Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Martin Robb
BookTo Top
Robb, Martin (2019). Men, Masculinities and the Care of Children: Images, Ideas and Identities. Abingdon: Routledge.
Edited BookTo Top
Jones, Kerry and Robb, Martin eds. (2025). Men and Loss: New Perspectives on Bereavement, Grief and Masculinity. Routledge Key Themes in Health and Society. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge.
Montgomery, Heather and Robb, Martin eds. (2018). Children and young people’s worlds (2nd edition). Policy Press.
Clark, Alison; Flewitt, Rosie; Hammersley, Martyn and Robb, Martin eds. (2013). Understanding Research with Children and Young People. London: Sage.
Robb, Martin and Thomson, Rachel eds. (2010). Critical Practice with Children and Young People. Bristol: Policy Press.
Robb, Martin ed. (2007). Youth in Context: Frameworks, Settings and Encounters. London: Sage.
Barrett, Sheila; Komaromy, Carol; Robb, Martin and Rogers, Anita eds. (2003). Communication, relationships and care: A Reader. London: Routledge.
Book SectionTo Top
Jones, Kerry and Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Jones, Kerry; Murphy, Sam and Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Ruxton, Sandy; Robb, Martin; Featherstone, Brigid and Ward, Michael
Robb, Martin and Ruxton, Sandy
Robb, Martin; Featherstone, Brid; Ruxton, Sandy and Ward, Michael R.M.
Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Robb, M.
Journal ItemTo Top
Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Xu, Yuwei; Warin, Jo and Robb, Martin
Robb, Martin
Jones, Kerry; Robb, Martin; Murphy, Sam and Davies, Alison
Ward, Michael R.M.; Tarrant, Anna; Terry, Gareth; Featherstone, Brid; Robb, Martin and Ruxton, Sandy
Featherstone, Brid; Robb, Martin; Ruxton, Sandy and Ward, Michael R.M.
Tarrant, Anna; Terry, Gareth; Ward, Michael R.M.; Ruxton, Sandy; Robb, Martin and Featherstone, Brigid
Robb, Martin
OtherTo Top
Robb, Martin; Larkin, Mary and Deepak Gopinath, Manik (2023). Relational Care - with Mary Larkin and Manik Deepak-Gopinath [Podcast]. Careful Thinking.
Robb, Martin (2021). Boys and Fatherhood. In Childhood Studies - Oxford Bibliographies Oxford Bibliographies Online - Childhood Studies, Oxford University Press.
Taverner, Phil; Larkin, Mary; Vseteckova, Jitka; Kentzer, Nichola; Horne, Jo; Penson, Martin; Robb, Martin; Berry, Alex; Spencer, Melinda and Methley, Abigail (2020). How can Adult Carers get the best support during Covid-19 pandemic and beyond? Open Learn, Milton Keynes.
Vseteckova, Jitka; Kentzer, Nichola; Horne, Jo; Robb, Martin; Larkin, Mary; Berry, Alex; Spencer, Melinda; Methley, Abigail and Taverner, Phil (2020). The effects of self-isolation and lack of physical activity on carers. Open Learn, Milton Keynes.
Vseteckova, Jitka; Kentzer, Nichola; Horne, Jo; Penson, Martin; Robb, Martin; Larkin, Mary; Berry, Alex; Spencer, Melinda; Methley, Abigail and Taverner, Phil (2020). Young carers,COVID-19 and physical activity. OpenLearn, Milton Keynes.