Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Neil McBride

42 items in this list.
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DTo Top

Davies, John K.; Harris, Alan W.; Rivkin, Andrew S.; Wolters, Stephen D.; Green, Simon F.; McBride, Neil; Mann, Rita K. and Kerr, Tom H. (2007). Near-infrared spectra of 12 Near-Earth Objects. Icarus, 186(1) pp. 111–125.

Davies, John K.; Tholen, David J.; Whiteley, Robert J.; Green, Simon F.; Hillier, Jon K.; Foster, Michael J.; McBride, Neil; Kerr, Tom. H and Muzzerall, Erica (2001). The Lightcurve and colors of unusual minor planet 1998 WU24. Icarus, 150(1) pp. 69–77.

GTo Top

Green, S.F.; McBride, N.; Colwell, M.T.S.H.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Tuzzolino, A.J.; Economou, T.E.; Clark, B.C.; Sekanina, Z.; Tsou, P. and Brownlee, D.E. (2007). Stardust Wild 2 Dust Measurements. In: Krueger, H. and Graps, A. eds. Workshop on Dust in Planetary Systems. ESA SP- (643). ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, pp. 35–44.

Graps, A. L.; Green, S. F.; McBride, N.; McDonnell, J. A. M.; Bunte, K. D.; Svedhem, H. and Drolshagen, G. (2007). GEO debris and interplanetary dust: fluxes and charging behaviour. In: Krueger, H. and Graps, A. L. eds. Dust in Planetary Systems. ESA SP- (643). ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, pp. 97–102.

Graps, A. L.; Green, S. F.; McBride, N. M.; McDonnell, J. A. M.; Drolshagen, G.; Svedhem, H. and Bunte, K. D. (2005). GEO debris and interplanetary dust: fluxes and charging behavior. In: Dust in Planetary Systems, 26-30 Sep 2005, Kaua'i, Hawai'i.

Green, S. F.; McBride, N.; Colwell, M. T. S. H.; McDonnell, J. A. M.; Tuzzolino, A. J.; Economou, T. E.; Clark, B. C.; Sekanina, Z.; Tsou, P. and Brownlee, D. E. (2005). Stardust Wild 2 dust measurements. In: Dust in Planetary Systems, 26-30 Sep 2005, Kaua'i, Hawai'i.

Green, S.F.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; McBride, N.; Colwell, M.T.S.H.; Tuzzolino, A.J.; Economou, T.E.; Tsou, P.; Clark, B.C. and Brownlee, D.E. (2004). The dust mass distribution of comet 81P/Wild 2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 109(E12) E12S04.

Goldsworthy, G.J.; Burchell, M.J.; Cole, M.J.; Green, S.F.; Leese, M.R.; McBride, N.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Mueller, M.; Gruen, E.; Srama, R.; Armes, S.P. and Khan, M.A. (2002). Application of new, low density projectiles to the laboratory calibration of the Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser. In: Green, S.F.; Williams, I.P.; McDonnell, J.A.M. and McBride, N. eds. Dust in the Solar System and other planetary systems. Cospar Colloquia Series (15). Oxford, UK: Pergamon, Elsevier Science, pp. 300–304.

Goldsworthy, B.J.; Burchell, M.J.; Cole, M.J.; Green, S.F.; Leese, M.R.; McBride, N.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Muller, M.; Grun, E.; Srama, R.; Armes, S.P. and Khan, M.A. (2002). Laboratory calibration of the Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser (CDA) using new, low density projectiles. Advances in Space Research, 29(8) pp. 1139–1144.

Graham, G.A.; McBride, N.; Kearsley, A.T.; Drolshagen, G.; Green, S.F.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Grady, M.M. and Wright, I.P. (2001). The chemistry of micrometeoroid and space debris remnants captured on Hubble Space Telescope solar cells. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 26(1-10) pp. 263–274.

Graham, G. A.; Kearsley, A. T.; Drolshagen, G.; McBride, N.; Green, S. F. and Wright, I. P. (2001). Microparticle impacts upon HST solar cells. Advances in Space Research, 28(9) pp. 1341–1346.

HTo Top

Hillier, J.K.; Green, S.F.; McBride, N.; Altobelli, N.; Kempf, S.; Postberg, F.; Schwanethal, J.; Srama, R.; McDonnell, J.A.M. and Gruen, E. (2007). Interplanetary dust detected by the Cassini CDA Chemical Analyser. Icarus, 190(2) pp. 643–654.

Hillier, Jon K.; Green, S. F.; McBride, N.; Schwanethal, J. P.; Postberg, F.; Srama, R.; Kempf, S.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; McDonnell, J. A M. and Grun, E. (2007). The composition of Saturn’s E ring. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 377(4) pp. 1588–1596.

Hillier, Jon K.; McBride, N.; Green, S.F.; Kempf, S. and Srama, R. (2006). Modelling CDA mass spectra. Planetary and Space Science, 54(9-10) pp. 1007–1013.

KTo Top

Kempf, Sascha; Srama, Ralf; Postberg, Frank; Burton, Marcia; Green, Simon F.; Helfert, Stefan; Hillier, Jon K.; McBride, Neil; McDonnell, J. Anthony M.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, Georg; Roy, Mou and Grun, Eberhard (2005). Composition of Saturnian Stream Particles. Science, 307(5713) pp. 1274–1276.

MTo Top

McBride, N.; Hillier, J. K.; Green, S. F.; Srama, R.; Kempf, S.; Postberg, F.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; McDonnell, J. A. M. and Gruen, E. (2007). Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser: Composition of dust at Saturn. In: Krueger, H. and Graps, A. L. eds. Dust in Planetary Systems. ESA SP (643). ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, pp. 107–112.

McBride, Neil (2005). Chaos theory as a model for interpreting information systems in organizations. Information Systems Journal, 15(3) pp. 233–254.

McBride, N.; Hillier, J. K.; Green, S. F.; Schwanethal, J. P.; McDonnell, J. A. M.; Srama, R.; Kempf, S.; Postberg, F. and Grün, E. (2005). Cassini cosmic dust analyser: composition of dust at Saturn. In: Dust in Planetary Systems, 26-30 Sep 2005, Kaua'i, Hawai'i.

McBride, Neil; Green, Simon F.; Davies, John K.; Tholen, David J.; Sheppard, Scott S.; Whiteley, Robert J. and Hillier, Jon K. (2003). Visible and infrared photometry of Kuiper Belt objects: searching for evidence of trends. Icarus, 161(2) pp. 501–510.

Muller, Michael; McBride, Neil; Green, Simon F. and Zarnecki, John C. (2003). Prediction of the 2001 Leonid activity and an assessment of the spacecraft impact hazard. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 361(1802) pp. 175–179.

Muller, M.; Goldsworthy, J.B.; McBride, N.; Green, S. F.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Srama, R.; Kempf, S. and Grun, E. (2002). CDA Cruise Science: Comparison of measured dust flux at 1 AU with models. In: Green, S.F.; Williams, I.; McDonnell, J.A.M. and McBride, N. eds. Dust in the Solar System and other planetary systems. COSPAR Colloquia Series, 29 (15). Elsevier, pp. 160–163.

Müller, M.; Green, S.F.; McBride, Neil; Koschny, D.; Zarnecki, J.C. and Bentley, M.S. (2002). Estimation of the dust flux near Mercury. Planetary and Space Science, 50(10-11) pp. 1101–1115.

Müller, Michael; Green, Simon F. and McBride, Neil (2001). Constraining cometary ejection models from meteor storm observations. In: Proceedings of the Meteoroids 2001 Conference, 6 - 10 August 2001, Kiruna, Sweden, ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, Netherlands, pp. 47–54.

McDonnell, Tony; McBride, Neil; Green, Simon F.; Ratcliff, Paul R.; Gardener, David J. and Griffiths, Andrew D. (2001). Near earth environment. In: Grun, E; Gustafson, B. A. S.; Dermott, S. F. and Gechtig, H. eds. Interplanetary Dust. New York: Springer, pp. 163–231.

PTo Top

Postberg, Frank; Kempf, Sascha; Srama, Ralf; Green, Simon F.; Hillier, Jon. K.; McBride, Neil and Grün, Eberhard (2006). Composition of jovian dust stream particles. Icarus, 183(1) pp. 122–134.

Parley, N. R.; McBride, N.; Green, S. F.; Haswell, C. A.; Clarkson, W. I.; Norton, A. J.; Christian, D. J.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Keenan, F. P.; Pollacco, D.; Ryans, R.; Street, R. A.; Collier-Cameron, A.; Horne, K.; Lister, T. A.; Evans, N. A.; Hellier, C; Hodgkin, S. T.; Irwin, J.; Kane, S. R.; Osborne, J. P.; West, R. G.; Skillen, I. and Wheatley, P. J. (2005). Serendipitous asteroid lightcurve survey using SuperWASP. Earth, Moon, and Planets, 97(3-4) pp. 261–268.

Pignata, G.; Patat, F.; Benetti, S.; Blinnikov, S.; Hillebrandt, W.; Kotak, R.; Leibundgut, B.; Mazzali, P.A.; Meikle, P.; Qiu, Y.; Ruiz-Lapuente, P.; Smartt, S.J.; Sorokina, E.; Stritzinger, M.; Stehle, M.; Turatto, M.; Marsh, T.; Martin-Luis, F.; McBride, N.; Mendez, J.; Morales-Rueda, L.; Narbutis, D. and Street, R. (2004). Photometric observations of the Type Ia SN 2002er in UGC 10743. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 355(1) pp. 178–190.

STo Top

Srama, Ralf; Stephan, Thomas; Grün, Eberhard; Pailer, Norbert; Kearsley, Anton; Graps, Amara; Laufer, Rene; Ehrenfreund, Pascale; Altobelli, Nicolas; Altwegg, Kathrin; Auer, Siegfried; Baggaley, Jack; Burchell, Mark J.; Carpenter, James; Colangeli, Luigi; Esposito, Francesca; Green, Simon F.; Henkel, Hartmut; Horanyi, Mihaly; Jäckel, Annette; Kempf, Sascha; McBride, Neil; Moragas-Klostermeyer, Georg; Krüger, Harald; Palumbo, Pasquale; Srowig, Andre; Trieloff, Mario; Tsou, Peter; Sternovsky, Zoltan; Zeile, Oliver and Röser, Hans-Peter (2009). Sample return of interstellar matter (SARIM). Experimental Astronomy, 23(1) pp. 303–328.

Srama, R.; Kempf, S.; Moragas-Klostermeyer, G.; Helfert, S.; Ahrens, T.J.; Altobelli, N.; Auer, S.; Beckmann, U.; Bradley, J.G.; Burton, M.; Dickarev, V.V.; Economou, T.; Fechtig, H; Green, S.F.; Grande, M.; Havnes, O.; Hillier, J.K.; Horanyi, M.; Igenbergs, E.; Jessberger, E.K.; Johnson, T.V.; Kruger, H.; Matt, G.; McBride, N.; Mocker, A.; Lamy, P.; Linkert, D.; Linkert, G.; Lura, F.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; Mohlmann, D.; Morfill, G.E.; Postberg, F.; Roy, M.; Schwehm, G.H.; Spahn, F.; Svetska, J.; Tschernjawski, V.; Tuzzolino, A.J.; Wasch, R. and Grun, E. (2006). In situ dust measurements in the inner Saturnian system. Planetary and Space Science, 54(9-10) pp. 967–987.

Schwanethal, J. P. and McBride, Neil (2001). Distinguishing the populations of natural meteoroids and space debris by GORID in geostationary orbit. Advances in Space Research, 28(9) pp. 1335–1339.

TTo Top

Tuzzolino, Anthony J.; Economou, Thanasis E.; Clark, Ben C.; Tsou, Peter; Brownlee, Donald E.; Green, Simon F.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; McBride, Neil and Colwell, Melusine T.S.H. (2004). Dust measurements in the Coma of Comet 81P/Wild 2 by the Dust Flux Monitor Instrument. Science, 304(5678) pp. 1776–1780.

WTo Top

Wolters, Stephen D.; Ball, Andrew J.; Wells, Nigel; Saunders, Christopher and McBride, Neil (2011). Measurement requirements for a near-earth asteroid impact mitigation demonstration mission. Planetary And Space Science, 59(13) pp. 1506–1515.

Wallis, D; Burchell, M J; Cook, A C; Solomon, C J and McBride, N (2005). Azimuthal impact directions from oblique impact crater morphology. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 359(3) pp. 1137–1149.

Wallis, D. and McBride, N. (2002). Planetary impact crater analysis with eigenfunction expansion. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 330(2) pp. 458–472.

Wallis, D.; Solomon, C.J.; Kearsley, A.T.; Graham, G. and McBride, N. (2002). Modelling radially symmetric impact craters with Zernike polynomials. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 27(4) pp. 433–457.

Wallis, D. and McBride, N. (2001). The detailed characterization of Martian impact craters from the 1/16 degree MOLA global topography grid. In: 32nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 12-16 Mar 2001, Houston, Texas, USA.


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