Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Martin Woodhead

71 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Feb 17 18:10:26 2025 GMT.

2018To Top

2017To Top

Woodhead, Martin; Rossiter, Jack; Dawes, Andrew and Pankhurst, Alula (2017). Scaling-up Early Learning in Ethiopia: Exploring the Potential of O-Class. Young Lives, Oxford Department of International Development (ODID), University of Oxford, Oxford.

Woodhead, Martin; Rossiter, Jack; Dawes, Andrew and Pankhurst, Alula (2017). Scaling-up Early Learning as a Sustainable Development Priority: A Case Study of Ethiopia. In: Miller, Linda; Cameron, Claire; Dalli, Carmen and Barbour, Nancy eds. The Sage Handbook of Early Childhood Policy. London: Sage Reference.

2016To Top

Woodhead, Martin (2016). Early Childhood Development in the SDGs. Young Lives Policy Brief 28, Oxford Department of International Development (ODID).

2015To Top

Dornan, Paul and Woodhead, Martin (2015). How Inequalities Develop through Childhood: Life-course Evidence from Young Lives Cohort Study. Innocenti Discussion Paper No.2015-01, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.

2014To Top

Woodhead, Martin; Feathersone, Imogen; Bolton, Laura and Robertson, Penny (2014). Early Childhood Development: Delivering Inter‐sectoral Policies, Programmes and Services in Low‐resource Settings. Topic guide, November (2014). Oxford: Health & Education Advice & Resource Team (HEART).

Pells, Kirrily and Woodhead, Martin (2014). Changing Children's Lives: Risks and Opportunities. Oxford: Young Lives, Department for International Development, University of Oxford.

Woodhead, Martin; Dornan, Paul and Murray, Helen (2014). What inequality means for children: evidence from young lives. International Journal of Children's Rights, 22(3) pp. 467–501.

2013To Top

Brooker, Liz and Woodhead, Martin eds. (2013). The Right to Play. Early Childhood in Focus, 9. Milton Keynes: The Open University with the support of Bernard van Leer Foundation.

Camfield, Laura; Crivello, Gina and Woodhead, Martin (2013). Young Lives Qualitative Fieldwork Guide: Round Two (2008). Technical note 28; Young Lives, Oxford.

Camfield, Laura; Crivello, Gina and Woodhead, Martin (2013). Young Lives Qualitative Fieldwork Guide: Round One (2007). Technical note 27; Young Lives, Oxford.

Woodhead, Martin and Streuli, Natalia (2013). Early education for all: is there a role for the private sector? In: Britto, Pia ed. Handbook of Early Childhood Development Research and Its Impact on Global Policy. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.

Woodhead, Martin; Dornan, Paul and Murray, Helen (2013). What inequality means for children: evidence from Young Lives. Young Lives, University of Oxford, Department of International Development.

2012To Top

Orkin, Kate; Yadete, Workneh A. and Woodhead, Martin (2012). Delivering Quality Early Learning In Low-Resource Settings: Progress And Challenges In Ethiopia. Working Papers in Early Child Development 59; Bernard van Leer Foundation, The Hague/ Netherlands.

Woodhead, Martin and Brooker, Liz eds. (2012). Healthy Environments. Early Childhood in Focus, 8. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

2011To Top

Woodhead, Martin (2011). Pathways through early childhood education in Ethiopia, India and Peru: rights, equity and diversity. In: Boyden, Jo and Bourdillon, Michael eds. Childhood Poverty: Multidisciplinary Approaches. Palgrave Studies on Children and Development. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 241–260.

Streuli, Natalia; Vennam, Uma and Woodhead, Martin (2011). Increasing choice or inequality? Pathways through early education in Andhra Pradesh, India. Studies in Early Transitions; Bernard van Leer Foundation.

Sheehy, Kieron; Kumrai, Rajni and Woodhead, Martin (2011). Young people’s experiences of Personal Advisors and the Connexions service. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 30(3) pp. 168–182.

Woodhead, Martin (2011). Promoting young children’s development: implications of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In: Miller, Linda; Cable, Caroline and Drury, Rose eds. Extending Professional Practice in the Early Years. London: Sage.

2010To Top

Brooker, Liz and Woodhead, Martin eds. (2010). Culture and Learning. Early Childhood in Focus, 6. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Camfield, Laura; Streuli, Natalia and Woodhead, Martin (2010). Children's wellbeing in developing countries: a conceptual and methodological review. European Journal of Development Research, 22(3) pp. 398–416.

Simmons, Katy; Laerke, Anna; Conway, Danny and Woodhead, Martin (2010). 'We are the ones we have been waiting for': the work of community mobilisers in Milton Keynes. In: Rix, Jonathan; Nind, Melanie; Sheehy, Kieron; Simmons, Katy; Parry, John and Kumrai, Rajni eds. Equality, participation and inclusion: diverse contexts, Volume 2. London: Routledge, pp. 53–67.

2009To Top

Siraj-Blatchford, Iram and Woodhead, Martin eds. (2009). Effective Early Childhood Programmes. Early Childhood in Focus (4). Milton Keynes: Open University.

Woodhead, Martin (2009). Child development and development of childhood. In: Qvortrup, Jens; Corsaro, William A. and Honig, Michael-Sebastian eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Simmons, Katy and Woodhead, Martin (2009). A Summary Report on the Community Mobilisers Evaluation. Milton Keynes Council for Voluntary Services, Milton Keynes.

Camfield, Laura; Crivello, Gina and Woodhead, Martin (2009). Wellbeing research in developing countries: reviewing the role of qualitative methods. Social Indicators Research, 90(1) pp. 5–31.

Camfield, Laura; Streuli, Natalia and Woodhead, Martin (2009). What's the use of 'well-being' in contexts of child poverty? Approaches to research, monitoring and children's participation. International Journal of Children's Rights, 17(1) pp. 65–109.

Woodhead, Martin; Ames, Patricia; Vennam, Uma; Abebe, Workneh and Streuli, Natalia (2009). Equity and quality? Challenges for early childhood and primary education in Ethiopia, India and Peru. Studies in Early Childhood Transitions Workin; Bernard van Leer Foundation, The Hague, Netherlands.

Vennam, Uma; Komanduri, Anuradha; Cooper, Elizabeth; Crivello, Gina and Woodhead, Martin (2009). Early Childhood Education Trajectories and Transitions: A study of the experiences and perspectives of parents and children in Andhra Pradesh, India. Young Lives Working Paper 52. Young Lives Working Paper 52; Young Lives, University of Oxford, Department of International Development.

Vogler, Pia; Morrow, Virginia and Woodhead, Martin (2009). Conceptualising and measuring children’s time use. Young Lives Technical Note 14. Young Lives, University of Oxford, Department of International Development.

2008To Top

Woodhead, Martin (2008). Childhood studies: past, present and future. In: Kehily, Mary Jane ed. An Introduction to Childhood Studies. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press, pp. 17–34.

Woodhead, Martin (2008). Promoting young children's development: implications of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In: Miller, Linda and Cable, Carrie eds. Professionalism in the Early Years. Hodder Education.

Woodhead, Martin (2008). Respecting rights: implications for early childhood policies and practices. In: Mac Naughton, Glenda; Hughes, Patrick and Smith, Kylie eds. Young Children as Active Citizens: Principles, Policies and Pedagogies. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 15–30.

Woodhead, Martin and Faulkner, Dorothy (2008). Subjects, objects or participants? Dilemmas of psychological research with children. In: Christiansen, Pia and James, Allison eds. Research With Children: Perspectives and Practices. London, UK: Falmer Press / Routledge, pp. 10–39.

Brooker, Liz and Woodhead, Martin eds. (2008). Developing Positive Identities: Diversity and Young Children. Early Childhood in Focus (3). Milton Keynes: Open University.

2007To Top

Woodhead, Martin (2007). Harmed by work or developing through work? Issues in the study of psychosocial impacts. In: Hungerland, Beatrice; Liebel, Manfred; Milne, Brian and Wihstutz, Anne eds. Working to be someone: Child focused research and practice with working children. UK: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 31–42.

Woodhead, Martin (2007). Developing policies on child labour: has research made a difference? In: Engwald, Kristina and Soderlind, Ingrid eds. Children's Work in Everyday Life. Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.

Woodhead, Martin (2007). Le développement du jeune enfant : une affaire de droits. In: Vandenbroeck, Michel and Brougere, Gilles eds. Repenser l'Education des Jeunes Enfants. Bern: Peter Lang.

Woodhead, Martin and Moss, Peter eds. (2007). Early Childhood and Primary Education: Transitions in the Lives of Young Children. Early Childhood in Focus (2). Milton Keynes: Open University.

2006To Top

Woodhead, Martin (2006). Early childhood development: a question of rights. In: ed. A Guide to General Comment 7: Implementing Child Rights in Early Childhood. The Hague: Bernard van Leer Foundation, pp. 145–150.

Woodhead, Martin (2006). Changing perspectives on early childhood: theory, research and policy. International Journal of Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood, 4(2) pp. 1–43.

2005To Top

Woodhead, Martin (2005). Combating child labour. In: Jenks, Chris ed. Childhood: Critical Concepts. Critical Concepts in Sociology, 2. London: Routledge.

Woodhead, Martin (2005). Children and development. In: Oates, John; Wood, Clare and Grayson, Andrew eds. Psychological Development and Early Childhood. Blackwell/Open University, pp. 9–46.

Woodhead, Martin; Rhodes, Sinead and Oates, John (2005). Disturbed and disturbing development. In: Ding, Sharon and Littleton, K eds. Children's Personal and Social Development. Oxford/Milton Keynes: Blackwell/Open University, pp. 53–92.

Woodhead, Martin (2005). Early childhood development: a question of rights. International Journal of Early Childhood, 37(3) pp. 79–98.

2004To Top

Woodhead, Martin (2004). When psychology informs public policy: the case of early childhood intervention. In: Zigler, Edward and Styfco, Sally J eds. The Head Start Debates. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing.

2003To Top

Woodhead, Martin and Maybin, Janet (2003). Socializing children. In: Woodhead, Martin and Maybin, Janet eds. Childhoods in Context. Chichester: Wiley.

Miller, Linda; Soler, Janet and Woodhead, Martin (2003). Shaping early childhood education. In: Woodhead, Martin and Maybin, Janet eds. Childhoods in Context. Chichester: Wiley/Open University.

Kirby, Perpetua and Woodhead, Martin (2003). Children's participation in society. In: Montgomery, Heather; Burr, Rachel and Woodhead, Martin eds. Changing Childhoods: Local and Global. Chichester: Wiley/Open University.

Maybin, Janet and Woodhead, Martin eds. (2003). Childhoods in Context. Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Woodhead, Martin; Montgomery, Heather and Burr, Rachel (2003). Adversities and resilience. In: Montgomery, Heather; Burr, Rachel and Woodhead, Martin eds. Changing Childhoods: local and global. Childhood (4). Chichester: John Wiley, pp. 1–34.

Maybin, Janet and Woodhead, Martin (2003). Socialising children. In: Maybin, Janet and Woodhead, Martin eds. Childhoods in Context. Chichester: John Wiley, pp. 1–38.

2002To Top

Woodhead, Martin (2002). Work, play and learning in the lives of young children. In: Drury, Rose; Miller, Linda and Campbell, Robin eds. Exploring Early Years Education and Care. London: David Fulton.

Woodhead, Martin (2002). The child in development. In: Montgomery, Heather and Woodhead, Martin eds. Understanding Childhood: an Interdisciplinary Approach. Wiley.

2001To Top

Woodhead, Martin (2001). The value of work and school: a study of working children's perspectives. In: Lieten, Kristoffel and White, Ben eds. Child Labour: Policy Options. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Aksant Academic Publishers, pp. 103–116.

1999To Top

1998To Top

1996To Top

Woodhead, Martin (1996). In search of the rainbow: pathways to quality in large scale programmes for young disadvantaged children. Early Childhood Development: Practice and Reflections (7). The Hague: Bernard van Leer Foundation.


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