Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Pete Bradshaw

46 items in this list.
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Edited BookTo Top

Younie, Sarah and Bradshaw, Pete eds. (2017). Debates in Computing and ICT Education. Debates in Education. Abingdon: Routledge.

Book SectionTo Top

Bradshaw, Pete (2010). Assessment 14-19. In: Wallace, Susan ed. The Lifelong Learning Sector: Reflective Reader. Exeter, UK: Learning Matters.

Bradshaw, Pete; Powell, Stephen and Terrell, Ian (2003). Building a community of practice: technological and social implications for a distributed team. In: Hildreth, Paul and Kimble, Chris eds. Knowledge networks: Innovation through communities in practice. London, UK: Idea Group, pp. 184–201.

Bradshaw, Pete (2001). Numerical modelling using spreadsheets. In: Lawson, Jenny ed. Intermediate GNVQ: Information and communication technology, options. London: Longman, pp. 153–192.

Bradshaw, Pete (2001). Databases. In: Lawson, Jenny ed. Intermediate GNVQ information and communication technology options. London: Longman, pp. 193–236.

Bradshaw, Pete (2000). Systems installation and presentation. In: Banks, Maggie; Crookes, Bob; Jarvis, Alan; Duff, Alsion and Lawson, Jenny eds. Vocational A-level information and communication technology. London, UK: Longman.

Journal ItemTo Top

Bradshaw, Pete and Younie, Sarah (2016). Pre-service teachers’ engagement in a cross-curricular television news project: impact on professional identity. Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' professional development, 20(5) pp. 599–613.

Bradshaw, Peter; Younie, Sarah and Jones, Sarah (2013). Open education resources and higher education academic practice. Campus Wide Information Systems, 30(3) pp. 186–193.

Bradshaw, Pete; Twining, Peter and Walsh, Christopher (2012). The Vital Program: Transforming ICT Professional Development. American Journal of Distance Education, 26(2) pp. 74–85.

Bradshaw, Pete; Powell, Stephen and Terrell, Ian (2005). Developing engagement in Ultralab’s online communities of enquiry. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 42(3) pp. 205–215.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Bradshaw, Pete; Gallastegi, Lore; Shohel, Mahruf and Younie, Sarah (2014). Formalised action research as an emergent form of teacher professional development. In: 2nd International ProPEL Conference 2014, 25-27 Jun 2014, Stirling, UK, p. 21.

Bradshaw, Pete; Younie, Sarah and Jones, Sarah (2012). The use of open education resources in higher education programmes of academic practice. In: International Conference on ICT in Education, 5-7 Jul 2012, Rhodes, Greece.

Bradshaw, Pete and Woollard, John (2012). Computing at school: an emergent community of practice for a re-emergent subject. In: International Conference on ICT in Education, 5-7 Jul 2012, Rhodes, Greece.

Bradshaw, Pete (2011). E-portfolios and Google applications. In: 10th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL-2011 pre-conference workshop, 9 Nov 2011, Brighton, UK.

Bradshaw, Peter and Younie, Sarah (2011). Assistant teachers' engagement in an external cross curricular project: impact on professional identity. In: BERA (British Educational Rresearch Association) 2011, 6-8 Sep 2011, London.

Walsh, Christopher S.; Bradshaw, Pete and Twining, Peter (2011). e-learning through collaborative teacher professional development in primary and secondary schools in England. In: IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2011 75, 20-23 Jul 2011, Rome, Italy.

Younie, Sarah; Bradshaw, Pete and Cameron, Karen (2011). A presentation of a case study examination of the BBC News School Report project in Initial Teacher Education across three sites. In: ITTE Annual conference, 5-7 Jul 2011, University of Keele.

Bradshaw, Pete (2010). Vital: innovation in CPD: supporting teachers to inspire learners. In: Inside Government Forum Innovation in Education: Transforming Learning in the 21st Century, 17 Nov 2010, London.

Bradshaw, Pete; Twining, Peter; Hayes, Mary and Jeffrey, Robert (2010). The changing landscape of CPD for teachers. In: ALT-C 2008: “Into something rich and strange” – making sense of the sea-change, 6-9 Sep 2010, University of Nottingham, UK.

Jeffrey, Bob; Bradshaw, Pete; Twining, Peter and Walsh, Chris (2010). Ethnography, education and on-line research. In: European Conference of Educational Research, 25-28 Aug 2010, University of Helsinki, Finland.

Bradshaw, Pete (2010). Vital – CPD for teachers… CPD for ITE trainees? In: ITTE Summer Conference, 6-8 Jul 2010, Liverpool, UK.

Bradshaw, Pete; Twining, Peter and Walsh, Christopher (2010). Vital: changing the paradigm of CPD. In: The 11th ITTE Research Seminar, 11-12 Mar 2010, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK.

Bradshaw, Pete and Vanhegan, Stevie (2009). Designing an elearning space to teach about elearning - how hard can it be? In: NTU Learning and Teaching Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, April 2009, 2 Apr 2009, Nottingham Trent University, UK.

Bradshaw, Pete (2008). Validity of ICT assessment at 16: student perceptions. In: IT in Teacher Education Research Seminar, 28-29 Nov 2008, Cambridge, UK.

Boulton, Helen; Bradshaw, Pete and Hramiak, Alison (2007). Use of online tools for supporting students on placement. In: ITTE Annual conference, 11-13 Jul 2007, Leicester, UK.

Bradshaw, Pete (2007). Validity of ICT assessment at 16. In: ITTE Annual conference, 11-13 Jul 2007, University of Leicester.

Bradshaw, Pete and Boulton, Helen (2007). Use of electronic tools with students on work placement. In: Enhancing Research-informed Teaching, Annual learning and Teaching Conference, Apr 2007, Nottingham Trent University.

Bradshaw, Pete and Powell, Stephen (2003). Large-scale online communities of practice for professional learning of school leaders. In: Virtual Communities Conference, 16-17 Jun 2003, Westminster, London.

Bradshaw, Pete; Gee, Alison and Powell, Stephen (2002). Virtual communities and professional learning across a distributed remote membership. In: Virtual Communities Conference, pre-conference worskhop, 12 Dec 2002, University of Navarra, Barcelona.

Bradshaw, Pete; Powell, Stephen and Terrell, Ian (2002). Online communities - vehicles for professional learning? In: BERA Conference, 11-14 Sep 2002, Exeter.

Bradshaw, Pete; Gee, Alison and Chapman, Carole (2001). NPQH interim developments. In: BERA Annual Conference, 13-15 Sep 2001, Leeds, U.K..

OtherTo Top

Bradshaw, Pete (2008). ICT in teaching. IT in Teacher Education Association.

Bradshaw, Pete and Woollard, John (2007). Framework for the 14-19 curriculum. IT in Teacher Education Association.


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