Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Ormond Simpson

22 items in this list.
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Simpson, Ormond (2003). Student Retention in Online Open and Distance Learning. Open and Flexible Learning Series. UK: Routledge.

Simpson, Ormond (2002). Supporting students in Open and Distance Learning. Open and Flexible Learning. London, UK: Routledge.

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Simpson, Ormond (2021). Distance education futures: What are the factors that will affect how distance education develops in the future? In: Bordoloi, R. and Das, P. eds. Open Higher Education in the 21st Century. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 47–65.

Simpson, Ormond (2008). Open to People - Open with People: Ethical Issues in Open Learning. In: Demiray, Ugur and Sharma, Ramesh, C. eds. Ethical Practices and Implications in Distance Learning. New York, USA: Information Science Reference, pp. 199–215.

Simpson, Ormond (2008). Cost-Benefit of Student Retention Policies and Practice. In: Bramble, William, J. and Panda, Santosh eds. Economics of Distance and Online learning. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 162–178.

Simpson, Ormond (2006). Rescuing the Personal Tutor. In: Thomas, Liz and Hixenbaugh, Pau;a eds. Personal Tutoring in Higher Education. Stoke on Trent, UK: Trentham Books, pp. 33–43.

Simpson, Ormond (2005). E-learning, democracy and social exclusion: Issues of access and retention in the United Kingdom. In: Carr-Chelman, Alison A. ed. Global perspectives on E-learning: rhetoric and reality. USA: Sage Publications, Inc., pp. 89–100.

Simpson, Ormond (2005). E-Learning Democracy and Social Exclusion-Issues of Access and Retention in the UK. In: Carr-Chelman, Alison, A. ed. Global Perspectives on E-learning: Rhetoric and Reality. California, USA: Sage Publications, pp. 89–100.

Simpson, Ormond (2002). Doing it Hard. In: Crosling, Glenda and Webb, Graham eds. Supporting Student Learning: Case studies, experience and practice. Case studies in teaching in higher education. London, UK: Kogan Page, pp. 32–38.

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Sohrabi, Somaye; Ahmady, Soleiman; Khoshgoftar, Zohreh; Toofaninejad, Ehsan; Kalantarion, Masoumeh and Simpson, Ormond (2023). Identifying dimensions and components of student support system in virtual learning: A scoping review. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 12, article no. 332.

Khanal, Jeevan; Gaulee, Uttam and Simpson, Ormond (2023). Higher education initiative challenges based on multiple frames of leadership: the case of Nepal Open University. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 38(4) pp. 366–383.

Simpson, Ormond (2013). Student retention in distance education: are we failing our students? Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 28(2) pp. 105–119.

Simpson, Ormond; Gibbs, Graham and Regan, Peter (2007). Improving Student Retention through Evidence Based Proactive Systems at the Open University (UK). Journal of College Student Retention, 8(3) pp. 359–376.

Simpson, Ormond (2006). 'This door is alarmed': 35 years of attempting to widen participation in the UKOU. Journal of Access Policy and Practice, 3(2) pp. 185–199.

Simpson, Ormond and Johnston, Veronique (2006). 'Retentioneering' higher education in the UK: attitudinal barriers to addressing student retention in universities. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 8(3) pp. 28–36.

Simpson, Ormond (2004). Student Retention and the course choice process: the UK Open University experience. Journal of Access Policy and Practice, 2(1) pp. 44–58.

Simpson, Ormond; Asbee, Sue and Woodall, Sue (1999). Student-student mentoring in distance education. Journal of Access and Credit Studies, 2(2) pp. 220–232.


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