Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Natalie Starkey

42 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Feb 17 00:53:55 2025 GMT.

ATo Top

Anand, M.; Tartèse, R.; Terada, K.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A. and Sano, Y. (2012). Tracking secular changes in the "water" content of lunar interior using basaltic lunar meteorites. In: European Planetary Science Congress, 23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid.

BTo Top

Barnes, J. J.; Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; McCubbin, F. M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A. and Russell, S. S. (2015). Volatiles in the lunar crust - an evaluation of the role of metasomatism. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, article no. 1352.

Barnes, Jessica J.; Tartèse, R.; McCubbin, Francis M.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, Natalie A. and Russell, S. S. (2014). Using apatite to unravel the origin of water in ancient Moon rocks. In: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 19-22 Oct 2014, Vancouver, Canada.

Burchell, Mark; Price, Mark; Wozniakiewicz, Penelope; Bridges, John; Kearsley, Anton; Grady, Monica; Green, Simon; Starkey, Natalie; Lindgren, Paula and Noguchi, Takaai (2013). Sample return missions to minor bodies. Astronomy & Geophysics, 54(3) 3.28-3.32.

Barnes, Jessica; Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; Starkey, N.; Franchi, I.; Russell, S.S. and Sano, Y (2012). Water in the Moon: insights from SIMS analyses of lunar apatites. In: Lunar Science as a Window into the Early Evolution of the Solar System and Conditions of the Early Earth, 09 Nov 2012, London.

Bridges, J. C.; Changela, H. G.; Nayakshin, S.; Starkey, N. A. and Franchi, I. A. (2012). Chondrule fragments from Comet Wild2: evidence for high temperature processing in the outer Solar System. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 341-344 pp. 186–194.

Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A.; Ota, Y.; Sani, Y.; Russell, S. S. and Tartèse, R. (2012). The hydroxyl content and hydrogen isotope composition of Lunar apatites. In: 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, US.

Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A.; Tartèse, R.; Sano, Y. and Russell, S. S. (2012). Lunar volatiles: an examination of hydrogen isotopes and hydroxyl content. In: European Lunar Symposium, 19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany.

DTo Top

Dale, C. W.; Pearson, D. G.; Starkey, N. A.; Stuart, F. M.; Ellam, R. M.; Larsen, L. M.; Fitton, J. G. and Macpherson, C. G. (2009). Osmium isotopes in Baffin Island and West Greenland picrites: implications for the 187Os/188Os composition of the convecting mantle and the nature of high 3He/4He mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 278(3-4) pp. 267–277.

GTo Top

Grün, E.; Sternovsky, Z.; Horanyi, M.; Hoxie, V.; Robertson, S.; Xi, J.; Auer, S.; Landgraf, M.; Postberg, F.; Price, M.; Srama, R.; Starkey, N.; Hillier, J.; Franchi, I.; Tsou, P.; Westphal, A. and Gainsforth, Z. (2012). Active Cosmic Dust Collector. Planetary And Space Science, 60(1) pp. 261–273.

Giesting, Paul A.; Filiberto, Justin; Starkey, Natalie; Franchi, Ian; Schwenzer, Susanne; Tindle, Andy and Treiman, Allan (2012). Acidic, high D/H magmatic fluids in the deep Martian interior: evidence from Martian amphibole and glass compositions. In: GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition, 4-7 Nov 2012, Charlotte, NC, USA.

KTo Top

Kearsley, A.T.; Burchell, M. J.; Price, M. C.; Green, S. F.; Franchi, I. A.; Bridges, J.; Starkey, N. and Cole, M. J. (2010). Distinctive impact craters are formed by organic rich cometary dust grains. In: 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1-5 Mar 2010, Houston.

LTo Top

NTo Top

Needham, A. W.; Starkey, N. A.; Johnson, D.; Tomkinson, T.; Guillermier, C.; Abel, R. L.; Franchi, I. A. and Grady, M. M. (2011). Origin and composition of carbonates, sulphates and halite on Mars. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

PTo Top

Price, Mark C.; Kearsley, Anton T.; Burchell, Mark J.; Howard, Lauren E.; Hillier, Jon K.; Starkey, Natalie A.; Wozniakiewicz, Penny J. and Cole, Mike J. (2012). Stardust interstellar dust calibration: hydrocode modeling of impacts on Al-1100 foil at velocities up to 300 km s-1 and validation with experimental data. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 47(4) pp. 684–695.

Price, M. C.; Kearsley, A. T.; Burchell, M. J.; Armes, S. P.; Hillier, J. K.; Postberg, F. and Starkey, N. (2011). Hydrocode modeling of micrometer scale impacts into Al foil: implications for analyses of Stardust ISPE craters. In: 74th Annual Meeting of The Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

RTo Top

Russell, Sara S.; Bodenan, Jean-David; Starkey, Natalie A.; Jeffries, Teresa E.; Kearsley, Anton; Spratt, John; Armytage, Rosalind M. G. and Franchi, Ian A. (2017). Relationship between CAIs and chondrules: A case study of a compound chondrule from the Allende (CV3) meteorite. Geochemical Journal, 51(1) pp. 31–43.

STo Top

Starkey, Natalie (2018). From beyond the stars. New Scientist, 240(3202) pp. 38–41.

Starkey, N.A.; Jackson, C.R.M.; Greenwood, R.C.; Parman, S.; Franchi, I.A.; Jackson, M.; Fitton, J.G.; Stuart, F.M.; Kurz, M. and Larsen, L.M. (2016). Triple oxygen isotopic composition of the high-3He/4He mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 176 pp. 227–238.

Starkey, Natalie and Franchi, Ian (2013). Piecing together the history of the earliest silicate and organic reservoirs in the solar system. In: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18-22 Mar 2013, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

Starkey, Natalie A.; Fitton, J. Godfrey; Stuart, Finley M. and Larsen, Lotte M. (2012). Melt inclusions in olivines from early Iceland plume picrites support high 3He/4He in both enriched and depleted mantle. Chemical Geology, 306 pp. 54–62.

Starkey, N. A.; Franchi, I. A.; Bridges, J. C.; Changela, H. G. and Hicks, L. J. (2011). Oxygen isotope analysis of a chondrule-like Wild 2 Terminal Particle using NanoSIMS. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Starkey, N. A.; Franchi, I. A. and Alexander, C. M. O'D. (2011). Raman variation of organic matter in large cluster IDPs and meteoritic IOM. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Starkey, N. A.; Franchi, I. A. and Davidson, J. (2011). NanoSIMS oxygen isotope analyses on Grigg-Skjellerup collection IDPs. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

Starkey, Natalie A. and Franchi, Ian A. (2011). Investigating Raman variation across large cluster interplanetary dust particles. In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 7-11 Mar 2011, Houston, TX, USA.

Starkey, Natalie A.; Stuart, Finlay M.; Ellam, Robert M.; Fitton, J. Godfrey; Basu, Sudeshna and Larsen, Lotte M. (2009). Helium isotopes in early Iceland plume picrites: constraints on the composition of high 3He/4He mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277(1-2) pp. 91–100.

TTo Top

Tartèse, R.; Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Starkey, N.; Franchi, I. A.; Terada, K. and Sano, Y. (2012). Hydrogen and lead isotopic characteristics of lunar meteorite MIL 05035. In: European Lunar Symposium, 19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany.

VTo Top

Vaccaro, E.; Wozniakiewicz, P.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. and Russell, S. S. (2023). The grain size distribution of matrix in primitive chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 58(5) pp. 688–704.


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