Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Nicolas Van Labeke

18 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 15 13:32:41 2025 GMT.

2014To Top

Hoare, Derek J.; Van Labeke, Nicolas; McCormack, Abby; Sereda, Magdalena; Smith, Sandra; Al Taher, Hala; Kowalkowski, Victoria L.; Sharples, Mike and Hall, Deborah A. (2014). Gameplay as a source of intrinsic motivation in a randomized controlled trial of auditory training. PLoS ONE, 9(9), article no. e107430.

Whitelock, Denise; Field, Debora; Pulman, Stephen; Richardson, John T. E. and Van Labeke, Nicolas (2014). Designing and testing visual representations of draft essays for higher education students. In: 2nd International Workshop on Discourse-Centric Learning Analytics, 4th Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK2014).

2013To Top

Van Labeke, Nicolas; Whitelock, Denise; Field, Debora; Pulman, Stephen and Richardson, John T. E. (2013). OpenEssayist: extractive summarisation and formative assessment of free-text essays. In: 1st International Workshop on Discourse-Centric Learning Analytics, 8 Apr 2013, Leuven, Belgium.

Whitelock, Denise; Field, Debora; Pulman, Stephen; Richardson, John T. E. and Van Labeke, Nicolas (2013). OpenEssayist: an automated feedback system that supports university students as they write summative essays. In: The 1st International Conference on Open Learning: Role, Challenges and Aspirations.

Field, Debora; Pulman, Stephen; Van Labeke, Nicolas; Whitelock, Denise and Richardson, John T. E. (2013). Did I really mean that? Applying automatic summarisation techniques to formative feedback. In: International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP pp. 277–284.

2010To Top

Roanes-Lozano, Eugenio; Van Labeke, Nicolas and Roanes-Macías, Eugenio (2010). Connecting the 3D DGS Calques3D with the CAS Maple. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 80(6) pp. 1153–1176.

2009To Top

Van Labeke, Nicolas; Magoulas, George and Poulovassilis, Alexandra (2009). Searching for “people like me” in a lifelong learning system. In: EC-TEL'09 - Fourth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 29 Sep - 2 Oct 2009, Nice (France), Springer, pp. 106–111.

2008To Top

Van Labeke, Nicolas; Poulovassilis, Alexandra and Magoulas, George (2008). Using similarity metrics for matching lifelong learners. In: ITS'08 - 9th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 23-27 Jun 2008, Montreal, Canada, Springer, pp. 142–151.

de Freitas, Sara; Harrison, Ian; Magoulas, George; Papamarkos, George; Poulovassilis, Alexandra; Van Labeke, Nicolas; Mee, Adrian and Oliver, Martin (2008). L4All, a web-service based system for lifelong learners. In: Salermo, Saverio; Gaeta, Matteo; Ritrovato, Pierluigi; Capuano, Nicola; Orciuoli, Francesco; Miranda, Sergio and Pierri, Anna eds. The Learning Grid Handbook: Concepts, Technologies and Applications. The Future of Learning, 2. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 143 - 155.

2007To Top

Van Labeke, Nicolas; Brna, Paul and Morales, Rafael (2007). Opening up the interpretation process in an open learner model. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 17(3) pp. 305–338.

2006To Top

Morales, Rafael; Van Labeke, Nicolas and Brna, Paul (2006). A contingency analysis of LeActiveMath's learner model. In: MICAI'06 - 5th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 13-17 Nov 2006, Apizaco, Mexico, Springer, pp. 208–217.

Morales, Rafael; Van Labeke, Nicolas and Brna, Paul (2006). Approximate modelling of the multi-dimensional learner. In: ITS'06 - 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 26-30 Jun 2006, Jhongli, Taiwan, Springer-Verlag, pp. 555–564.

Morales, Rafael; Van Labeke, Nicolas and Brna, Paul (2006). Towards a learner modelling engine for the Semantic Web. In: AH'06 - 4th International Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for E-Learning (SW-EL), 21-23 Jun 2006, Dublin, Ireland.

2004To Top

Ainsworth, Shaaron E. and Van Labeke, Nicolas (2004). Multiple forms of dynamic representation. Learning and Instruction, 14(3) pp. 241–255.

2002To Top

Van Labeke, Nicolas and Ainsworth, Shaaron (2002). Representational decisions when learning population dynamics with an instructional simulation. In: ITS'02 - 6th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 02-07 Jun 2002, Biarritz, France, Springer-Verlag, pp. 831–840.

2001To Top

Van Labeke, Nicolas and Ainsworth, Shaaron E. (2001). Applying the DeFT Framework to the Design of Multi-Representational Instructional Simulations. In: AIED'01 - 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 19-23 May 2001, San Antonio, Texas, IOS Press, pp. 314–321.


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