Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Nicola Yeates

86 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 7 13:48:21 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2024). The globalizing dynamics of social policy: a transnational analytics of and for Southern social policy. In: Yi, Ilcheong; Kaasch, Alexandra and Stetter, Kelly eds. Emerging trends in social policy from the South: challenges and innovations in emerging economies. Research in Comparative and Global Social Policy. Policy Press, pp. 20–40.

2023To Top

Yeates, Nicola and Voogsgerd, Herman (2023). Social security, social protection, GATS and the new generation of EU trade agreements. In: Pennings, Frans and Vonk, Gijsberg eds. Research Handbook on European Social Security Law. Research Handbooks in European Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 380–397.

2022To Top

Yeates, Nicola; Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve; Vaillancourt-Laflamme, Catherine; Ismail, Nashwa; Montoro, Carlos and Ismail, Gihan (2022). Policy responses to address risks of harm to migrant health care workers in times of COVID-19. The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Vaillancourt-Laflamme, Catherine; Pillinger, Jane; Yeates, Nicola; Gencianos, Genevieve; Ismail, Gihan; Ismail, Nashwa and Montoro, Carlos (2022). Impacts of Covid-19 on migrant health workers: a review of evidence and implications for health care provision. The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Tipping, Sarah; Murphy, Vicky; Yeates, Nicola; Montoro, Carlos; Ismail, Gihan and Ismail, Nashwa (2022). Migrant health worker deaths during Covid-19: a methodological exploration and initial estimates. The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds. (2022). Understanding Global Social Policy (3rd ed). Understanding welfare: social issues, policy and practice. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris (2022). Theorising global social policy. In: Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds. Understanding Global Social Policy (3rd Edition). Understanding welfare: social issues, policy and practice. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 89–110.

2021To Top

Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola (2021). What we know about their situation. Migrant health and care workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola (2021). Trade union response to the challenges faced by migrant health and social care workers. The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Pillinger, Jane; Gencianos, Genevieve and Yeates, Nicola (2021). Building the trade union agenda. The Open University-Public Services International, Milton Keynes/Ferney Voltaire.

Yeates, Nicola and Pillinger, Jane (2021). International Organisations, Care and Migration: The case of migrant health care workers. In: Martens, Kerstin; Niemann, Dennis and Kaasch, Alex eds. International Organisations in Global Social Governance. Global dynamics of social policy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 83–111.

2020To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2020). [Book Review] The Oxford Handbook of Global Policy and Transnational Administration. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 22(1) pp. 82–83.

2019To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2019). World regional social governance, policy and development. In: Midgley, James; Surender, Rebecca and Alfers, Laura eds. Handbook of Social Policy and Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, pp. 224–245.

2018To Top

Kaufman-Osborn, Timothy; Hirschmann, Nancy J.; Engster, Daniel; Robinson, Fiona; Yeates, Nicola and Tronto, Joan C. (2018). Symposium Review: 25th Anniversary of Moral Boundaries by Joan Tronto. Politics and Gender, 14(4) pp. 1–28.

Yeates, Nicola (2018). Beyond Moral Boundaries: Reflections on a Global Care Agenda. Politics and Gender, 14(4) pp. 17–20.

Yeates, Nicola and Amaya, Ana B. (2018). Making social policy internationally: a participatory research perspective. In: Beresford, Peter and Carr, Sarah eds. Social Policy First Hand: an international introduction to participatory social welfare. The Policy Press, pp. 147–160.

Yeates, Nicola (2018). On the Transnational Dialectics of Solidarity and Care. Social Politics, 25(1) pp. 20–26.

Yeates, Nicola (2018). Global Approaches to Social Policy: A Survey of Analytical Methods. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva.

2017To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2017). Beyond the Nation State: How Can Regional Social Policy Contribute to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? UNRISD Issue Brief 5; United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Geneva, Switzerland.

Mok, Ka Ho; Kühner, Stefan and Yeates, Nicola (2017). Introduction – Managing Welfare Expectations and Social Change: Policy Responses in Asia. Social Policy & Administration, 51(6) pp. 845–856.

Yeates, Nicola and Riggirozzi, Pia (2017). Global social regionalism: the case of the Union of South American Nations’ health policy. PRARI Working Paper 15-10; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

Yeates, Nicola and MacSheoin, Tomas (2017). The Anti-Globalisation Movement: Coalition and Division. In: Sen, Jai ed. The Movements of Movements Part 2 : Rethinking Our Dance. Challenging Empires, 5. Delhi/Oakland, California: OpenWord/PM Press.

2015To Top

Oldekop, Johan A.; Fontana, Lorenza B.; Grugel, Jean; Roughton, Nicole; Adu-Ampong, Emmanuel A.; Bird, Gemma K.; Dorgan, Alex; Vera Espinoza, Marcia A.; Wallin, Sara; Hammett, Daniel; Agbarakwe, Esther; Agrawal, Arun; Asylbekova, Nurgul; Azkoul, Clarissa; Bardsley, Craig; Bebbington, Anthony J.; Carvalho, Savio; Chopra, Deepta; Christopoulos, Stamatios; Crewe, Emma; Dop, Marie-Claude; Fischer, Joern; Gerretsen, Daan; Glennie, Jonathan; Gois, William; Gondwe, Mtinkheni; Harrison, Lizz A.; Hujo, Katja; Keen, Mark; Laserna, Roberto; Miggiano, Luca; Mistry, Sarah; Morgan, Rosemary J.; Raftree, Linda L.; Rhind, Duncan; Rodrigues, Thiago; Roschnik, Sonia; Senkubuge, Flavia; Thornton, Ian; Trace, Simon; Ore, Teresa; Valdés, René Mauricio; Vira, Bhaskar; Yeates, Nicola and Sutherland, William J. (2015). 100 key research questions for the post-2015 development agenda. Development Policy Review, 34(1) pp. 55–82.

Amaya, Ana B.; Cabral, Cesar R.; Clavell, Elena; Coitiño, Andrés; De Lombaerde, Philippe; Giler, Gustavo; Faria, Mariana; Herrero, M. Belén; Kingah, Stephen; López Ramos, Santiago; Luna, Cristina; Riggirozzi, Pía; Rojas Mattos, Marcelo; Pippo, Tomás; Tobar, Katherine and Ueleres, José (2015). Measuring the Progress and Success of Regional Health Policies: PRARI Toolkit of Indicators for the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Amaya, Ana B.; Choge, Isaac; De Lombaerde, Philippe; Kingah, Stephen; Longwe, Samuel; Mhehe, Enock Anthony; Moeti, Themba; Mookodi, Lillian; Luwabelwa, Mubita; Nyika, Ponesai and Phirinyane, Molefe (2015). Measuring Regional Policy Change and Pro-Poor Health Policy Success: A PRARI Toolkit of Indicators for the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Yeates, Nicola (2015). A Hundred Key Questions for the Post-2015 Development Agenda. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development-Sheffield Institute for International Development, UNRISD, Palais Des Nations.

Amaya, Ana B. and Yeates, Nicola (2015). Participatory Action Research: new uses, new contexts, new challenges. PRARI Working Paper 15-6; The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.

2014To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2014). The socialisation of regionalism and the regionalisation of social policy: contexts, imperatives and challenges. In: Kaasch, Alexandra and Stubbs, Paul eds. Transformations in Global and Regional Social Policies. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 17–43.

Yeates, Nicola ed. (2014). Understanding Global Social Policy (2nd ed). Understanding Welfare: Social Issues, Policy and Practice. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Yeates, Nicola (2014). Global contexts and challenges of building a regional governance of social policy: implications for South America. In: Vivares, Ernesto ed. Exploring the New South American Regionalism (NSAR). International Political Economy of New Regionalisms. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 147–162.

Yeates, Nicola (2014). Global care chains: bringing in transnational reproductive labourer households. In: Dunaway, Wilma A. ed. Gendered Commodity Chains: Seeing Women’s Work and Households in Global Production. Standford, CA: Stanford University Press, pp. 175–189.

2013To Top

2012To Top

2011To Top

Yeates, Nicola and Deacon, Bob (2011). Radicalising social policy in the 21st century: a global approach. In: Walker, Alan; Sinfield, Adrian and Walker, Carol eds. Fighting poverty, inequality and injustice. Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 257–274.

Yeates, Nicola (2011). Going global: the transnationalization of care. Development and Change, 42(4) pp. 1109–1130.

Yeates, Nicola (2011). Ireland’s contributions to the global health care crises. In: fanning, Bryan and munck, Ronaldo eds. Globalization, migration and social transformation: Ireland in Europe and the World. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, pp. 35–50.

2010To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2010). The globalisation of nurse migration: policy issues and responses. International Labour Review, 149(4) pp. 423–440.

Yeates, Nicola (2010). From welfare state to international welfare. In: Walker, Alan; Gordon, David; Levitas, Ruth; Phillimore, Peter; Salomon, Margot and Yeates, Nicola eds. The Peter Townsend Reader. Bristol: The Policy Press.

Mac Sheoin, Tomas and Yeates, Nicola (2010). Women and the anti-globalisation movement. In: Dasgupta, Samir; Braun, Yvonne; Driskell, Robyn and Yeates, Nicola eds. Women's Encounters with Globalization. London: Frontpage.

2009To Top

Deacon, Bob; Macovei, Maria Cristina; Van Langenhove, Luk and Yeates, Nicola eds. (2009). World-Regional Social Policy and Global Governance: New Research and Policy Agendas in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics, 79. London: Routledge.

Yeates, Nicola (2009). Editorial Introduction: Conditional cash transfers. Global Social Policy, 9(2) pp. 163–165.

Yeates, Nicola and Holden, Chris eds. (2009). The Global Social Policy Reader. Bristol: Policy Press.

Mac Sheoin, Tomás and Yeates, Nicola (2009). Policing the anti-globalisation protests: patterns and variations in state responses. In: Dasgupta, Samir and Pieterse, Jan Nederveen eds. The Politics of Globalization. New Delhi: Sage, pp. 197–241.

Yeates, Nicola; Macovei, Maria and van Langenhove, Luk (2009). The evolving context of world-regional social policy: bilateralism and trans-regionalism. In: Deacon, Bob; Macovei, Maria; van Langenhove, Luk and Yeates, Nicola eds. World-regional Social Policy and Global Governance: New Research and Policy Agendas in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 191–212.

Yeates, Nicola and Deacon, Bob (2009). Globalisation, regionalism and social policy. In: Deacon, Bob; Macovei, Maria; van Langenhove, Luk and Yeates, Nicola eds. World-regional Social Policy and Global Governance: New Research and Policy Agendas in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. London/New York: Routledge.

2008To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2008). Women's migration, social reproduction and care. In: Razavi, Shahra ed. The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization: Towards "Embedded Liberalism"? Routledge/UNRISD Research in Gender and Development. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 219–243.

Newman, Janet and Yeates, Nicola eds. (2008). Social Justice: Welfare, Crime and Society. UK: Open University Press.

Yeates, Nicola ed. (2008). Understanding Global Social Policy. Understanding welfare: Social issues, policy and practice. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.

Yeates, Nicola (2008). Global inequality, poverty and wealth. In: Ridge, Tess and Wright, Sharon eds. Understanding inequality, poverty and wealth: Policies and prospects. Understanding welfare: Social issues, policy and practice. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 81–101.

Yeates, Nicola (2008). Here to stay? Migrant health workers in Ireland. In: Connell, John ed. The International Migration of Health Workers. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 62–76.

2007To Top

2006To Top

Yeates, Nicola and Deacon, Bob (2006). Globalisation, regionalism and social policy: framing the debate. United Nations University Centre for Comparative Regional Integration Studies, Bruges, Belgium.

2005To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2005). Nannies, nurses and nuns: broadening the scope of global care chain analysis. In: Kofman, Eleonore and Parvarti, Raghuram eds. Feminist review, labour migrations: women on the move. Feminist review (77). UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 79–95.

Yeates, Nicola (2005). The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS): what’s in it for social security? International Social Security Review, 58(1) pp. 3–22.

2004To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2004). Global Care Chains: critical reflections and lines of enquiry. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 6(3) pp. 369–391.

2003To Top

2002To Top

2001To Top

Yeates, Nicola (2001). Globalization and social policy. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.


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