Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Marie-Noëlle Lamy

40 items in this list.
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Develotte, Christine; Kern, Richard and Lamy, Marie-Noëlle (2011). Présentation. In: Develotte, Christine; Kern, Richard and Lamy, Marie-Noëlle eds. Décrire la conversation en ligne, le face-à-face distanciel. Lyon, France: ENS Editions, pp. 7–25.

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Goodfellow, Robin and Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2009). Introduction: a Frame for the Discussion of Learning Cultures. In: Goodfellow, Robin and Lamy, Marie-Noelle eds. Learning Cultures in Online Education. Continuum Studies in Education. London: Continuum Books, pp. 1–14.

Goodfellow, Robin and Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2009). Conclusion: Directions for Research in Online Learning Cultures. In: Goodfellow, Robin and Lamy, Marie-Noelle eds. Learning Cultures in Online Education. Continuum Studies in Education. London: Continuum Books, pp. 170–183.

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Lamy, Marie-Noëlle and Zourou, Katerina (2013). Social networked game dynamics in web 2.0 language learning communities. Apprentissage des langues et Sytèmes d'information et de Communication (ALSIC), 16(1)

Lima, Chris and Lamy, Marie-Noëlle (2013). Online reading groups and network dynamics. In: Lamy, Marie-Noëlle and Zourou, Katerina eds. Social Networking fro Language Education. New Language Learning and Teaching Environments. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 67–85.

Lamy, Marie-Noëlle and Mangenot, François (2013). Social media-based language learning: insights from research and practice. In: Lamy, Marie-Noëlle and Zourou, Katerina eds. Social Networking for Language Education. New Language Learning and Teaching Environments. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 219–238.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2013). “We don’t have to always post stuff to help us learn”: informal learning through social networking in a beginners’ Chinese group. In: Meskill, Carla ed. Online Teaching and Learning. Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2013). Distance CALL online. In: Thomas, Michael; Reinders, Hayo and Warschauer, Mark eds. Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Contemporary Studies in Linguistics. London: Continuum Books, pp. 141–158.

Lamy, Marie-Noëlle and Pegrum, Mark (2012). Special Issue Commentary: Hegemonies in CALL. Language Learning & Technology, 16(2) pp. 1–3.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2012). Diversity in Modalities. In: Stockwell, Glenn ed. Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Diversity in Research and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 109–126.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2012). Click if You Want to Speak: Reframing CA for Research into Multimodal Conversations in Online Learning. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, 3(1) pp. 1–18.

Lamy, Marie-Noëlle and Flewitt, Rosie (2011). Describing online conversations : insights from a multimodal approach. In: Develotte, Christine; Kern, Richard and Lamy, Marie-Noëlle eds. Décrire la Conversation en Ligne : Le Face à Face Distanciel. Lyon, France: ENS Éditions, pp. 71–94.

Lamy, Marie-Noëlle (2011). "We Argentines are not as other people": collaborative learning online in an underserved country. In: Levy, Mike; Blin, Françoise; Bradin Siskin, Claire and Takeushi, Osamu eds. WorldCALL: International Perspectives on Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Routledge Studies in Computer Assisted Language Learning (5). Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 257–274.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle and Goodfellow, Robin (2010). Telecollaboration and Learning 2.0. In: Guth, Sarah and Helm, Francesca eds. Telecollaboration 2.0: language, literacies and intercultural learning in the 21st century. Telecollaboration in Education, 1. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 107–138.

Lamy, Marie-Noëlle (2008). Ce que cyber-parler veut dire: quels cadres théoriques pour l'analyse des conversations multimodales en réseau? In: Gerbault, Jeannine ed. La Langue du Cyberespace: de la diversité aux normes. Paris, France: L'Harmattan, pp. 91–104.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2006). Interactive task design: Metachat and the whole learner. In: Garcia Mayo, Maria del Pilar ed. Investigating tasks in formal language learning. Second Language Acquisition. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 242–264.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2003). Innovative practices in French monolingual learners’ dictionaries as compared with their English counterparts. In: Hartmann, R.K.K. ed. Lexicography: critical concepts. London, UK: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, pp. 174–185.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2003). Is there language teaching after global English? FULGOR (Flinders university languages group online review), 1(2) pp. 1–13.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2001). L’étude d’une langue vivante assistée par ordinateur: réflexion collaborative sur l’object d’apprentissage. In: Bouchard, Robert and Mangenot, Francois eds. Interactivité, interactions et multimédia. Notions en question (5). Ecole Nationale Supérieure Editions.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle (2001). Langues en ligne: Des outils pour les langues. Les Dossiers de l'ingénierie éducative(35) pp. 41–42.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle and Goodfellow, Robin (1999). 'Reflective conversation' in the virtual language classroom. Language Learning & Technology, 2(2) pp. 43–61.

Lamy, Marie-Noelle and Goodfellow, Robin (1998). “Conversations réflexives” dans la classe de langues virtuelle par conférence asynchrone. Revue d'apprentissage des langues et des systèmes d'information et de communication ALSIC, 1(2) pp. 81–89.

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Mirza, Chahrazed and Lamy, Marie-Noëlle (2010). Quel est le rôle des environnements audio-graphiques synchrones dans les interactions d’un cours de langue en ligne? Revue Internationale des Technologies en Pédagogie Universitaire, 7(1) pp. 47–67.

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Zourou, Katerina and Lamy, Marie-Noëlle (2013). Introduction. In: Lamy, Marie-Noëlle and Zourou, Katerina eds. Social networking for Language Education. New Language Learning and Teaching Environments. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 11–18.


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