Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Natalia Szablewska

85 items in this list.
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2024To Top

Kubacki, Krzysztof; Szablewska, Natalia; Siemieniako, Dariusz and Brennan, Linda (2024). Vulnerability, resilience and empowerment: the tripartite typology for addressing modern slavery in global value chains. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 20(5) pp. 561–588.

Kyriakakis, Joanna; Popa, Tina; Rochford, Francine; Szablewska, Natalia; Zhao, Xiaobo; Taliadoros, Jason; O'Donovan, Darren and Bautista, Lowell (2024). Contemporary Australian Tort Law (2nd Ed). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Szablewska, Natalia and Mancini, Clara (2024). Are Nonhuman Animals Entitled to Dignity, Privacy and Non-Exploitation?: A Smart Dairy Farm of the Future. In: Rogers, Nicole and Maloney, Michelle eds. The Anthropocene Judgments Project: Futureproofing the Common Law. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 39–58.

Siemieniako, Dariusz; Kubacki, Krzysztof and Szablewska, Natalia (2024). The Impact of Power in Business Relationships on Efforts to Tackle Modern Slavery. In: 7th Industrial Marketing Management Summit, 8-11 Jan 2024, Leeds University Business School.

Kubacki, K. and Szablewska, N. (2024). Combating modern slavery through four pillars of marketing power. In: Proceedings of Academy of Marketing 2024 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: Marketing: Fusing resilience and power for public value – igniting marketing’s social spirit (Strong, C.; Bosangit, C.; Koenig-Lewis, N.; Lee, Z.; Moldes Andres, O. and Rosier, E. eds.), 1-4 Jul 2024, Cardiff University, Cardiff.

Szablewska, Natalia (2024). Business and Human Rights Practice as a Blueprint for Aligning Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability. In: The 2024 BR2R (Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association) Annual Conference, 12-13 Sep 2024, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

Szablewska, Natalia (2024). Keynote, Legal Personhood: The Evolution and Implication of Legal Status Across Individuals, Entities and Nature. In: Enabling Multispecies Transitions (MUST) Annual Consortium, 6 Jun 2024, Tampere, Finland.

2023To Top

Szablewska, Natalia; Ngouv, Muy Seo and Ly, Ratana (2023). Cambodia: the thin line between development and human rights during COVID-19. In: Hawksley, Charles and Georgeou, Nichole eds. Pandemic, States and Societies in the Asia-Pacific, 2020–2021 : Responding to COVID. Routledge Studies on the Asia-Pacific Region. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 182–200.

Kubacki, Krzysztof; Szablewska, Natalia; Siemieniako, Dariusz and Brennan, Linda (2023). Vulnerable Communities and Behaviour Change: A Case of Modern Slavery in Supply Chains. In: Brennan, Linda; Parker, Lukas; Garg, Divya; Kubacki, Krzysztof; Jackson, Michaela and Chorazy, Ella eds. Beyond the Dark Arts: Advancing Marketing and Communication Theory and Practice. World Scientific, pp. 167–190.

Szablewska, Natalia (2023). Indigenous Rights and Constitutional Recognition: The Cases of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. In: Public Lecture, 18 Apr 2023, Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne, The Sorbonne (Paris).

Siemieniako, Dariusz; Kubacki, Krzysztof and Szablewska, Natalia (2023). What Is the Role of Power in Interorganisational Relationships with Regard to Modern Slavery in Global Value Chains? In: International Business from East to West: Global Risks and Opportunities, SGH Publishing House, pp. 58–61.

2022To Top

Kubacki, Krzysztof; Szablewska, Natalia; Siemieniako, Dariusz and Brenan, Linda (2022). What Makes People Vulnerable to Modern Slavery in Supply Chains? In: 15th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business. Conference Readings. Book Proceedings. (Vrontis, Demetris; Weber, Yaakov and Tsoukatos, Evangelos eds.).

Szablewska, Natalia (2022). Human Smuggling and Human Trafficking. In: Sayapin, Sergey; Atadjanov, Rustam; Kadam, Umesh; Kemp, Gerhard; Zambrana-Tévar, Nicolás and Quénivet, Noëlle eds. International Conflict and Security Law: A Research Handbook. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, pp. 1181–1206.

Szablewska, Natalia (2022). Cambodia. In: Sayapin, Sergey; Atadjanov, Rustam; Kadam, Umesh; Kemp, Gerhard; Zambrana-Tévar, Nicolás and Quénivet, Noëlle eds. International Conflict and Security Law: A Research Handbook. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, pp. 1229–1255.

Szablewska, Natalia (2022). Modern Slavery and Migrant Smuggling: A Sustainable Development Conundrum. Jean Monet Network on Enforcement of EU Law (EULEN) Working Paper Series, 13(22)

Morgan, Patricia and Szablewska, Natalia (2022). Policy as an enabling factor for human trafficking: The case of Asian/Ethnic Minority migrant sex workers in Aotearoa New Zealand. In: The Centre for Asian and Ethnic Minority Health Research and Evaluation (CAHRE) National Symposium 2022 'Beyond the Healthy Migrant Effect: Asian and Ethnic Minority Health in Aotearoa', 02 Sep 2022, The University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Szablewska, Natalia (2022). Facilitation of Modern Slavery through Migrant Smuggling. In: International Conference of the Jean Monnet Network on EU Law Enforcement (EULEN) Conference: 'The EU Migration, Border Management and Asylum Reform in the Aftermath of the Refugee Crisis: Towards an Effective Enforcement', 2-3 Jun 2022, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain.

Szablewska, Natalia (2022). [Panel] Leveraging the Ivory Tower: Having Impact Beyond Academic Journal Publication. In: Reputation Symposium 2022, 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2022, Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.

2021To Top

Szablewska, N. and Hawksley, C. (2021). Global Approaches to Punishment and the Sustainable Development Goals. In: Leal Filho, W.; Azul, A. M.; Brandli, L.; Lange Salvia, A.; Özuyar, P. G. and Wall, T. eds. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Cham: Springer.

Kubacki, K.; Szablewska, N. and Siemieniako, D. (2021). Ethical tension in working with stakeholders. In: Knox, K.; Kubacki, K. and Rundle-Thiele, S. eds. Stakeholder Involvement in Social Marketing: Challenges and Approaches to Engagement. Routledge, pp. 25–38.

2020To Top

Parker, Lukas; Kubacki, Krzysztof; Brennan, Linda; Reid, Mike and Szablewska, Natalia (2020). Guest editorial: Social transformation and vulnerable populations. Journal of Social Marketing, 10(4) pp. 447–449.

Ellison, Lyn and Szablewska, Natalia (2020). Constructing Women Perpetrators of International Crimes: A Critical Discourse Analysis. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique

Szablewska, N. (2020). Cambodia: Emergency laws raise concerns about human rights. In: Georgeou, N. and Hawksley, C. eds. State responses to COVID-19: A global snapshot at 1 June 2020. Western Sydney University, pp. 31–33.

Szablewska, N. (2020). Human trafficking and modern slavery in a time of COVID-19. In: Georgeou, N. and Hawksley, C. eds. State responses to COVID-19: A global snapshot at 1 June 2020. Western Sydney University, pp. 46–48.

Kubacki, K. and Szablewska, N. (2020). Ethics of Social Marketing and Non-profit/Charity Marketing. In: Eagle, L.; Dahl, S.; De Pelsmacker, P. and Taylor, C. R. eds. SAGE Handbook of Marketing Ethics. London: SAGE, pp. 248–258.

Szablewska, N.; Kamin, T. and Kubacki, K. (2020). Social Causes, Consumer Activism and Human Rights. In: Eagle, L.; Dahl, S.; De Pelsmacker, P. and Taylor, C. R. eds. SAGE Handbook of Marketing Ethics. London: SAGE, pp. 275–286.

Szablewska, Natalia (2020). Breaking the Chains: Modern Slavery and Sustainable Development Goals. In: The Aotearoa New Zealand and International Development Studies Network (DevNet) Conference ‘Development Matters’, 2020, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

2019To Top

Jurasz, Olga and Szablewska, Natalia (2019). Towards transformative gender equality: the importance of addressing economic violence against women in Cambodia. In: Gámez Fuentes, María José; Núñez Puente, Sonia and Gómez Nicolau, Emma eds. Re-writing Women as Victims: From Theory to Practice. Interdisciplinary Research in Gender. Routledge, pp. 68–82.

Kubacki, Krzysztof and Szablewska, Natalia (2019). Social marketing targeting Indigenous peoples: a systematic review. Health Promotion International, 34(1) pp. 133–143.

Kubacki, Krzysztof; Szablewska, Natalia and Kennedy, Ann-Marie (2019). Guest editorial: Social good and ethics in social marketing for wicked problems. Journal of Social Marketing, 9(4) pp. 485–489.

Szablewska, Natalia and Kubacki, Krzysztof (2019). A Human Rights-Based Approach to the Social Good in Social Marketing. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(3) pp. 871–888.

Kyriakakis, Joanna; Popa, Tina; Rochford, Francine; Szablewska, Natalia; Zhao, Xiaobo; Taliadoros, Jason; O'Donovan, Darren and Bautista, Lowell (2019). Contemporary Australian Tort Law. Cambridge University Press.

Szablewska, N. and Kubacki, K. (2019). Social Engineering and Social Marketing. In: Kennedy, A-M. ed. Macro-Social Marketing Insights: Systems Thinking for Wicked Problems. Routledge, pp. 215–234.

Jurasz, Olga and Szablewska, Natalia (2019). Building transformative peace & justice in Cambodia: intersections between international law, SDGs and gender equality. In: The Arctic University of Norway Conference 'Critical Inter-disciplinary Conference on Studying Peace from Below', 5-6 Sep 2019, Tromso, Norway.

Szablewska, Natalia (2019). Moving from “transitional” to “transformative” justice in Cambodia: an interdisciplinary approach. In: Symposium - ‘Forgive me’ is all that you can say, 2019, University of New England, Sydney/Australia.

2018To Top

Szablewska, Natalia and Kubacki, Krzysztof (2018). Anti-Human Trafficking Campaigns: A Systematic Literature Review. Social Marketing Quarterly, 24(2) pp. 104–122.

Szablewska, N. (2018). Human trafficking in Australasia. In: Piotrowicz, R.; Rijken, C. and Uhl, B. H. eds. Routledge Handbook of Human Trafficking. Routledge, pp. 78–92.

Szablewska, N. and Bachmann, S. D. (2018). Aktualne problemy i przyszłe wyzwania sprawiedliwości okresu przejściowego [tr. Current problems and future challenges in transitional justice]. In: Figura, K.; Kuisz, J. and Sadurski, W. eds. Trudne rozliczenia z przeszłością. Vol II: Polska w perspektywie Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, pp. 15–42.

Kubacki, K.; Szablewska, N.; Forbes, S. and Palmedo, C. (2018). An intersectional approach to ethical issues in social marketing segmentation. In: Academy of Marketing Conference ‘Marketing the Brave’, 2-5 Jul 2018, University of Stirling.

Kubacki, K. and Szablewska, N. (2018). Anti-human trafficking campaigns worldwide: are they doing more harm than good? In: Academy of Marketing Conference ‘Marketing the Brave’, 2-5 Jul 2018, University of Stirling.

Szablewska, Natalia (2018). Impact of human trafficking on Indigenous populations: an intersectional approach. In: The Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand (LSAANZ) Conference, 12-15 Dec 2018, University of Wollongong, Australia.

2017To Top

Szablewska, N. (2017). De la "transición" a la "transformación" en el contexto de situaciones de posconflicto la noción de "Justicia" bajo revisión [tr. From ‘transition’ to ‘transformation’ in the context of post-conflict situations: the notion of ‘justice’ revisited]. In: Vélez-Rodríguez, L. A. ed. Sociedad y fuerza pública ante los retos de la paz: justicia transicional, víctimas y consolidación democrática. Ediciones Escuela Superior de Guerra, Universidad Javeriana and Grupo Editorial Ibáñez, pp. 25–38.

2016To Top

2015To Top

Ogg, K. and Szablewska, N. (2015). A Feminist Legal Analysis of the Interface Between Refugee Law and the Mandates of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions. In: Szablewska, N. and Bachmann, S. eds. Current Issues in Transitional Justice. Springer, pp. 209–234.

Szablewska, N. and Bachmann, S-D. (2015). Current Issues and Future Challenges in Transitional Justice. In: Szablewska, N. and Bachmann, S-D. eds. Current Issues in Transitional Justice. Cham.: Springer, pp. 339–361.

Szablewska, N. and Bradley, C. (2015). The Nexus Between Sex-Work and Women’s Empowerment in the Context of Transitional Societies of Southeast Asia. In: Szablewska, N. and Bachamnn, N. eds. Current Issues in Transitional Justice. Cham.: Springer, pp. 235–260.

Szablewska, N. and Bradley, C. (2015). Social Justice Within Transitional Justice: The Case of Human Trafficking and Sex-Work in Cambodia and Myanmar. In: Szablewska, N. and Bachmann, S-D. eds. Current Issues in Transitional Justice. Cham.: Springer, pp. 261–287.

Szablewska, N. and Kubacki, K. (2015). Social marketing and human rights law. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2015, 7 Jul 2015, Limerick, Ireland.

2014To Top

2013To Top

Rundle-Thiele, S.; Kubacki, K.; Leo, C.; Arli, D.; Carins, J.; Dietrich, T.; Palmer, J. and Szablewska, N. (2013). Social Marketing: Current Issues – Future Challenges. In: Kubacki, K. and Rundle-Thiele, S. eds. Contemporary Issues in Social Marketing. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 216–237.

Szablewska, N. and Karim, S. (2013). Protection and International Cooperation in the International Refugee Regime. In: Islam, M. R. and Bhuiyan, J. H. eds. An Introduction to International Refugee Law. Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 189–213.

2012To Top

Szablewska, N. and Kubacki, K. (2012). Is there a Place for Human Rights in Defining the Social Good in Social Marketing? In: International Social Marketing Conference, 2012, Brisbane, New Zealand.

2009To Top

Szablewska, Natalia (2009). Advancing Legal Education. Perspectives on International Legal Scholarship. In: SLS Conference ‘Advancing Legal Education: Celebrating 100 Years of Legal Scholarship’, 2009, Keele University.

2008To Top

Szablewska, Natalia (2008). Human Rights Abuses in Chechnya, is the European Court of Human Rights the answer? In: The Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference, 18 Mar 2008, Manchester, UK.

Szablewska, Natalia (2008). The Politics of International Law, a study of views and perceptions. In: The Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference, 19 Mar 2008, Manchester, UK.

Szablewska, Natalia (2008). What does the politics of international law mean for practitioners? In: Midwest Political Science Association National Conference, 3 Apr 2008, Chicago, USA.

Szablewska, Natalia (2008). Human Rights Law in place of International Humanitarian Law during Non-International Armed Conflicts? A necessity or rather an excuse for the lack of political will: the Chechen conflict re-examined. In: The Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL) Annual Meeting ‘Law and Justice in the Risk Society’, 19 Jul 2008, Milan, Italy.

Szablewska, Natalia (2008). The Politics of International Law: implications for the Chechen conflict. In: VIIIeme Séminaire Doctoral International et Européen, Institut Du Droit De La Paix Et Du Developpment, 8 Sep 2008, Nice, France.

Szablewska, Natalia (2008). Conflict in Chechnya and the European Court of Human Rights: triumph of the legal or rather the primacy of the political? In: From Human Rights to the Primacy of the Political?, 7 Nov 2008, Lancaster, UK.

Szablewska, Natalia (2008). Why do international lawyers hate politics? Did theory get it all wrong?: A study of practitioners and the Politics of International Law. In: Graduate Workshop ‘International Political Theory and Critical Legal Thought’, 21 Nov 2008, Birkbeck College, University of London.

2007To Top

Szablewska, N. (2007). Non-state actors and Human Rights in non-international armed conflicts. South African Yearbook of International Law, 32 pp. 345–360.

Szablewska, Natalia (2007). The Relationship between Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in Non-International Armed Conflicts. In: The University College Cork Postgraduate Conference on Criminal Justice & Human Rights, 2007, University College Cork, Cork/Ireland.

2006To Top

Szablewska, Natalia (2006). Is International Law really law? When does law finish and politics begin? In: Gregynog Annual Law Conference, 2006, Newtown, Wales.

2005To Top

Szablewska, N. (2005). Russia: NATO, EU and the OSCE. Interstate Journal of International Affairs(Winter)


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