Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Natalie Starkey

42 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 15 19:21:17 2025 GMT.

Journal ItemTo Top

Vaccaro, E.; Wozniakiewicz, P.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. and Russell, S. S. (2023). The grain size distribution of matrix in primitive chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 58(5) pp. 688–704.

Starkey, Natalie (2018). From beyond the stars. New Scientist, 240(3202) pp. 38–41.

Russell, Sara S.; Bodenan, Jean-David; Starkey, Natalie A.; Jeffries, Teresa E.; Kearsley, Anton; Spratt, John; Armytage, Rosalind M. G. and Franchi, Ian A. (2017). Relationship between CAIs and chondrules: A case study of a compound chondrule from the Allende (CV3) meteorite. Geochemical Journal, 51(1) pp. 31–43.

Starkey, N.A.; Jackson, C.R.M.; Greenwood, R.C.; Parman, S.; Franchi, I.A.; Jackson, M.; Fitton, J.G.; Stuart, F.M.; Kurz, M. and Larsen, L.M. (2016). Triple oxygen isotopic composition of the high-3He/4He mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 176 pp. 227–238.

Burchell, Mark; Price, Mark; Wozniakiewicz, Penelope; Bridges, John; Kearsley, Anton; Grady, Monica; Green, Simon; Starkey, Natalie; Lindgren, Paula and Noguchi, Takaai (2013). Sample return missions to minor bodies. Astronomy & Geophysics, 54(3) 3.28-3.32.

Bridges, J. C.; Changela, H. G.; Nayakshin, S.; Starkey, N. A. and Franchi, I. A. (2012). Chondrule fragments from Comet Wild2: evidence for high temperature processing in the outer Solar System. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 341-344 pp. 186–194.

Starkey, Natalie A.; Fitton, J. Godfrey; Stuart, Finley M. and Larsen, Lotte M. (2012). Melt inclusions in olivines from early Iceland plume picrites support high 3He/4He in both enriched and depleted mantle. Chemical Geology, 306 pp. 54–62.

Price, Mark C.; Kearsley, Anton T.; Burchell, Mark J.; Howard, Lauren E.; Hillier, Jon K.; Starkey, Natalie A.; Wozniakiewicz, Penny J. and Cole, Mike J. (2012). Stardust interstellar dust calibration: hydrocode modeling of impacts on Al-1100 foil at velocities up to 300 km s-1 and validation with experimental data. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 47(4) pp. 684–695.

Grün, E.; Sternovsky, Z.; Horanyi, M.; Hoxie, V.; Robertson, S.; Xi, J.; Auer, S.; Landgraf, M.; Postberg, F.; Price, M.; Srama, R.; Starkey, N.; Hillier, J.; Franchi, I.; Tsou, P.; Westphal, A. and Gainsforth, Z. (2012). Active Cosmic Dust Collector. Planetary And Space Science, 60(1) pp. 261–273.

Starkey, Natalie A.; Stuart, Finlay M.; Ellam, Robert M.; Fitton, J. Godfrey; Basu, Sudeshna and Larsen, Lotte M. (2009). Helium isotopes in early Iceland plume picrites: constraints on the composition of high 3He/4He mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277(1-2) pp. 91–100.

Dale, C. W.; Pearson, D. G.; Starkey, N. A.; Stuart, F. M.; Ellam, R. M.; Larsen, L. M.; Fitton, J. G. and Macpherson, C. G. (2009). Osmium isotopes in Baffin Island and West Greenland picrites: implications for the 187Os/188Os composition of the convecting mantle and the nature of high 3He/4He mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 278(3-4) pp. 267–277.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Barnes, J. J.; Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; McCubbin, F. M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A. and Russell, S. S. (2015). Volatiles in the lunar crust - an evaluation of the role of metasomatism. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, article no. 1352.

Barnes, Jessica J.; Tartèse, R.; McCubbin, Francis M.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, Natalie A. and Russell, S. S. (2014). Using apatite to unravel the origin of water in ancient Moon rocks. In: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 19-22 Oct 2014, Vancouver, Canada.

Starkey, Natalie and Franchi, Ian (2013). Piecing together the history of the earliest silicate and organic reservoirs in the solar system. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18-22 Mar 2013, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

Barnes, Jessica; Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; Starkey, N.; Franchi, I.; Russell, S.S. and Sano, Y (2012). Water in the Moon: insights from SIMS analyses of lunar apatites. In: Lunar Science as a Window into the Early Evolution of the Solar System and Conditions of the Early Earth, 09 Nov 2012, London.

Anand, M.; Tartèse, R.; Terada, K.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A. and Sano, Y. (2012). Tracking secular changes in the "water" content of lunar interior using basaltic lunar meteorites. In: European Planetary Science Congress, 23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid.

Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A.; Ota, Y.; Sani, Y.; Russell, S. S. and Tartèse, R. (2012). The hydroxyl content and hydrogen isotope composition of Lunar apatites. In: 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, US.

Tartèse, R.; Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Starkey, N.; Franchi, I. A.; Terada, K. and Sano, Y. (2012). Hydrogen and lead isotopic characteristics of lunar meteorite MIL 05035. In: European Lunar Symposium, 19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A.; Tartèse, R.; Sano, Y. and Russell, S. S. (2012). Lunar volatiles: an examination of hydrogen isotopes and hydroxyl content. In: European Lunar Symposium, 19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Giesting, Paul A.; Filiberto, Justin; Starkey, Natalie; Franchi, Ian; Schwenzer, Susanne; Tindle, Andy and Treiman, Allan (2012). Acidic, high D/H magmatic fluids in the deep Martian interior: evidence from Martian amphibole and glass compositions. In: GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition, 4-7 Nov 2012, Charlotte, NC, USA.

Price, M. C.; Kearsley, A. T.; Burchell, M. J.; Armes, S. P.; Hillier, J. K.; Postberg, F. and Starkey, N. (2011). Hydrocode modeling of micrometer scale impacts into Al foil: implications for analyses of Stardust ISPE craters. In: 74th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Starkey, N. A.; Franchi, I. A.; Bridges, J. C.; Changela, H. G. and Hicks, L. J. (2011). Oxygen isotope analysis of a chondrule-like Wild 2 Terminal Particle using NanoSIMS. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Starkey, N. A.; Franchi, I. A. and Alexander, C. M. O'D. (2011). Raman variation of organic matter in large cluster IDPs and meteoritic IOM. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Starkey, N. A.; Franchi, I. A. and Davidson, J. (2011). NanoSIMS oxygen isotope analyses on Grigg-Skjellerup collection IDPs. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Starkey, Natalie A. and Franchi, Ian A. (2011). Investigating Raman variation across large cluster interplanetary dust particles. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 7-11 Mar 2011, Houston, TX, USA.

Needham, A. W.; Starkey, N. A.; Johnson, D.; Tomkinson, T.; Guillermier, C.; Abel, R. L.; Franchi, I. A. and Grady, M. M. (2011). Origin and composition of carbonates, sulphates and halite on Mars. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Kearsley, A.T.; Burchell, M. J.; Price, M. C.; Green, S. F.; Franchi, I. A.; Bridges, J.; Starkey, N. and Cole, M. J. (2010). Distinctive impact craters are formed by organic rich cometary dust grains. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1-5 Mar 2010, Houston.


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