Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Naomi Murdoch

9 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 16 23:17:46 2025 GMT.

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Banfield, D.; Spiga, A.; Newman, C.; Lorenz, R.; Forget, F.; Viudez-Moreira, D.; Pla-Garcia, J.; Lemmon, M.; Teanby, N.; Murdoch, N.; Garcia, R.; Lognonne, P.; Kenda, B.; Mimoun, D.; Karatekin, O.; Lewis, S. R.; Pike, W. T.; Mueller, N.; Millour, E.; Navarro, S.; Mora Sotomayor, L.; Torres, J.; Molina, A.; Rodriguez-Manfredi, J.-A.; Smrekar, S.; Banerdt, B. and Insight Science Team, the (2019). First Atmospheric Results from InSight APSS. In: 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Bowles, N.E.; Snodgrass, C.; Gibbings, A.; Sanchez, J.P.; Arnold, J.A.; Eccleston, P.; Andert, T.; Probst, A.; Naletto, G.; Vandaele, A.C.; de Leon, J.; Nathues, A.; Thomas, I.R.; Thomas, N.; Jorda, L.; Da Deppo, V.; Haack, H.; Green, S.F.; Carry, B.; Donaldson Hanna, K.L.; Leif Jorgensen, J.; Kereszturi, A.; DeMeo, F.E.; Patel, M.R.; Davies, J.K.; Clarke, F.; Kinch, K.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Agarwal, J.; Rivkin, A.S.; Pravec, P.; Fornasier, S.; Granvik, M.; Jones, R.H.; Murdoch, N.; Joy, K.H.; Pascale, E.; Tecza, M.; Barnes, J.M.; Licandro, J.; Greenhagen, B.T.; Calcutt, S.B.; Marriner, C.M.; Warren, T. and Tosh, I. (2018). CASTAway: An asteroid main belt tour and survey. Advances in Space Research, 62(8) pp. 1998–2025.

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Murphy, Jim; Steakley, Kathryn; Balme, Matt; Deprez, Gregoire; Esposito, Francesca; Kahanpää, Henrik; Lemmon, Mark; Lorenz, Ralph; Murdoch, Naomi; Neakrase, Lynn; Patel, Manish and Whelley, Patrick (2016). Field Measurements of Terrestrial and Martian Dust Devils. Space Science Reviews, 203(1) pp. 39–87.

Murdoch, N.; Rozitis, B.; Green, S. F.; de Lophem, T. -L.; Michel, P. and Losert, W. (2013). Granular shear flow in varying gravitational environments. Granular Matter, 15(2) pp. 129–137.

Murdoch, N.; Rozitis, B.; Nordstrom, K.; Green, S. F.; Michel, P.; de Lophem, T.-L. and Losert, W. (2013). Granular convection in microgravity. Physical Review Letters, 110(1), article no. 018307.

Murdoch, N.; Rozitis, B.; Green, S. F.; Michel, P.; de Lophem, T.- L. and Losert, W. (2013). Simulating regoliths in microgravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433 pp. 506–514.

Murdoch, Naomi; Michel, Patrick; Richardson, Derek C.; Nordstrom, Kerstin; Berardi, Christian R.; Green, Simon F. and Losert, Wolfgang (2012). Numerical simulations of granular dynamics II: Particle dynamics in a shaken granular material. Icarus, 219(1) pp. 321–335.

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Rozitis, Ben; Murdoch, Naomi; Green, Simon F.; de Lophem, Thomas-Louis and Michel, Patrick (2009). Astex microgravity experiment: simulated asteroid regoliths. In: 60th International Astronautical Congress, 12-16 Oct 2009, Daejeon, S. Korea.

STo Top

Spiga, A.; Banfield, D.; Newman, C.; Lorenz, R.; Forget, F.; Viudez-Moreira, D.; Pla-Garcia, J.; Lemmon, M.; Teanby, N.; Murdoch, N.; Garcia, R.; Lognonné, P.; Kenda, B.; Mimoun, D.; Karatekin, O.; Lewis, S. R.; Pike, W. T.; Mueller, N.; Millour, E. and Banerdt, B. (2019). Overview of first atmospheric results from InSight. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Copernicus Group, 21, article no. EGU2019-11612-2.


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