Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Phil Perkins

25 items in this list.
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Fentress, Elizabeth and Perkins, Phil (2016). Cosa and the Ager Cosanus. In: Cooley, Alison E. ed. A Companion to Roman Italy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 378–400.

Fentress, Elizabeth; Fontana, Sergio; Hitchner, R. Bruce and Perkins, Philip (2004). Accounting for ARS: fineware and sites in Sicily and Africa. In: Alcock, Susan E. and Cherry, John F. eds. Side-by-side survey: comparative regional studies in the Mediterranean world. Oxford, UK: Oxbow Books, pp. 147–162.

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Perkins, Phil (2021). The Etruscan pithos revolution. In: Gleba, Margarita; Marín-Aguilera, Beatriz and Dimova, Bela eds. Making cities: Economies of production and urbanization in Mediterranean Europe, 1000–500 BC. McDonald Institute Conversations. Cambridge, UK: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp. 231–258.

Perkins, Phil; Nocentini, Alessandro and Warden, P. Gregory (2020). Ricerca e scavi a Albagino (2017-2019). In: Arbeid, Barbara and Pessina, Andrea eds. Tutela & Restauro 2016 . 2019. Notiziario della Soprintendenza archeologia belle arti e paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Firenze e le province di Pistoia e Prato. Sesto Fiorentino: All'Insegna del Giglio, pp. 414–416.

Perkins, Phil (2017). DNA and Etruscan identity. In: Naso, Alessandro ed. Etruscology. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 109–118.

Perkins, Phil (2017). The landscape and environment of Etruria. In: Naso, Alessandro ed. Etruscology. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1239–1250.

Perkins, Philip (2016). Bucchero in context. In: Bell, Sinclair and Carpino, Alexandra A. eds. A Companion to the Etruscans. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 224–236.

Perkins, Phil (2014). Processes of urban development in northern and central Etruria in the Orientalizing and Archaic periods. In: Robinson, Elizabeth C. ed. Papers on Italian urbanism in the first Millennium B.C. Journal of Roman Archaeology supplementary Series, Supplement (97). Portsmouth, Rhode Island: Journal of Roman Archaeology, pp. 62–80.

Perkins, Phil (2014). Oinochoe di bucchero, tipo B di Batignani, decorata con un fregio di sfingi e volatile modellato sul coperchio. In: Bruschetti, Paolo; Giulierini, Paolo; Gialluca, Bruno; Reynolds, Suzanne and Swaddling, Judith eds. Seduzione Etrusca: Dai segreti di Holkham Hall alle meraviglie del British Museum. Milan: Skira, pp. 417–418.

Perkins, Phil (2014). Oinochoe di bucchero decorate con un fregio di volatili, tipo A di Batignani. In: Bruschetti, Paolo; Giulierini, Paolo; Gialluca, Bruno; Reynolds, Suzanne and Swaddling, Judith eds. Seduzione Etrusca: Dai segreti di Holkham Hall alle meraviglie del British Museum. Milan: Skira, pp. 418–419.

Perkins, Phil (2012). Fantastic animal stamps on bucchero from Poggio Colla. In: Biella, Maria Cristina; Giovanelli, Enrico and Perego, Lucio Giuseppe eds. Il Bestiario Fantastico di età Orientalizzante nella Penisola Italiana. Quaderni di Aristonothos. Trento: Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche, pp. 171–188.

Perkins, Philip (2012). Production and commercialization of Etruscan wine in the Albegna Valley. In: Zifferero, Andrea; Ciacci, Andrea and Rendini, Paola eds. Archeologia della vite e del vino in Toscana e nel Lazio. dalle tecniche dell’indagine archeologica alle prospettive della biologia molecolare. Florence: All’Insegna dell’ Giglio, pp. 413–416.

Perkins, P. (2011). The Etruscans, their DNA and the Orient. In: Duistermaat, Kim and Regulski, Ilona eds. Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean: Proceedings of the International Conference at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, 25th to 29th October 2008. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta (202). Leuven: Peeters, pp. 171–180.

Perkins, Phil (2010). The cultural and political landscape of the Ager Caletranus, North-West of Vulci. In: Fontaine, P. ed. L'Etrurie et l'ombrie avant Rome: Cité et Territoire. Institut Historique Belge de Rome Artes (1). Brussels, Belgium / Romr, Italy: Institut Historique Belge de Rome, pp. 103–121.

Perkins, Philip (2009). DNA and Etruscan Identity. In: Perkins, Philip and Swaddling, Judith eds. Etruscan by Definition: Papers in Honour of Sybille Haynes. The British Museum Research Publications (173). London, UK: The British Museum Press, pp. 95–111.

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Perkins, Phil (2009). Sicily. In: Gagarin, Michael ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.

Perkins, Phil and Schafer, Sally (2009). The Villa Pigneto Sacchetti excavation: a new interpretation. Papers of the British School at Rome, 77(2009) pp. 273–290.

Perkins, Philip (2007). Etruscan Bucchero in the British Museum. British Museum Research Publication, 165. London, UK: The British Museum Press.

Perkins, Philip (2007). Aliud in Sicilia? Cultural development in Rome's first Province. In: Van Dommelen, P. and Terranato, N. eds. Articulating Local Cultures: Power and identity under the expanding Roman Republic. International Roman Archaeology Conference Series, Journal of (63). Rhode Island, USA: Journal of Roman Archaeology, pp. 33–53.

Perkins, Phil (2005). Who lived in the Etruscan Albegna Valley? In: Attema, Peter; Nijboer, Albert and Zifferero, Andrea eds. Papers in Italian Archaeology VI: Communities and settlements from the Neolithic to the Early Medieval Period. British Archaeological Reports Series (1452 (1)). Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 109–117.

Perkins, Phil (1999). Etruscan Settlement, Society and Material Culture in Central Coastal Etruria. British Archaeological Reports International Series (788). Oxford: J. and E. Hedges.

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Van de Noort, Robert; Whitehouse, David; Becker, Marshall; Blagg, Thomas; Burnett, Douglas; Caruso, Ida; Claridge, Amanda; Clark, Gill; Costantini, Loredana; Costantini, Lorenzo; Hall Burke, Belinda; Lyttelton, Margaret; Napolitani, Gilberto; Patterson, Helen; Perkins, Philip; Rovelli, Alessia and Sutherland, Sheila (2009). Excavations at Le Mura di Santo Stefano, Anguillara Sabazia. Papers of the British School at Rome, 77(2009) pp. 159–223.


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