Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Nicholas Dalton

35 items in this list.
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2018To Top

Katz, Dmitri S.; Price, Blaine A.; Holland, Simon and Dalton, Nicholas Sheep (2018). Designing for Diabetes Decision Support Systems with Fluid Contextual Reasoning. In: CHI '18 Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, New York, NY, USA, article no. 625.

2016To Top

Harding, John Edwin; Luck, Rachael and Dalton, Nicholas (2016). Journeys in the City: Empathising With the Users of Transport Buildings. In: Proceedings of the ID@50 Integrated Design Conference 2016 (Emmitt, Stephen and Adeyeye, Kemi eds.), University of Bath, Bath, pp. 324–335.

Katz, Dmitri; Dalton, Nick; Holland, Simon; O'Kane, Aisling and Price, Blaine A. (2016). Questioning the Reflection Paradigm for Diabetes Mobile Apps. In: EAI International Conference on Wearables in Healthcare, 14-15 Jun 2016, Budapest, European Alliance for Innovation.

Katz, Dmitri; Arsand, Erik; Dalton, Nick; Holland, Simon; Martin, Clare; Olsson, Carl Magnus and Price, Blaine A. (2016). Designing, Developing, and Evaluating the Future Internet of Personal Health. In: UbiComp '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct, ACM, pp. 1068–1073.

2015To Top

Steffert, Tony; Holland, Simon; Mulholland, Paul; Dalton, Sheep and Väljamäe, Aleksander (2015). Prototyping a method for the assessment of real-time EEG sonifications. In: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Auditory Display (Vogt, Katharina; Andreopoulou, Areti and Goudarzi, Visda eds.), Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM), University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG), Austria pp. 217–224.

Dalton, Nicholas (2015). Momentum integration: the syntax of cycling. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium, Space Syntax Laboratory, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, article no. 67.

Dalton, Nicholas; Dalton, Ruth and Höelscher, Christoph (2015). People Watcher: an app to record and analyzing spatial behavior of ubiquitous interaction technologies. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, ACM, pp. 1–6.

Dalton, Nicholas; Collins, Emily and Marshall, Paul (2015). Display blindness? Looking again at the visibility of situated displays using eye tracking. In: 33th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2015, ACM, pp. 3889–3898.

Katz, Dmitri; Dalton, Nicholas and Price, Blaine (2015). Failing the challenge: Diabetes apps & long-term daily adoption. In: 8th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2015), 18-21 Feb 2015, Paris.

2014To Top

Mudd, Tom; Holland, Simon; Mulholland, Paul and Dalton, Nicholas (2014). Dynamical Interactions with Electronic Instruments. In: Proceedings of the Internation Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (Caramiaux, Baptiste; Tahiroglu, Koray; Fiebrink, Rebecca and Tanaka, Atau eds.), Goldsmiths, University of London, pp. 126–129.

Mudd, Tom; Dalton, Nick; Holland, Simon and Mulholland, Paul (2014). Dynamical Systems in Interaction Design for Improvisation. In: Workshop on Human Computer Improvisation at 2014 ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 21-25 Jun 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Dalton, Nick; Green, Keith Evan; Dalton, Ruth; Wiberg, Mikael; Hoelscher, Christoph; Mathew, Anijo; Schnädelbach, Holger and Varoudis, Tasos (2014). Interaction and architectural space. In: Proceedings CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, pp. 29–32.

2013To Top

Dalton, Nick; Marshall, Paul and Dalton, Ruth (2013). Extending architectural theories of space syntax to understand the effect of environment on the salience of situated displays. In: 2nd ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis '13), 4-5 Jun 2013, Mountain View, California,USA, ACM, pp. 73–78.

Dalton, Nicholas (2013). Neurodiversity & HCI. In: ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 27 Apr - 02 May 2013, Paris, pp. 2295–2304.

Garcia-Perate, Gonzalo; Dalton, Nicholas; Conroy-Dalton, Ruth and Wilson, Duncan (2013). Ambient recommendations in the pop-up shop. In: 2013 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2013), 8-12 Sep 2013, Zurich, Switzerland, ACM, pp. 773–776.

Dalton, Nicholas S. (2013). TapTiles: LED-based floor interaction. In: 2013 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces, 7-9 Oct 2013, St Andrews, ACM, pp. 165–174.

2012To Top

Dalton, Nicholas; Mackay, Gordon and Holland, Simon (2012). Kolab: appropriation & improvisation in mobile tangible collaborative interaction. In: DIS 2012 Designing Interactive Systems, 11-15 Jun 2012, Newcastle, UK.

Dalton, Nicholas; Green, Keith; Marshall, Paul; Dalton, Ruth; Hoelscher, Christoph; Mathew, Anijo; Kortuem, Gerd and Varoudis, Tasos (2012). Ar-CHI-Tecture: architecture and interaction. In: CHI '12 Human Factors in Computing Systems, 05-10 May 2012, Austin TX, ACM, pp. 2743–2746.

Dalton, Nick Sheep; Dalton, Ruth Conroy; Hölscher, Christoph and Kuhnmünch, Gregory (2012). An iPad App for recording movement paths and associated spatial behaviors. In: Stachniss, Cyrill; Schill, Kerstin and Uttal, David eds. Spatial Cognition VIII: International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2012. Kloster Seeon, Germany, August 31 - September 3, 2012, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7463). Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 431–450.

2011To Top

Varoudis, Tasos; Dalton, Nicholas; Alexiou, Aikaterini and Zamenopoulos, Theodore (2011). Subtle interventions: How ambient displays influence route choice in buildings. In: Respecting Fragile Places - 29th eCAADe Conference, 21-24 Sep 2011, Slovenia, pp. 933–941.

2010To Top

Rogers, Yvonne; Hazlewood, William R.; Marshall, Paul; Dalton, Nick and Hertrich, Susanna (2010). Ambient influence: can twinkly lights lure and abstract representations trigger behavioral change? In: Proceedings of the 12th ACM international conference on Ubiquitous computing, 26-29 Sep 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 261–270.

Dalton, Nicholas Sheep and Dalton, Ruth Conroy (2010). Solutions for visibility-accessibility and signage problems via layered-graphs. The Journal of Space Syntax, 1(1) pp. 164–176.

Hazlewood, William R.; Dalton, Nick; Marshall, Paul; Rogers, Yvonne and Hertrich, Susanna (2010). Bricolage and consultation: addressing new design challenges when building large-scale installations. In: DIS '10 Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 16-20 Aug 2010, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 380–389.

Dalton, Nicholas; Marshall, Paul and Dalton, Ruth Conroy (2010). Measuring environments for public displays: a space syntax approach. In: 28th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2010, 14-15 Apr 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, ACM, pp. 3841–3846.

2009To Top

Dalton, Sheep and Dalton, Ruth (2009). Solutions for visibility, accessibility and signage problems via layered graphs. In: Proceedings to the 7th International Space Syntax Symposium, 9-11 Jun 2009, Stockholm.

Holland, Simon; Marshall, Paul; Bird, Jon; Dalton, Sheep; Morris, Richard; Pantidi, Nadia; Rogers, Yvonne and Clark, Andy (2009). Running up Blueberry Hill: Prototyping whole body interaction in harmony space. In: Proceedings of the 3rd international Conference on Tangible and Embedded interaction, 16-18 Feb 2009, Cambridge, UK.

Marshall, Paul; Fleck, Rowanne; Harris, Amanda; Rick, Jochen; Hornecker, Eva; Rogers, Yvonne; Yuill, Nicola and Dalton, Nick Sheep (2009). Fighting for control: Children's embodied interactions when using physical and digital representations. In: Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems, 4-9 Apr 2009, Boston, MA, USA, ACM Press, pp. 2149–2152.

2008To Top

Marshall, Paul; Hornecker, Eva; Morris, Richard; Dalton, Sheep and Rogers, Yvonne (2008). When the fingers do the talking: A study of group participation for different kinds of shareable surfaces. In: Proceedings of IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces '08, 1-3 Oct 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 37–44.

Hornecker, Eva; Marshall, Paul; Dalton, Nick and Rogers, Yvonne (2008). Collaboration and interference: Awareness with mice or touch input. In: Proceedings of the ACM 2008 conference on Computer supported cooperative work, 8-12 Nov 2008, San Diego, CA, USA, acm, pp. 167–176.

2007To Top

Dalton, Nick Sheep and Dalton, Ruth Conroy (2007). The theory of natural movement and its application to the simulation of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). In: Peterson, Brent R. ed. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Communication Networks and Services Research. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 359–363.


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