Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Philip Holden

70 items in this list.
Generated on Tue Feb 11 18:44:07 2025 GMT.

2025To Top

Beerling, David J.; Kantzas, Euripides P.; Lomas, Mark R.; Taylor, Lyla L.; Zhang, Shuang; Kanzaki, Yoshiki; Eufrasio, Rafael M.; Mercure, Jean-Francois; Pollitt, Hector; Holden, Philip B.; Edwards, Neil R.; Koh, Lenny; Epihov, Dimitar Z.; Wolf, Adam; Hansen, James E; Banwart, Steven A.; Pidgeon, Nick F.; Reinhard, Christopher T.; Planavsky, Noah J. and Val Martin, Maria (2025). Transforming US agriculture for carbon removal with enhanced weathering. Nature (Early access).

2024To Top

Asselot, Rémy; Holden, Philip; Lunkeit, Frank and Hense, Inga (2024). A missing link in the carbon cycle: phytoplankton light absorption under RCP emission scenarios. Earth System Dynamics, 15 pp. 875–891.

2023To Top

Semieniuk, Gregor; Chancel, Lucas; Saïsset, Eulalie; Holden, Philip B.; Mercure, Jean-Francois and Edwards, Neil R. (2023). Potential pension fund losses should not deter high-income countries from bold climate action. Joule, 7(7) pp. 1383–1387.

Davies, Sarah-Jane; Cowie, Cat; Holden, Philip; Hudson, Lorraine and Maseyk, Kadmiel (2023). Embedding research into teaching: practices, motivations and impacts. In: The 12th eSTEeM Annual Conference: Enabling Student Success – Expanding Engagement in Scholarship, 19-20 Apr 2023, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

2022To Top

Wang, Yucheng; Prohaska, Ana; Dong, Haoran; Alberti, Adriana; Alsos, Inger Greve; Beilman, David W.; Bjørk, Anders A.; Cao, Jialu; Cherezova, Anna A.; Coissac, Eric; De Sanctis, Bianca; Denoeud, France; Dockter, Christoph; Durbin, Richard; Edwards, Mary E.; Edwards, Neil R.; Esdale, Julie; Fedorov, Grigory B.; Fernandez-Guerra, Antonio; Froese, Duane G.; Gusarova, Galina; Haile, James; Holden, Philip B.; Kjeldsen, Kristian K.; Kjær, Kurt H.; Korneliussen, Thorfinn Sand; Lammers, Youri; Larsen, Nicolaj Krog; Macleod, Ruairidh; Mangerud, Jan; McColl, Hugh; Merkel, Marie Kristine Føreid; Money, Daniel; Möller, Per; Nogués-Bravo, David; Orlando, Ludovic; Owens, Hannah Lois; Pedersen, Mikkel Winther; Racimo, Fernando; Rahbek, Carsten; Rasic, Jeffrey T.; Rouillard, Alexandra; Ruter, Anthony H.; Skadhauge, Birgitte; Svendsen, John Inge; Tikhonov, Alexei; Vinner, Lasse; Wincker, Patrick; Xing, Yingchun; Zhang, Yubin; Meltzer, David J. and Willerslev, Eske (2022). Reply to: When did mammoths go extinct? Nature, 612 E4-E6.

Anand, Pallavi; Nilsson-Kerr, Katrina; Quamar, F; Holden, Philip; Leng, M. J.; Clemens, S. C. and Naidu, P. D. (2022). Dynamic responses of Indian Summer Monsoon variability during past warm intervals. In: ICP 14: 14th International Conference on Paleoceanography, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2022, Bergen, Norway.

Semieniuk, G.; Holden, Philip B.; Mercure, J.-F.; Salas, P.; Pollitt, H.; Jobson, K.; Vercoulen, P.; Chewpreecha, U.; Edwards, Neil R. and Viñuales, J. E. (2022). Stranded fossil-fuel assets translate to major losses for investors in advanced economies. Nature Climate Change, 12(6) pp. 532–538.

Gosling, W. D.; Miller, C. S.; Shanahan, T. M.; Holden, Philip B.; Overpeck, J. T. and van Langeveld, F. (2022). A stronger role for long-term moisture change than for CO2 in determining tropical woody vegetation change. Science, 376(6593) pp. 635–656.

Kantzas, E. P.; Val Martin, M.; Lomas, M. R.; Eufrasio, R. M.; Renforth, P.; Lewis, A. L.; Taylor, L. L.; Mercure, J.-F.; Pollitt, H.; Vercoulen, P. V.; Vakilifard, N.; Holden, P.; Edwards, N.; Koh, L.; Pidgeon, N. F.; Banwart, S. A. and Beerling, D. J. (2022). Substantial carbon drawdown potential from enhanced rock weathering in the United Kingdom. Nature Geoscience, 15(5) pp. 382–389.

Eufrasio, Rafael M.; Kantzas, Euripides P.; Edwards, Neil. R.; Holden, Philip B.; Pollitt, Hector; Mercure, Jean-Francois; Koh, S. C. Lenny and Beerling, David J. (2022). Environmental and health impacts of atmospheric CO2 removal by enhanced rock weathering depend on nations’ energy mix. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1), article no. 106.

Asselot, Rémy; Lunkeit, Frank; Holden, Philip B. and Hense, Inga (2022). Climate pathways behind phytoplankton-induced atmospheric warming. Biogeosciences, 19(1) pp. 223–239.

2021To Top

Wang, Yucheng; Pedersen, Mikkel Winther; Alsos, Inger Greve; De Sanctis, Bianca; Racimo, Fernando; Prohaska, Ana; Colssac, Eric; Owens, Hannah Lois; Merkel, Marie Kristine Føreid; Fernandez-Guerra, Antonio; Rouillard, Alexandra; Lammers, Youri; Alberti, Adriana; Denoeud, France; Money, Daniel; Ruter, Anthony H.; McColl, Hugh; Larsen, Nicolaj Krog; Cherezova, Anna A.; Edwards, Mary E.; Fedorov, Grigory B.; Halle, James; Orlando, Ludovic; Vinner, Lasse; Korneliussen, Thorfinn Sand; Bellman, David W.; Bjørk, Anders A.; Cao, Jialu; Dockter, Christoph; Esdale, Julie; Gusarova, Galina; Kjeldsen, Kristian K.; Mangerud, Jan; Rasic, Jeffrey T.; Skadhauge, Birgitte; Svendsen, John Inge; Tikhonov, Alexei; Wincker, Patrick; Xing, Yingchun; Zhang, Yubin; Froese, Duane G.; Rahbek, Carsten; Nogués-Bravo, David; Holden, Philip B.; Edwards, Neil R.; Durbin, Richard; Meltzer, David J.; Kjaer, Kurt H.; Möller, Per and Willerslev, Eske (2021). Late Quaternary dynamics of Arctic biota from ancient environmental genomics. Nature, 600 pp. 86–92.

Mondanaro, Alessandro; Di Febbraro, Mirko; Melchionna, Marina; Maiorano, Luigi; Di Marco, Moreno; Edwards, Neil; Holden, Philip; Castiglione, Silvia; Rook, Lorenzo and Raia, Pasquale (2021). The role of habitat fragmentation in Pleistocene megafauna extinction in Eurasia. Ecography, 44(11) pp. 1619–1630.

Turchin, P.; Currie, T.; Collins, C.; Levine, J.; Oyebamiji, O.; Edwards, N.; Holden, P.; Hoyer, D.; Feeney, K.; François, P. and Whitehouse, H. (2021). An integrative approach to estimating productivity in past societies using Seshat: Global History Databank. The Holocene, 31(6) pp. 1055–1065.

Asselot, Rémy; Lunkeit, Frank; Holden, Philip B. and Hense, Inga (2021). The Relative Importance of Phytoplankton Light Absorption and Ecosystem Complexity in an Earth System Model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13(5), article no. e2020MS002110.

Mercure, J.-F.; Salas, P.; Vercoulen, P.; Semieniuk, G.; Lam, A.; Pollitt, H.; Holden, P. B.; Vakilifard, N.; Chewpreecha, U.; Edwards, N. R. and Vinuales, J. E. (2021). Reframing incentives for climate policy action. Nature Energy, 6 pp. 1133–1143.

2020To Top

Mondanaro, Alessandro; Melchiona, Marina; Di Febbraro, Mirko; Castiglione, Silvia; Holden, Philip B.; Edwards, Neil R.; Carotenuto, Francesco; Maiorano, Luigi; Modafferi, Maria; Serio, Carmela; Diniz-Filho, Josè A.F.; Rangel, Thiago; Rook, Lorenzo; O'Higgins, Paul; Spikins, Penny; Profico, Antonia and Raia, Pasquale (2020). A major change in rate of climate niche envelope evolution during hominid history. iScience, 23(11), article no. 101693.

Raia, Pasquale; Mondanaro, Alessandro; Melchionna, Marina; Di Febbraro, Mirko; Diniz-Filho, Jose A F; Rangel, Thiago F; Holden, Philip B; Carotenuto, Francesco; Edwards, Neil R; Lima-Ribeiro, Matheus S; Profico, Antonio; Maiorano, Luigi; Castiglione, Silvia; Serio, Carmela and Rook, Lorenzo (2020). Past extinctions of Homo species coincided with increased vulnerability to climatic change. One Earth, 3(4) pp. 480–490.

Beerling, David J.; Kantzas, Euripides P.; Lomas, Mark R.; Wade, Peter; Eufrasio, Rafael M.; Renforth, Phil; Sarkar, Binoy; Andrews, M. Grace; James, Rachael H.; Pearce, Christopher R.; Mercure, Jean-Francois; Pollitt, Hector; Holden, Philip B.; Edwards, Neil R.; Khanna, Madhu; Koh, Lenny; Quegan, Shaun; Pidgeon, Nick F.; Janssens, Ivan A.; Hansen, James and Banwart, Steven A. (2020). Potential for large-scale CO2 removal via enhanced rock weathering with croplands. Nature, 583 pp. 242–248.

MacDougall, Andrew H.; Frölicher, Thomas L.; Jones, Chris D.; Rogel, Joeri; Matthews, H. Damon; Zickfeld, Kirsten; Arora, Vivek K.; Barrett, Noah J.; Brovkin, Victor; Burger, Friedrich A.; Eby, Michael; Eliseev, Alexey V.; Hajima, Tomohiro; Holden, Philip B.; Jeltsch-Thömmes, Aurich; Koven, Charles; Mengis, Nadine; Menviel, Laurie; Michou, Martine; Mokhov, Igor I.; Oka, Akira; Schwinger, Jörg; Séférian, Roland; Shaffer, Gary; Sokolov, Andrei; Tachiir, Kaoru; Tjiputra, Jerry; Wiltshire, Andrew and Ziehn, Tilo (2020). Is there warming in the pipeline? A multi-model analysis of the Zero Emissions Commitment from CO2. Biogeosciences, 17 pp. 2987–3016.

Turchin, P; Whitehouse, H; Francois, P; Hoyer, D; Alves, A; Baines, J; Baker, D; Bartokiak, M; Bates, J; Bennet, J; Bidmead, J; Bol, P; Ceccarelli, A; Christakis, K; Christian, D; Covey, A; De Angelis, F; Earle, TK; Edwards, N; Feinman, G; Grohmann, S; Holden, P; Juluisson, A; Korotayev, A; Kradin, N; Kristinsson, A; Larson, J; Litwin, O; Mair, V; Manning, JG; Manning, P; Marciniak, A; McMahon, G; Miksic, J; Garcia, JCM; Morris, I; Mostern, R; Mullins, D; Oyebamiji, O; Peregrine, P; Petrie, C; Prieser-Kapeller, J; Rudiak-Gould, P; Sabloff, P; Savage, P; Spencer, C; Stark, M; ter Haar, B; Thurner, S; Wallace, V; Wiroszek, N and Xie, L (2020). An Introduction to Seshat: Global History Databank. Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 5 pp. 115–123.

2019To Top

Diniz-Filho, JAF; Jardim, L; Rangel, TF; Holden, Philip; Edwards, Neil; Hortal, J; Santos, AMC and Raia, P (2019). Quantitative genetics of body size evolution on islands: an individual-based simulation approach. Biology Letters, 15(10)

Mercure, J-F.; Paim, M. A.; Bocquillon, P.; Lindner, S.; Salas, P.; Martinelli, P.; Berchin, I. I.; de Andrade Guerra, J. B. S. O.; Derani, C.; de Albuquerque Junior, C. L.; Ribeiro, J. M. P.; Knobloch, F.; Pollitt, H.; Edwards, N. R.; Holden, P. B.; Foley, A.; Schaphoff, S.; Faraco, R. A. and Vinuales, J. E. (2019). System complexity and policy integration challenges: The Brazilian Energy- Water-Food Nexus. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 105 pp. 230–243.

Warren, R. F.; Edwards, N. R.; Babonneau, F.; Bacon, P. M.; Dietrich, J. P.; Ford, R. W.; Garthwaite, P.; Gerten, D.; Goswami, S.; Haurie, A.; Hiscock, K.; Holden, P. B.; Hyde, M.R.; Joshi, S. R.; Kanudia, A.; Labriet, M.; Leimbach, M.; Oyebamiji, O. K.; Osborn, T.; Pizzileo, B.; Popp, A.; Price, J.; Riley, G.; Schaphoff, S.; Slavin, P.; Vielle, M. and Wallace, C. (2019). Producing Policy-relevant Science by Enhancing Robustness and Model Integration for the Assessment of Global Environmental Change. Environmental Modelling & Software, 111 pp. 248–258.

Edwards, Tamsin L.; Brandon, Mark A.; Durand, Gael; Edwards, Neil R.; Golledge, Nicholas R.; Holden, Philip; Nias, Isabel J.; Payne, Antony J.; Ritz, Catherine and Wernecke, Andreas (2019). Revisiting Antarctic ice loss due to marine ice cliff instability. Nature, 566 pp. 58–64.

Holden, Philip B.; Edwards, Neil R.; Rangel, Thiago F.; Pereira, Elisa B.; Tran, Giang T. and Wllkinson, Richard D. (2019). PALEO-PGEM v1.0: a statistical emulator of Pliocene–Pleistocene climate. Geoscientific Model Development, 12(12) pp. 5137–5155.

2018To Top

Holden, Philip; Edwards, Neil; Hensman, James and Wilkinson, Richard (2018). ABC for Climate: Dealing with Expensive Simulators. In: Sisson, Scott A.; Fan, Yanan and Beaumont, Mark A. eds. Handbook of Approximate Bayesian computation. Chapman and Hall.

Rangel, Thiago F.; Edwards, Neil R.; Holden, Philip B.; Diniz-Filho, José Alexandre F.; Gosling, William D.; Coelho, Marco Túlio P.; Cassemiro, Fernanda A. S. and Colwell, Robert K. (2018). Modeling the ecology and evolution of biodiversity: Biogeographical cradles, museums, and graves. Science, 361(6399), article no. eaar5452.

Mercure, J.-F.; Pollitt, H.; Viñuales, J. E.; Edwards, N. R.; Holden, P. B.; Chewpreecha, U.; Salas, P.; Sognnaess, I.; Lam, A. and Knobloch, F. (2018). Macroeconomic impact of stranded fossil fuel assets. Nature Climate Change, 8 pp. 588–593.

Holden, P. B.; Edwards, N. R.; Ridgwell, A.; Wilkinson, R. D.; Fraedrich, K.; Lunkeit, F.; Pollitt, H. E.; Mercure, J. -F.; Salas, P.; Lam, A.; Knobloch, F.; Chewpreecha, U. and Viñuales, J. E. (2018). Climate–carbon cycle uncertainties and the Paris Agreement. Nature Climate Change, 8 pp. 609–613.

Mercure, Jean-Francois; Pollitt, Hector; Edwards, Neil R.; Holden, Philip B.; Chewpreecha, Unnada; Salas, Pablo; Lam, Aileen; Knobloch, Florian and Vinuales, Jorge E. (2018). Environmental impact assessment for climate change policy with the simulation-based integrated assessment model E3ME-FTT-GENIE. Energy Strategy Reviews, 20 pp. 195–208.

2017To Top

Holden, Philip B.; Birks, H. John B.; Brooks, Steven J.; Bush, Mark B.; Hwang, Grace M.; Matthews-Bird, Frazer; Valencia, Bryan G. and van Woesik, Robert (2017). BUMPER v1.0: a Bayesian user-friendly model for palaeo-environmental reconstruction. Geoscientific Model Development, 10(1) pp. 483–498.

2016To Top

Joshi, Santosh R.; Vielle, Marc; Babonneau, F; Edwards, Neil R. and Holden, Philip B. (2016). Physical and economic consequences of sea-level rise: a coupled GIS and CGE analysis under uncertainties. Environmental and Resource Economics, 65(4) pp. 813–839.

Holden, Philip B.; Edwards, Neil R.; Fraedrich, Klaus; Kirk, Edilbert; Lunkeit, Frank and Zhu, Xiuhua (2016). PLASIM–GENIE v1.0: a new intermediate complexity AOGCM. Geoscientific Model Development, 9 pp. 3347–3361.

Tran, Giang T.; Oliver, Kevin I. C.; Sóbester, András; Toal, David J. J.; Holden, Philip B.; Marsh, Robert; Challenor, Peter and Edwards, Neil R. (2016). Building a traceable climate model hierarchy with multi-level emulators. Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography, 2(1) pp. 17–37.

Foley, A. M.; Holden, P. B.; Edwards, N. R.; Mercure, J-F.; Salas, P.; Pollitt, H. and Chewpreecha, U. (2016). Climate model emulation in an integrated assessment framework: a case study for mitigation policies in the electricity sector. Earth System Dynamics, 7(1) pp. 119–132.

2015To Top

Labriet, Maryse; Joshi, Santosh R.; Vielle, Marc; Holden, Philip B.; Edwards, Neil R.; Kanudia, Amit; Loulou, Richard and Babonneau, Frédéric (2015). Worldwide impacts of climate change on energy for heating and cooling. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(7) pp. 1111–1136.

Currie, Thomas E.; Bogaard, Amy; Cesaretti, Rudolf; Edwards, Neil R.; Francois, Pieter; Holden, Philip B.; Hoyer, Daniel; Korotayev, Andrey; Manning, Joe; Garcia, Juan Carlos Moreno; Oyebamiji, Oluwole K.; Petrie, Cameron; Turchin, Peter; Whitehouse, Harvey and Williams, Alice (2015). Agricultural productivity in past societies: toward an empirically informed model for testing cultural evolutionary hypotheses. Cliodynamics, 6(1) pp. 24–56.

Haurie, Alain; Babonneau, Frederic; Edwards, Neil; Holden, Philip; Kanudia, Amit; Labriet, Maryse; Pizzileo, Barbara and Vielle, Marc (2015). Fairness in climate negotiations: a meta-game analysis based on community integrated assessment. In: Bernard, Lucas ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Global Warming. New York: OUP USA, pp. 170–203.

Labriet, Maryse; Biberacher, Marcus; Holden, Philip B.; Edwards, Neil R.; Kanudia, Amit and Loulou, Richard (2015). Assessing climate impacts on the energy sector with TIAM-WORLD: focus on heating and cooling and hydropower potential. In: Giannakidis, George; Labriet, Maryse; O Gallachoir, Brian and Tosato, GianCarlo eds. Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models: Insights from Scenario Analysis Increasing the Evidence Base. Lecture Notes in Energy (30). Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 389–409.

2014To Top

Urban, Nathan M.; Holden, Philip B.; Edwards, Neil R.; Sriver, Ryan L. and Keller, Klaus (2014). Historical and future learning about climate sensitivity. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(7) pp. 2543–2552.

Holden, P. B.; Edwards, N. R,; Garthwaite, P. H.; Fraedrich, K.; Lunkeit, F.; Kirk, E.; Labriet, M.; Kanudia, A. and Babonneau, F. (2014). PLASIM-ENTSem v1.0: a spatio-temporal emulator of future climate change for impacts assessment. Geoscientific Model Development, 7 pp. 433–451.

2013To Top

Zickfeld, Kirsten; Eby, Michael; Alexander, Kaitlin; Weaver, Andrew J.; Crespin, Elisabeth; Fichefet, Thierry; Goosse, Hugues; Philippon-Berthier, Gwenaëlle; Edwards, Neil R.; Holden, Philip B.; Eliseev, Alexey V.; Mokhov, Igor I.; Feulner, Georg; Kienert, Hendrik; Perrette, Mahé; Schneider von Deimling, Thomas; Forest, Chris E.; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Joos, Fortunat; Spahni, Renato; Steinacher, Marco; Kawamiya, Michio; Tachiiri, Kaoru; Kicklighter, David; Monier, Erwan; Schlosser, Adam; Sokolov, Andrei; Matsumoto, Katsumi; Tokos, Kathy S.; Olsen, Steffen M.; Pedersen, Jens O. P.; Ridgwell, Andy; Shaffer, Gary; Yoshimori, Masakazu; Zeng, Ning and Zhao, Fang (2013). Long-term climate change commitment and reversibility: an EMIC intercomparison. Journal of Climate, 26(6) pp. 5782–5809.

Eby, M.; Weaver, A. J.; Alexander, K.; Zickfeld, K.; Abe-Ouchi, A.; Cimatoribus, A. A.; Crespin, E.; Drijfhout, S. S.; Edwards, N. R.; Eliseev, A. V.; Feulner, G.; Fichefet, T.; Forest, C. E.; Goosse, H.; Holden, P. B.; Joos, F.; Kawamiya, M.; Kicklighter, D.; Kienert, H.; Matsumoto, K.; Mokhov, I. I.; Monier, E.; Olsen, S. M.; Pedersen, J. O. P.; Perrette, M.; Philippon-Berthier, G.; Ridgwell, A.; Schlosser, A.; Schneider von Deimling, T.; Shaffer, G.; Smith, R. S.; Spahni, R.; Sokolov, A. P.; Steinacher, M.; Tachiiri, K.; Tokos, K.; Yoshimori, M.; Zeng, N. and Zhao, F. (2013). Historical and idealized climate model experiments: an intercomparison of Earth system models of intermediate complexity. Climate of the Past, 9 pp. 1111–1140.

Holden, P. B.; Edwards, N. R.; Müller, S. A.; Oliver, K. I. C.; Death, R. M. and Ridgwell, A. (2013). Controls on the spatial distribution of oceanic δ13CDIC. Biogeosciences, 10(3) pp. 1815–1833.

Joos, F.; Roth, R.; Fuglestvedt, J. S.; Peters, G. P.; Enting, I. G.; von Bloh, W.; Brovkin, V.; Burke, E. J.; Eby, M.; Edwards, N. R.; Friedrich, T.; Fröhlicher, T. L.; Halloran, P. R.; Holden, P. B.; Jones, C.; Kleinen, T.; Mackenzie, F. T.; Matsumoto, K.; Meinshausen, M.; Plattner, G.-K.; Reisinger, A.; Segschneider, J.; Shaffer, G.; Steinacher, M.; Strassmann, K.; Tanaka, K.; Timmermann, A. and Weaver, A. J. (2013). Carbon dioxide and climate impulse response functions for the computation of greenhouse gas metrics: a multi-model analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13(5) pp. 2793–2825.

Holden, P. B.; Edwards, N. R.; Gerten, D. and Schaphoff, S. (2013). A model-based constraint on CO2 fertilisation. Biogeosciences, 10(1) pp. 339–355.

2011To Top

Holden, P. B.; Edwards, N. R.; Wolff, E. W.; Valdes, P. J. and Singarayer, J. S. (2011). The Mid-Brunhes Event and West Antarctic ice sheet stability. Journal of Quaternary Science, 26(5) pp. 474–477.

2010To Top

Holden, P. B.; Edwards, N. R.; Wolff, E. W.; Lang, N. J.; Singarayer, J. S.; Valdes, P. J. and Stocker, T. F. (2010). Interhemispheric coupling, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and warm Antarctic interglacials. Climate of the Past, 6(4) pp. 431–443.

2008To Top

Holden, Philip; Mackay, Anson and Simpson, Gavin (2008). A Bayesian palaeoenvironmental transfer function model for acidified lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology, 39(4) pp. 551–566.


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