Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Paula James

20 items in this list.
Generated on Wed Feb 12 00:28:17 2025 GMT.

2018To Top

2015To Top

James, Paula (2015). Hercules as a Symbol of Labour: A Nineteenth-century Class-conflicted Hero. In: Stead, Henry and Hall, Edith eds. Greek and Roman classics in the British struggle for social reform. Bloomsbury Studies in Classical Reception. London, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 138–154.

2014To Top

James, Paula (2014). Book Review: Literature and Identity in The Golden Ass of Apuleius. Ancient Narrative, 11 pp. 229–236.

2013To Top

Ravenhill-Johnson, Annie and James, Paula (2013). The Art and Ideology of the Trade Union Emblem, 1850-1925. London: Anthem Press.

James, P. (2013). Kiss Me Deadly (1955): Pandora and Prometheus in Robert Aldrich's cinematic subversion of Spillane. In: Cyrino, Monica S. ed. Screening Love and Sex in the Ancient World. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 25–38.

2011To Top

James, Paula (2011). Ovid's Myth of Pygmalion on Screen: In Pursuit of the Perfect Woman. Continuum Studies in Classical Reception. London: Continuum.

2010To Top

2009To Top

James, Paula (2009). Crossing classical thresholds: Gods, monsters and Hell dimensions in the Whedon universe. In: Lowe, Dunstan and Shahabudin, Kim eds. Classics for All: Reworking Antiquity in Mass Culture. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 237–260.

2007To Top

2006To Top

James, Paula and O'Brien, Maeve (2006). To baldly go: a last look at Lucius and his counter-humiliation strategies. In: Keulen, W.H.; Nauta, R.R. and Panayotakis, S. eds. Lectiones Scrupulosae: Essays on the Text and Interpretation of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses in Honour of Maaike Zimmerman. Ancient Narrative Series, Ancient Na (Supplement). Groningen, Netherlands: Barkhuis Publishing, pp. 234–251.

James, Paula (2006). Ritualistic behaviour in THE WICKER MAN: a classical and carnivalesque perspective on the 'true nature of sacrifice'. In: Franks, Benjamin; Harper, Stephen; Murray, Jonathan and Stevenson, Lesley eds. The Quest for the Wicker Man: history, folklore and Pagan perspectives. Edinburgh: Luath Press, pp. 44–55.

2005To Top

James, Paula (2005). Real and metaphorical mimicking birds in the Metamorphoses of Apuleius. In: Harrison, Stephen; Paschalis, Michael and Frangoulidis, Stavros eds. Metaphor in the Ancient Novel. Ancient narrative (Suppementu). Netherlands: Barkhuis Publishing, pp. 210–224.

2004To Top

Feldherr, Andrew and James, Paula (2004). Making the most of Marsyas. Arethusa, 37(1) pp. 75–104.

James, Paula (2004). What lies beneath: fluid subtexts in Ovid's Metamorphoses. In: Zimmerman, Maaike and Van der Paardt, Rudi eds. Metamorphic Reflections: essays presented to Ben Hijmans on his 75th birthday. Leuwen: Peeters, pp. 1–19.

2003To Top

2002To Top

James, Paula (2002). Keeping Apuleius in the Picture: a dialogue between Apuleius' Metamorphoses and the Luis Bunuel's Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie. In: Zimmerman de Graaf, M and Van Der Paard t, R eds. Ancient Narrative, Volume 1. Groningen: Roelf Barkhuis, pp. 185–207.

2001To Top

James, Paula (2001). From prologue to story: metaphor and narrative construction in the opening of the Metamorphoses. In: Kahane, Ahuvia and Laird, Andrew eds. Companion to the prologue to Apuleius' Metamorphoses. Oxford: Oxford University press, pp. 256–266.


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