framework for a ‘shared repertoire’ in a cross-national research project. In: Troman, Geoff; Jeffrey, Bob and Walford, Geoffrey eds. Methodological Issues and Practices in Ethnography. Studies in Educational Ethnography (11). Emerald Publishing, pp. 207–225.

Jeffrey, B. and Troman, G. (2006). Reviewing performativity and creative policies in the UK. In: European Conference on Educational Research, 11-12 Sep 2006, Geneva.

Jeffrey, B. (2006). Characterising creative learning. In: European Conference on Educational Research, 11-12 Sep 2006, Geneva.

Jeffrey, B. and Troman, G. (2006). Researching performativity and creativity policies in the UK. In: British Educational Research Association Conference, 6-9 Sep 2006, Warwick, UK.

Troman, G.; Jeffrey, B. and Raggl, A. (2006). Capitalising on creativity in performative schools? Experiencing the tensions. In: British Educational Research Association Conference, 6-9 Sep 2006, Warwick, UK.

2005To Top

Troman, Geoff and Jeffrey, Bob (2005). Providing a framework for a 'shared repertoire' in a cross-national research project. In: Troman, Geoff; Jeffrey, Bob and Walford, Geoffrey eds. Methodological Issues and Practice in Methodology. Studies in Educational Ethnography (11). Oxford, UK: Jai Press, pp. 207–226.

Jeffrey, B. (2005). Documenting creative learning: A meaning making objective. In: British Educational Research Associaton Conference, Sep 2005, Glamorgan, Wales.

Jeffrey, B. (2005). The redress of creative teaching and learning through specialist programmes and strategic partnerships. In: European Conference on Educational Research, 7-10 Sep 2005, Dublin, Ireland.

Troman, Geoff; Jeffrey, Robert and Walford, Geoffrey eds. (2005). Methodological issues and practices in ethnography. Studies in Educational Ethnography, 11. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.

Troman, G. and Jeffrey, B. (2005). What can we learn about qualitative research methodology from engagement in cross-cultural projects? In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Sep 2005, Glamorgan, Wales.

2004To Top

Troman, Geoff; Jeffrey, Bob and Walford, Geoffrey eds. (2004). Identity, agency and social institutions in educational ethnography. Studies in Educational Ethnography, 10. Oxford, UK: Jai Press.

Craft, Anna and Jeffrey, Bob (2004). Creative Practice and Practice which Fosters Creativity. In: Miller, Linda and Devereux, Jane eds. Supporting Children's Learning in the Early Years. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 105–112.

Jeffrey, Bob and Troman, Geoff (2004). Time for ethnography. British Educational Research Journal, 30(4) pp. 535–548.

Craft, Anna and Jeffrey, Bob (2004). Learner inclusiveness for creative learning. Education 3-13, 32(2) pp. 39–43.

Jeffrey, Bob and Walford, Geoffrey eds. (2004). Ethnographies of Educational and Cultural Conflicts: Strategies and Resolutions. Studies in Educational Ethnography, 9. Oxford, UK: Jai Press.

Craft, Anna and Jeffrey, Bob (2004). A creative practice and practice which fosters creativity. In: Miller, Linda and Devereux, Jane eds. Supporting Childrens' Learning in the Early Years. London: David Fulton, pp. 105–112.

Beach, Dennis; Gobbo, Francesca; Jeffrey, Bob; Smyth, Geri and Troman, Geoff (2004). Ethnography of education in a European educational research perspective. European Education Research Journal, 3(3) pp. 534–538.

2003To Top

Jeffrey, Bob (2003). Come 'descrivere' i luoghi di ricerca etnografica. In: Gobbo, Francesca ed. Etnografia dell'Educazione in Europa: Soggetti, Contesti, Questioni Metodologiche. Testi e Studi (174). Milan: Unicopli, pp. 139–157.

2002To Top

2001To Top

Woods, Peter; Jeffrey, Robert and Troman, Geoff (2001). The impact of New Labour's educational policy on primary schools. In: Fielding, Michael ed. Taking education really seriously: Four years' hard Labour. London, UK: Routledge Falmer, pp. 84–95.

Craft, Anna; Jeffrey, Bob and Leibling, Mike eds. (2001). Creativity in Education. London, UK: Continuum.

Jeffrey, Robert and Craft, Anna (2001). The Universalization of creativity. In: Craft, Anna; Jeffrey, Robert and Leibling, Mike eds. Creativity in Education. London: Continuum.

Jeffrey, Robert and Woods, P. (2001). Challenging prescription in ideology and practice: the case of Sunny first school. In: Collins, Janet; Insley, Kim and Soler, Janet eds. Developing pedagogy: researching practice. Developing practice in primary education. London, UK: Paul Chapman.

2000To Top

Woods, Peter; Boyle, Mari; Jeffrey, Bob and Troman, Geoff (2000). A research team in ethnography. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 13(1) pp. 85–98.

1999To Top

Jeffrey, Bob (1999). Side-stepping the substantial self: the fragmentation of primary teachers' professionality through audit accountability. In: Hammersley, Martyn ed. Researching School Experience: Ethnographic Studies of Teaching and Learning. London: Routledge, pp. 51–58.

Jeffrey, Bob (1999). Distancing research objects through involvement of the self. In: Massey, A. and Walford, G. eds. Studies in Educational Ethnography, Volume 2. New York: Jai Press, pp. 163–182.

1998To Top

Woods, P.; Jeffrey, B.; Troman, G.; Boyle, M. and Cocklin, B. (1998). Team and technology in writing up research. British Educational Research Journal, 24(5) pp. 573–592.

Woods, Peter and Jeffrey, Bob (1998). Choosing Positions: living the contradictions of OFSTED. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 19(4) pp. 547–570.

1997To Top

Craft, Anna; Dugal, Jana; Dyer, Gordon; Jeffrey, Bob and Lyons, Tom eds. (1997). Can you teach creativity? Nottingham: Education Now.

Jeffrey, Bob (1997). Framing creativity in primary classrooms. In: Craft, Anna; Dugal, Jana; Dyer, Gordon; Jeffrey, Bob and Lyons, Tom eds. Can you Teach Creativity. Nottingham: Education Now, pp. 58–68.

Jeffrey, Bob and Woods, Peter (1997). The relevance of creative teaching: Pupils' views. In: Pollard, Ann; Filer, Andrew and Thiessen, Dennis eds. Children and their curriculum: The perspectives of primary and elementary school children. London: Routledge, pp. 58–68.

Woods, Peter and Jeffrey, Bob (1997). Creative teaching in the primary national curriculum. In: Helsby, Gill and McCulloch, Gary eds. Teachers and the National Curriculum. London: Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd, pp. 66–77.

1996To Top

Woods, Peter and Jeffrey, Bob (1996). Living and researching a school inspection. In: Woods, Peter ed. Researching the Art of Teaching: Ethnography for Educational Use. London: Routledge, pp. 96–117.

Jeffrey, Bob and Woods, Peter (1996). Creating atmosphere and tone in primary classrooms. In: Chawla-Duggan, Rita and Pole, Christopher J eds. Reshaping Education in the 1990's: Perspectives on Primary Schooling. London: Falmer Press, pp. 155–168.

1995To Top

Woods, Peter and Jeffrey, Robert (1995). A new professional discourse? adjusting to managerialism. In: Woods, Peter ed. Contemporary Issues in Teaching and Learning. London: Routledge, pp. 38–56.


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