Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Nigel Bennett

26 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 04:55:30 2025 GMT.

2011To Top

Bennett, Nigel (2011). Leadership and leadership development in education. In: Storey, John ed. Leadership in Organisations: Current issues and Key Trends (2nd ed.). London: Routledge, pp. 249–271.

2008To Top

Bennett, Nigel (2008). Leaders and leading in open and distance education. In: Evans, Terry; Haughey, Margaret and Murphy, David eds. International Handbook of Distance Education. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 547–564.

Bennett, Nigel (2008). Distributed leadership and IT. In: Voogt, Joke and Knezek, Gerald eds. The International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education (20). New York: Springer, pp. 597–614.

2007To Top

Bennett, Nigel; Woods, Philip; Wise, Christine and Newton, Wendy (2007). Understandings of middle leadership in secondary schools: a review of empirical research. School Leadership and Management, 27(5) pp. 453–469.

2006To Top

Bennett, Nigel; Cooper, Deborah; MacDonald-Pearce, Peter; Wise, Christine and Sutton, Alan (2006). Perceptions of success: The developing role of the advanced skills teacher in English secondary schools. In: BELMAS Annual Conference: The Changing Landscape of Educational Leadership and Management, 6-8 Oct 2006, Birmingham.

2005To Top

Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley (2005). School-LEA Partnerships: recipe for success, or chimera? Journal of Educational Change, 6(1) pp. 29–50.

2004To Top

Bennett, Nigel (2004). Power, structure and culture: an organizational view of school effectiveness and school improvement. In: Harris, Alma and Bennett, Nigel eds. School effectiveness and school improvement: alternative perspectives. London, UK: Continuum, pp. 98–122.

Woods, Philip A.; Bennett, Nigel; Harvey, Janet A. and Wise, Christine (2004). Variabilities and dualities in distributed leadership: findings from a systematic literature review. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 32(4) pp. 439–457.

Bennett, Nigel; Harvey, Janet A. and Anderson, Lesley (2004). Control, Autonomy and Partnership in Local Education: Views from Six Chief Education Officers. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 32(2) pp. 217–235.

2003To Top

Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley eds. (2003). Rethinking educational leadership: challenging the conventions. Published in association with the British Educational Leadership and Management Society. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Bennett, Nigel; Newton, Wendy; Wise, Christine; Woods, Philip A and Economou, Anastasia (2003). The role and purpose of middle leaders in schools. National College for School Leadership.

Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley (2003). Introduction: Rethinking educational leadership – challenging the conventions. In: Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley eds. Rethinking Educational Leadership: Challenging the Conventions. London: Sage, pp. 1–8.

Bennett, Nigel (2003). Structure, culture and power in organizations. In: Bennett, Nigel; Crawford, Megan and Cartwright, Marion eds. Effective educational leadership. Leading and Managing for Effective Education. London UK: Paul Chapman Publishing, pp. 44–61.

Bennett, Nigel; Crawford, Megan and Cartwright, Marion eds. (2003). Effective educational leadership. Trowbridge, UK: The Open University in association with Paul Chapman Publishing.

Bennett, Nigel (2003). Assessing the impact on practice of professional development activities. In: Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley eds. Rethinking educational leadership: challenging the conventions. London UK: Sage, pp. 159–170.

Bennett, Nigel and Anderson, Lesley (2003). Control, autonomy and partnerships in local education. In: International Conference on Leadership, Voice and Accountability: Global and Local Perspectives, 8-10 Sep 2003, Bristol, UK.

2002To Top

Bennett, Nigel; Anderson, Lesley and Wise, Christine (2002). Investigating partnership in education. In: Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration, 25-28 May 2002, Toronto, Canada.

Bennett, Nigel and Marr, Alan (2002). Going round in circles? Methodological issues in assessing the impact of professional development in practice. In: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association: Validity and Value in Education Research, 1-5 Apr 2002, New Orleans, LA.

Bennett, Nigel; Anderson, Lesley and Wise, Christine (2002). School-LEA partnerships: Recipe for success or chimera? In: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association: Validity and Value in Education Research, 1-5 Apr 2002, New Orleans, LA.

Bennett, Nigel and Marr, Alan (2002). School leadership under pressure – Innovation without change? A report from the IMPPEL Project. In: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association: Validity and Value in Education Research, 1-5 Apr 2002, New Orleans, LA.


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