Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Philip Wheeler

34 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 16:08:59 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

2023To Top

Neal, Willow; Araya, Yoseph and Wheeler, Philip (2023). Maximising the benefit of urban woodlands for butterflies. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2023, 12-15 Dec 2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK.

Woo, Holly; Wheeler, Philip; Davies, Sarah-Jane and Maseyk, Kadmiel (2023). The plant communities of urban ancient woodlands: Post-urbanisation changes in ground flora species composition. In: British Ecological Society Trees for Climate Change, Biodiversity and People symposium., 28-29 Jun 2023, Canterbury, UK.

2022To Top

Neal, Willow; Araya, Yoseph and Wheeler, Philip (2022). Urban Woodland Butterfly Habitat Suitability. In: British Ecological Society (BES) Annual Meeting 2022, 18-21 Dec 2022, EICC, Edinburgh, UK.

Bedson, Carlos P. E.; Wheeler, Philip M.; Reid, Neil; Harris, Wilson Edwin; Mallon, David; Caporn, Simon and Preziosi, Richard (2022). Highest densities of mountain hares (Lepus timidus) associated with ecologically restored bog but not grouse moorland management. Ecology and Evolution, 12(4) e8744.

2021To Top

Handley, Phillip; Walker, Hannah; Ansine, Janice; Baden, Richard; Craig, Ian; Dewhurst-Richman, Nadia; Doick, Kieron; Fay, Luke; Mackie, Ewan; Parratt, Matt; Perez-Sierra, Ana; Sparrow, Kate and Wheeler, Philip (2021). Individual Tree Data Standard. Forest Research, the Research Agency of the Forestry Commission, Farnham, UK.

Cooke, Julia; Araya, Yoseph; Bacon, Karen L.; Bagniewska, Joanna M.; Batty, Lesley; Bishop, Tom R.; Burns, Moya; Charalambous, Magda; Daversa, David R.; Dougherty, Liam R.; Dyson, Miranda; Fisher, Adam M.; Forman, Dan; Garcia, Cristina; Harney, Ewan; Hesselberg, Thomas; John, Elizabeth A; Knell, Rob; Maseyk, Kadmiel; Mauchline, Alice L.; Peacock, Julie; Pernetta, Angelo P.; Pritchard, Jeremy; Sutherland, William J.; Thomas, Rebecca L.; Tigar, Barbara; Wheeler, Philip; White, Rachel L.; Worsfold, Nicholas T. and Lewis, Zenobia (2021). Teaching and learning in ecology: a horizon scan of emerging challenges and solutions. Oikos, 130(1) pp. 15–28.

Bedson, Carlos P. E.; Thomas, Lowri; Wheeler, Philip M.; Reid, Neil; Harris, W. Edwin; Lloyd, Huw; Mallon, David and Preziosi, Richard (2021). Estimating density of mountain hares using distance sampling: a comparison of daylight visual surveys, night-time thermal imaging and camera traps. Wildlife Biology, 2021(3), article no. wlb.00802.

2020To Top

Cooke, Julia; Wheeler, Philip and Davies, Sarah-Jane (2020). 15 Practical Tips for Online Teaching. In Harrison, Kate ed. The Niche The British Ecological Society, London, UK.

2019To Top

Matos, Cátia; Petrovan, Silviu O.; Wheeler, Philip M. and Ward, Alastair I. (2019). Landscape connectivity and spatial prioritization in an urbanising world: A network analysis approach for a threatened amphibian. Biological Conservation, 237 pp. 238–247.

Wheeler, Philip M.; Ward, Alastair I.; Smith, Graham C.; Croft, Simon and Petrovan, Silviu O. (2019). Careful considerations are required when analysing mammal citizen science data – A response to Massimino et al. Biological Conservation, 232 pp. 274–275.

Martin, Thomas E.; Monkhouse, Joseph; O'Connell, Darren P.; Analuddin, Kangkuso; Karya, Adi; Priston, Nancy E. C.; Palmer, Charlotte A.; Harrison, Barnabas; Baddams, Jack; Mustari, Abdul H.; Wheeler, Philip M. and Tosh, David G. (2019). Distribution and status of threatened and endemic marsupials on the offshore islands of south-east Sulawesi, Indonesia. Australian Mammalogy, 41(1) pp. 76–81.

Cooke, Julia; Wheeler, Philip; Maseyk, Kadmiel; Davies, Sarah and Collins, Trevor (2019). Live, interactive fieldcasts: How flexible and robust is our technology and teaching design to multiple changes? In: The 8 th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2019 - STEM Scholarship: From Inquiry to Implementation, 8-9 May 2019, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

2018To Top

Segar, Simon T.; Mardiastuti, Ani; Wheeler, Philip M. and Cook, James M. (2018). Detecting the elusive cost of parasites on fig seed production. Acta Oecologica, 90 pp. 69–74.

Cooke, Julia; Wheeler, Phil; Collins, Trevor; Maseyk, Kadmiel and Davies, Sarah (2018). Widening access to fieldwork for large numbers of students with interactive livecasts. In: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning Showcase 2018, 3-4 Sep 2018, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Collins, Trevor; Cooke, Julia; Wheeler, Philip; Maseyk, Kadmiel and Robson, Julie (2018). Live field broadcasts: Moving from optional additions to required assessment. In: The 7th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2018 - STEM Futures: Delivering Excellence Through Scholarship, 25-26 Apr 2018, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

2017To Top

Day, George; Mayes, William M.; Wheeler, Philip M. and Hull, Susan L. (2017). Can aggregate quarry silt lagoons provide resources for wading birds? Ecological Engineering, 105 pp. 189–197.

Burden, D.J.H.; Argles, T.; Minocha, S.; Rock, J.; Tilling, S. and Wheeler, P. (2017). Fieldscapes – Creating and Evaluating a 3D Virtual Field Trip System. In: iLRN 2017 Coimbra: Workshop, Long and Short Paper, and Poster Proceedings from the Third Immersive Learning Research Network Conference (Beck, Dennis; Allison, Colin; Morgado, Leonel; Pirker, Johanna; Khosmood, Foaad; Richter, Jonathon and Gütl, Christian eds.), Immersive Learning Research Network, pp. 18–29.

Robson, Julie; Cooke, Julia; Wheeler, Philip; Maseyk, Kadmiel and Collins, Trevor (2017). Evaluating remote access to fieldwork with interactive fieldcasts for distance learning students. In: The 6th eSTEeM Annual Conference, 25-26 Apr 2017, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes.

Goodenough, Jessica; Ansine, Janice and Wheeler, Philip (2017). Using a citizen science tool to model the health benefits of roadside trees. In: Trees, People and the Built Environment 3 (TPBE3) Conference, 5-6 Apr 2017, University of Birmingham.

2016To Top

Tilling, Steve; Wheeler, Philip; Burden, David and Argles, Thomas (2016). Enhancing ecological fieldwork with Virtual Reality. In: British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2016, 11-14 Dec 2016, Liverpool, UK.

Cooke, Julia; Wheeler, Philip; Maseyk, Kadmiel and Collins, Trevor (2016). Widening access to fieldwork with interactive livecasts. In: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning Showcase 2016, 12-13 Sep 2016, Reading, UK.

Lush, L.; Ellwood, S.; Markham, A.; Ward, A. I. and Wheeler, P. (2016). Use of tri-axial accelerometers to assess terrestrial mammal behaviour in the wild. Journal of Zoology, 298(4) pp. 257–265.

2014To Top

Lush, Lucy; Ward, Alastair I. and Wheeler, Philip (2014). Opposing effects of agricultural intensification on two ecologically similar species. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 192 pp. 61–66.

2008To Top


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