Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Mary Lea
2016To Top
Lillis, Theresa; Harrington, Kathy; Lea, Mary R. and Mitchell, Sally eds. (2016). Working With Academic Literacies: Case Studies Towards Transformative Practice. Perspectives on writing. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse/Parlor Press.
Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary
2014To Top
Gourlay, Lesley; Hamilton, Mary and Lea, Mary Rosalind
2013To Top
Lea, Mary
Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary
Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary R. eds. (2013). Literacy in the Digital University: Critical Perspectives on learning, scholarship, and technology. Research into Higher Education. Abingdon: Routledge.
Lea, Mary
2012To Top
Lea, Mary R.
2011To Top
Lea, Mary R. and Stierer, Barry
Lea, Mary R. and Jones, Sylvia
2010To Top
Lea, Mary (2010). Writing for Assessment in Practice-based Courses: The Experience of University Teachers. SEDA.
2009To Top
Lea, Mary and Goodfellow, Robin
Lea, Mary R. and Stierer, Barry
Lea, Mary
Russell, David R.; Lea, Mary; Parker, Jan; Street, Brian and Donahue, Tiane
2008To Top
Jones, Sylvia and Lea, Mary R.
Creme, Phyllis and Lea, Mary (2008). Writing at University: A guide for students (3rd edition). Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
Lea, Mary R.
2007To Top
Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary (2007). Challenging E-Learning in the University: a Literacies Perspective. Maidenhead & New York: McGraw Hill, Society for Research into Higher Education, Open University Press.
Lea, Mary R.
2006To Top
Lea, Mary R.
Lea, Mary R. and Street, Brian V.
Ivanic, R. and Lea, M. R.
2005To Top
Goodfellow, Robin and Lea, Mary R.
Lea, Mary
2004To Top
Lea, Mary
Lea, Mary
Goodfellow, Robin; Morgan, Michael; Lea, Mary and Pettit, John
Goodfellow, Robin; Morgan, Michael; Lea, Mary and Pettit, John
2003To Top
Creme, Phyllis and Lea, Mary R. (2003). Writing at university: a guide for students. UK: Open University Press.
2002To Top
Lea, Mary R. and Nicoll, Kathy eds. (2002). Distributed Learning: Social and cultural approaches to practice. London: Routledge.
2001To Top
Lea, Mary
Goodfellow, R.; Lea, M. R.; Gonzalez, F. and Mason, R.
2000To Top
Lea, Mary R. and Stierer, Barry eds. (2000). Student Writing in Higher Education: New Contexts. Milton Keynes, UK / Philadelphia, USA: Open University Press / Society for Research into Higher Education.